
Terms for subject Business containing Behavior | all forms | exact matches only
aberrant behavior怪异行为
administration behavior管理行为
administrative behavior管理行为
affectional behavior感情行为
anticipatory behavior预期行为
basic principle of banking behavior银行活动基本原则
behavior approach to consumption消费行为研究
behavior approach to leadership领导行为研究
behavior approach to management管理行为研究
behavior change行为变动
behavior equation行为方程
behavior in particular circumstances特定条件下的性能
behavior in particular circumstances特殊情况下的行为
behavior mechanism行为机制
behavior model行为模式
behavior of average cost平均成本行为
behavior of consumer消费者行为
behavior of consumption消费行为
behavior of credit信用行为
behavior of device装置性能
behavior of enterprise企业行为
behavior of leadership领导行为
behavior of management管理行为
behavior of production生产行为
behavior of sample样本性能
behavior of system系统行为
behavior rating行为评判
behavior relation行为关系
behavior responses行为反应
behavior sampling行为抽样
behavior school行为学派
behavior school of management行为管理学派
behavior theory of the firm企业行为理论
behavior toward a goal目标行为
brand choice behavior商标选择行为
characterizing impact behavior冲击特征
choice of behavior行为选择
choice of behavior theory行为选择理论
choice of behavior theory of motivation激励行为选择理论
congestion behavior过载状态
continuum of leadership behavior领导行为连续区域
continuum of management behavior管理行为连续区域
coping behavior应变行为
coping behavior对抗行动
cost behavior成本行为
cost behavior成本习性
cost behavior analysis成本习性分析
cost behavior pattern成本特性模型
criterion behavior准则行为
customer behavior顾客行为
customer behavior analysis顾客行为分析
customer behavior research顾客行为研究
damped oscillatory behavior衰减震荡行为
deviate behavior违规行为
dynamics of buying behavior购买行为原动力
elusive behavior回避行为
equivocal behavior暧昧行为
establish stable group behavior建立稳定的群体行为
external determinant of behavior行为的外部决定因素
extrinsically motivated behavior自愿行为
global behavior整体行为
good behavior守法行为
group behavior analysis群体行为分析
group behavior approach群体行为研究
group behavior study群体行为研究
habitual pattern of organizational behavior组织行为习惯形态
human behavior school人群行为学派
human behavior science行为科学
independence in behavior行为独立性
independence of consumer behavior消费者行为独立性
individual determinant of behavior行为的个人决定因素
instinctive behavior analysis本能行为分析
instinctive behavior disturbance本能行为障碍
instinctive behavior research本能行为研究
interactive behavior关联行为
interdependence of consumer behavior消费行为相互依存
internal determinant of behavior行为的内在决定因素
interpersonal behavior school人际行为学派
interpretation of behavior行为解释
investment behavior投资行为
investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests短期利益投资行为
irrational behavior不合理行为
job behavior工作行为
leader behavior领导者行为
leader behavior school领导者行为学派
legality of behavior行为的合法性
Lewin model of behavior卢因行为模式
long-term behavior长期行为
management and organizational behavior管理组织行为
management behavior管理行为
market behavior research市场行为研究
maximization behavior极大化行为
maximizing behavior最大化行为
mode of behavior行为方式
modeling behavior模拟行为
modern behavior science现代行为科学
motivated behavior动机性行为
motivation to behavior行为动机
off-design behavior非预计工作范围
organization behavior modification组织行为修正
organization behavior research组织行为学
organization behavior science组织行为学
organizational behavior analysis组织行为分析
organizational behavior research组织行为学
organizational behavior science组织行为科学
oscillatory behavior振荡行为
other-directed behavior他导行为
over behavior公开行为
personal behavior个人行为
personal behavior theory个人行为理论
process of behavior change行为变革过程
purposive behavior有目的行为
rules of interpersonal behavior人际行为法则
school of management behavior管理行为学派
science of behavior行为科学
search behavior探索行为
service behavior使用性能
service behavior服务性行为
settlement behavior沉降特性
shifty behavior诡诈行为
short-run pricing behavior短期定价行为
short-term behavior短期行为
social behavior社交行为
standard of behavior行为标准
standard of behavior性能标准
stationary behavior稳定状态
stochastic behavior随机性能
stochastic behavior随机行为
symbol behavior象征行为
system behavior系统性能
system of behavior行为系统
target behavior目标行为
theory of consumer behavior消费者行为论
theory of consumer's behavior消费行为理论
theory of market behavior市场行为论
time-dependent behavior取决于时间的特性
tourist behavior旅游者行为
wear behavior磨损特性