
Terms for subject Technology containing Behavior | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal behavior异常行为
acoustic behavior吸声性能
acoustic behavior声学性能
acoustic behavior声学特性
adsorption behavior吸收性能
aging behavior时效行为
aging behavior耐老化状态
aging behavior老化特性
aging behavior老化性能
aging behavior时效效应
analysis of dynamic system behavior动态系统行为分析
analyze the behavior of systems分析系统特性
anchor behavior固结状态
anelastic behavior滞弹性性能
anodic behavior阳极行为
arrangement of groundwater water behavior observation地下水动态观测工作布置
asymptotic behavior渐近状态
avoidance behavior回避行动
behavior abnormality行为异常
behavior approach行为研究法
behavior at sea抗浪性
behavior constraint状况约束
behavior decision making行为决策
behavior in a seaway抗浪性
behavior in fire火中性能
behavior in natural environment自然环境中的特性
behavior in service运用状态
behavior in service运转性能
behavior in service使用性能
behavior in service运转状况
behavior mode外态模式
behavior mode行为模型
behavior observation of spring泉水动态观测
behavior observation of surface water地表水动态观测
behavior observation of surface water level地表水位动态观测
behavior of boundary layer附面层特性
behavior of cross-section截面变化过程曲线
behavior of dam大坝特性
behavior of electricity电气性能
behavior of fluids dynamics流体动力学特性
behavior of ground deformation地面变形
behavior of profit利润动态
behavior of rail joint钢轨接头工作状态
behavior of river河流性状
behavior of river河流特性
behavior of river河流特征
behavior of structures结构性能
behavior of structures建筑物性能
behavior of structures结构工作状况
behavior of structures构造性能
behavior of surrounding rock围岩特性
behavior of the economy经济状况的变化
behavior of variogram变差函数性状
behavior of well井的状态
behavior on heating加热时的行为
behavior on storage藏时状况
behavior rating scale行为量表
behavior setting行为背景
behavior theories of the firm企业行为科学
behavior theories of the firm厂商的行为理论
behavior under fire着火时状况
behavior under heat受热时状况
below-threshold laser behavior阈值前激光工作状态
bond behavior黏合性能
buckling behavior压曲特性
buckling behavior失稳状况
built-in fail-safe behavior内置故障防止效能
bulk-behavior region大块性质区
burning behavior燃烧特性
business behavior营业行为
capillary behavior毛细管特性
category of behavior行动的范畴
chemical behavior化学行为
chimney plume behavior烟囱烟羽状况
civil wrong behavior民事不法行为
cloud behavior云雾状态
conjectural behavior推测行为
constitutive behavior本构性能
consumer's behavior消费者行为
corrosion behavior腐蚀行为
corrosion behavior腐蚀性能
counter-intuitive behavior反直观行为
coupled behavior耦合作用
crack growth behavior裂纹增长特性
creep behavior爬行特性
creep behavior滑坍特性
creep behavior澘移特性
creep behavior蠕动特性
creep behavior蠕变行为
creep behavior徐变特性
creep behavior test蠕变性状试验
dam behavior大坝特性
dam behavior measurement坝的工况测定
dam behavior measurement坝的性能测定
decision behavior决策行为
defaulting behavior违约行为
deflagration behavior爆燃特性
deformation behavior变形状态变形特征
deformation behavior变形特性
detour behavior迂回行为
diagram of forgeability behavior塑性图
display behavior显示行为
dredging plume behavior挖泥卷流特性
drying behavior干燥反应
drying behavior干燥情况
drying behavior干燥性能
drying shrinkage behavior干缩特性
dynamic behavior上动态
dynamic behavior动态机理
dynamic behavior学性状
dynamic behavior动力性能
dynamic behavior动态特性
dynamic elastic behavior动弹性状态
dynamic elastic behavior弹性特性
earthquake behavior抗震性能
earthquake-resistant behavior抗震性能
earthquake-resistant behavior防震性能
earthquake-resistant behavior耐震性能
earthquake-resisting behavior抗震性能
elastic behavior弹性行动
elastic behavior弹性 (行为)
elastic behavior弹性特性
elastic behavior弹性现象
elastic behavior弹性状态
elastic behavior of flexible pavement柔性路面弹性作用
elastic behavior of flexible pavement柔性路面弹性动态
elastic-plastic behavior弹塑性状态
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性性状
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性性质
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性现象
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性性能
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性行为
elasto-plastic behavior弹塑性状态
elasto-viscous behavior弹黏性状态
electrochromic behavior电变色行为
emission behavior排放情形
endurance behavior耐久性能
endurance behavior疲劳性质
environmental behavior mentality环境行为心理
erosional and depositional behavior冲淤特性
erosional and depositional behavior冲淤状况
execution behavior执行状态
expected behavior期望行为
extreme fire behavior极端火灾行为
fatigue behavior疲劳特性
fatigue behavior持久特性
field behavior热田性状
finite sample behavior有限抽样行为
fire behavior火灾特性
fire behavior analyst火灾行为分析员
fire behavior forecast火灾行为预测
fire-fighting behavior灭火行为
firing behavior燃烧行为
fish behavior鱼的习性
fixed-variable approach to know cost behavior了解成本动态固定变异法
fluid behavior流体行为
fluid dynamic behavior流体动力特性
fluid dynamical behavior流体动力特性
fracture behavior破裂性状
fracture behavior破坏性能
fracture behavior裂隙性态
frictional behavior摩擦性能
geochemical behavior of elements元素地球化学行为
global behavior全局行为
goal-directed behavior目标导向行为
grooming behavior清整动作
groundwater behavior observation地下水动态观测
group behavior群体行为
hang-fire behavior迟缓点火状态
hardening behavior硬化过程
high-temperature behavior高温性能
hull vibration behavior船体振动性态
hydraulic behavior水力性能
hydraulic behavior of flow水流水力特性
hydrodynamic behavior流体动力特性
hydrodynamical behavior流体动力特性
hysteretic behavior滞变性能
hysteretic behavior恢复力特性
ideal behavior理想变化过程
inelastic behavior非弹性性能
inelastic behavior非弹性特性
inelastic behavior无适应性的
inelastic behavior非弹性变形
inelastic behavior不能变通的
inelastic behavior无弹性性状
inelastic behavior塑性状态
in-serve behavior使用品质
in-service behavior工作性能
in-service behavior使用情况
in-service behavior工作状态
instantaneous behavior瞬时特性
interactive behavior相互影响行为
internal behavior内部性状
investment behavior投资动态
item of ground water behavior observation地下水动态观测项目
lag behavior滞后特性
linear behavior线性性质
linear material behavior线性材料性能
long-term behavior长期运转性能
long-term behavior长期运转性状
main technical behavior主要技术性能
maintenance behavior维持行为
measurement of dam's behavior坝的性能测定
mechanical behavior力学性能
mechanical behavior机械性能
mechanical behavior under high temperature高温力学性能
metallic behavior金属性能
migration behavior迁徙行为
migratory behavior迁移行为
model behavior模型行为
multimode behavior多模性能
Newtonian behavior牛顿行为
Newton's behavior牛顿特性
non-elastic behavior非弹性性状
non-elastic behavior非弹性性能
non-equilibrium behavior非平衡特性
non-ideal behavior非理想变化过程
non-linear behavior非线性形态
non-linear behavior非线性性状
non-linear behavior非线性性质
non-linear behavior非线性状态
non-linear behavior土的非线性性质
non-linear elastic behavior非线性弹性性质
non-linear stress-strain behavior非线性应力一应变性质
non-linear stress-strain behavior非线性应力一应变性状
non-linear structural behavior非线性结构性能
non-Newtonian behavior非牛顿性状
non-spiking behavior非尖峰性能
non-statistical behavior非统计行为
norm following behavior标准仿效行为
normal relaxation behavior正常松弛性能
observation hole of dynamic behavior动态观测孔
off-design behavior非设计工作规范
off-design behavior非设计特性
offset behavior偏移特性
oil thixotropic behavior油的触变行为
operant behavior可控行为
operational behavior运转状况
optic behavior光的特性
optic behavior光学特性
optical behavior光的特性
optical behavior光学特性
orientation behavior定向行为
ozone behavior臭氧特性
part load behavior低负荷性能
pavement behavior路面状况
pavement behavior路面状态
pavement behavior路面作用
phase behavior相特性
phase behavior相状态
phase behavior of greases润滑脂的相特性
physical behavior物理属性
physical behavior物理性质
plastic behavior可塑性
plastic behavior塑性特征
plastic behavior塑性状态
post failure behavior后期破坏特性
postbuckling behavior后期压屈特性
postbuckling behavior滞后压屈现象
postbuckling behavior超临界屈曲状态
post-repair behavior修复后性能
post-yielding behavior屈服后性能
post-yielding behavior屈服后性状
price behavior价格变化情况
program behavior程序功效
program behavior程序动作
program behavior model程序功效模型
pseudo-plastic behavior假塑性行为
purposive behavior有目的的行为
radiochemical behavior放射化学行为
rational behavior合理性能
reactor behavior反应堆性能
recrystallization behavior再结晶性质
reflection behavior of surfaces表面反射特性
refractory behavior难熔性
regime behavior河槽演变特性
rheologic behavior流变性 (能)
rheologic behavior流变行为
rheologic behavior流变学性能
rheologic behavior流变特性
river behavior河流特性
river behavior河性
rock behavior岩石特性
rough-water behavior水上飞机的水上性能
schedule controlled behavior test程序控制操作行为试验
service behavior使用状况
service behavior工作情况
service behavior record工作状况记录
set behavior凝结状态
set behavior凝结性能
setting behavior凝固特性
ship handling behavior船舶操纵性能
shock insulation behavior隔振性能
short-term behavior短期性能
shrinkage behavior收缩性能
significant behavior重要性态
single-mode behavior单模性能
slaking behavior熟化性能
slaking behavior消化性能
small signal behavior小信号性能
solution behavior溶液变化过程
spectroscopic behavior分光性能
spectroscopical behavior分光性能
spiking behavior尖峰性能
stable-slip behavior稳滑方式
standard behavior标准性能
static behavior静力性能
static elastic behavior静力弹性工作状态
static elastic behavior静力弹性工作性能
steady-state behavior稳态性能
steering behavior转向性能
stick-slip behavior黏滑方式
strata behavior岩层特性
strata behavior岩层性状
stream behavior河流特性
stream chemistry behavior河水化学性质
stress behavior应力特性
stress behavior应力形状
stress behavior in natural ground地层应力状态
stress dependent behavior应力依从性质
stress-strain behavior应力应变性状
stress-strain behavior应力一应变性能
stress-strain behavior应力一应变状态
stress-strain time behavior应力一应变时间性状
structural behavior构造品质
structural behavior结构性状
Structural Behavior Engineering Laboratory工程结构性能试验室 (美国)
subthreshold behavior次阈值性能
surface behavior表面特征
swell-shrinkage behavior胀缩性
system behavior系统功效
systems behavior系统行为
tax on special consumption behavior特种消费行为税
temperature-dependent behavior温度依赖行为
textural behavior织构行为
the nature's behavior天行
theory of consumer's behavior消费者行为论
thixotropic behavior触变行为
threshold behavior of the reaction反应阈性能
time behavior时变性能
time behavior时间特性
time behavior时效效应
time-dependent behavior时随行为
time-dependent behavior时效特性
traffic behavior交通行为
traffic behavior交通动态
traffic behavior交通现象
transient behavior瞬时状态
transient behavior瞬变行为
transient behavior暂态特性
transient laser behavior瞬态激光特性
travel behavior出行行为
triboelectric behavior摩擦带电性能
triboelectrical behavior摩擦带电性能
unelastic behavior非弹性状态
unpredictable behavior不可预测行为
vacuum behavior真空行为
vehicle dynamic behavior车辆动态特性
vibration behavior振动特性
vibrational behavior振动性能
vibrational behavior振动状态
viscoelastic behavior黏弹性
viscoelastic behavior黏弹性
viscous behavior黏滞性质
viscous-elastic behavior黏弹特性
volumetric behavior体积状态
volumetric behavior容积性质
water behavior observation for mine矿井水动态观测
water behavior observation for well井水动态观测
water-loss shrinkage behavior失水收缩性能
water-loss shrinkage behavior失水收缩情况
yield behavior屈服性能
yielding and inelastic behavior可压缩性和非弹性