
Terms for subject Ecology containing Biological | all forms | exact matches only
active biological containment主动生物防御
aerobic biological treatment需氧生物处理法
aerobic biological treatment好气生物处理法
biological aerated filters曝气生物滤池
biological analysis of tourism resources旅游资源生物学分析
biological balance生物平衡
biological clarification plant生物净水厂
biological contact oxidation pond生物接触氧化池
biological containment system生物防御体系
biological control生物控制
biological control of pests害虫的生物控制
biological control pest生物防治
biological crust生物结皮
biological cycle of toxic substance有毒物质生物循环
biological degradation生物降解作用
biological energy conversion生物能量转换
biological evaluation of atmospheric pollution大气污染生物学评价
biological exposure index生物接触指数
biological exposure indicator生物性曝露指示装置
biological filtration process生物过滤法
biological fire-protection forest belt生物防火林带
biological group生物相
biological group生物群
biological group生物区
biological group区域生物群
biological hazard生物的危害性
biological indicator species对环境有指示作用的生物指示品种
biological integrity生物整体性
biological magnification factor生物放大因数
biological measure生物措施
biological monitoring for atmospheric pollution大气污染生物监测
biological nitrogen fixation生物固氮作用
biological pollution of water body水体生物污染
biological precursor生物前体
biological prevention and treatment生物防治
biological purification for atmospheric pollution大气污染生物净化
biological purification of water body水体生物净化
biological recycling生物再生利用
biological recycling有机再生利用
biological self-purification生物自净作用
biological sewage treatment生物法污水处理
biological tertiary treatment三级生物处理
biological water-saving生物节水
biological zero point生物学零度
chemical-biological method生化方法
chemical-biological method化学生物方法
chemical biological warfare agent化学细菌战争媒介
China Biological Diversity Protection Action Plan中国生物多样性保护行动计划
forest biological productivity森林生物生产量
fresh water biological resources淡水生物资源
high-rate biological filter高负荷率生物滤池
high-rate biological filter高速生物滤器
insurance for compensation liability caused by integrated biological chemical process生物化学联合法
integrated control of biological pollution生物污染综合防治
international biological programIBP国际生物学规划
international day for biological diversity国际生物多样性日
kinetics of biological treatment of wastewater废水生物处理动力学
lime biological treatment石灰生物处理
marine biological productivity海洋生物生产力
marine biological resources海洋生物资源
natural biological treatment天然生物处理
non-biological factor非生物因素
oceanic bottom biological resources海底生物资源
protection of biological resources生物资源保护
rotating biological contactor生物转筒一种污水处理设备
rotating biological contactor生物转盘
rotating biological contactor process生物转筒法
sequencing biological filter间歇生物滤池