
Terms for subject Commerce containing Bills | all forms | exact matches only
Air Freight Bill空运货单
amount billed开单金额
be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading有义务提交已装船的清洁提单
big bills大面值钞票
bill by negotiation逆汇 (与顺汇(bill by remittance) 相对)
Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据
Bills of lading are to be made out "to order and blank endorsed"提单按空白抬头与空白背书制岀
bills receivable应收票据亦缩为 B/R
bills receivable account应收票据账目
charges for negotiation of export bills岀口押汇费
clean bills collection光票托收
clean up past-due bills清理过期票据
deferred presentation of bills票据延期提示
discount bills in London在伦敦贴现票据
discount ninety-day bills把九十天期票贴现
documentary bills of collection跟单汇票托收
finance bills金融票据
Foreign Currency Bills Payable外币应付款票据
full set of bills of lading全套提单
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 1930日内瓦统一汇票与本票法 (1930)
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes日内瓦统一汇票与本票法
genuine bills真实票据
gilt-edged bills信用可靠票据
guaranteed bills有保证票据
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bill of Lading统一提单若干法律规定的国际公约
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading统一提单的若干法律规则国际公约 (海牙规则)
loan bills借款票据
look over the bills检查票据
negotiability of bills票据的流通性
negotiable bills可转让票据
negotiable bills可流通的证券
negotiable bills可流通票据
On receipt of the bills of lading, the buyer pledged them to his bank at once买方收到提单后立即抵押给他的银行
overdraft for export bills岀口单据押汇透支
presented bills提示的汇票
Problem of Clean Bills of Lading国际商会出版物清洁提单问题
renewal of bills票据展期
renewed bills展期的票据
set of bills一套汇票 (包括:汇票第一张 (first of exchange), 汇票第二张 (second of exchange))
tap bills英国内部发行国库券
tap bills随时可购国库券
tax anticipation bills预期交税债券
tender bills标售国库券
The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions保付行没有扣留货物或提单的-般留置权
The confirming house does not have a general lien entitling it to retain goods or bills of lading for an indebtedness of the customer resulting from earlier transactions对客户在以往交易中所欠款项
Under documentary credits, the banker, on the instructions of the buyer, promises to accept, honour or negotiate bills of exchange drawn by the seller在按跟单信用证支付方式下,银行依照买方指示,承诺对卖方开岀的汇票予以承兑,兑付或议付
Uniform Bills of Lading Act美国统一提单法
Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes统一汇票及本票法
Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件