
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing Behaviour | all forms | exact matches only
agonistic behaviour动机争胜性行为
agonistic behaviour好斗行为
allelomimetic behaviour群体中相互模仿行为指群体中个体由相互模仿所表现出的相同行为
Animal Behaviour动物行为学报
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour动物习性研究协会 (UK)
bee behaviour蜜蜂行为
behaviour adaptation行为适应
behaviour biology行为生物学
behaviour genetics行为遗传学
behaviour studies动物行为研究
breeding behaviour配种行为
courtship behaviour求偶行为
egg-laying behaviour产蛋行为
element of behaviour行为的成分
elements of behaviour行为的成分
eliminative behaviour排泄行为
epimeletic behaviour哺育行为
epimeletic behaviour关照行为
estrous behaviour发情行为
feeding behaviour摄食行为
flocking behaviour合群性
food-seeking behaviour觅食行为
foraging behaviour采集行为
grazing behaviour放牧行为
grazing behaviour放牧习性
group behaviour群体习性
hunting behaviour狩猎行为
ingestive behaviour摄食行为
marking behaviour标记行为
mating behaviour交配行为
mothering behaviour母性行为
social behaviour群居习性
territorial behaviour领域性行为
trophic behaviour取食行为