
Terms for subject Business containing Basic | all forms | exact matches only
accrued basic wages应计基本工资
adjacent basic feasible solution相邻基本可行解
amortization of basic license fee许可证费摊销
autonomous associated labour with enterprises as the basic unit以企业为基本单位的自主联合劳动
basic ability基本能力
basic accounting conventions基本会计常规
basic amount基本数额
basic and nonbasic components of the economy基础与非基础经济部门
basic and nonbasic industries基础与非基础工业
Basic Appraisal System for Incoming Components进口元件基本鉴定系统
basic aspects and categories of preinvestment study投资前研究的基本方向和种类
basic aspects of investment投资基本方向
basic assets主要资产
basic balance of payment基本收支平衡
basic borrow privilege基本借款特权
basic cargo基本货物
basic chemical ram materials基本化工原料
basic circuit基本线路图
basic coefficient matrix基本系数矩阵
basic computer主机
basic conceptual equation基本概念方程
basic construction基本建设
basic construction in enterprise企业基本建设
basic construction in grain农业基本建设
basic construction in industry工业基本建设
basic consumption基本消费
basic content基本内容
basic contention基本论点
basic control model基本控制模式
basic cost基础成本
basic credit line基本信贷限额
basic crop基本农产品
basic crops基本农作物产品
basic data file基本数据文件
basic data on economy经济基本数据
basic data on wholesale and retail trade批发与零售商业基本数据
basic deficit基本赤字
basic depreciation of fixed asset固定资产基本折旧额
basic depreciation rate of fixed asset固定资产基本折旧率
basic design criteria基本设计准则
basic design method基本设计方法
basic document主要文件
basic econometric technique基本经济计量方法
basic economic element基本经济要素
basic economic law基本经济规律
basic economic series基本经济数列
basic economic theory基础经济理论
basic economic unit基本经济单位
Basic Engineering Design Data基本工程设计数据
basic environmental concept基本环境概念
Basic Equipment List基本设备明细表
basic equity基本资产
basic error基本差错
basic error correction基本差错校正
basic error correction method基本差错校正法
basic error rate基本差错率
basic exchange rate基本汇率
basic exemption for the classified income tax分类所得税的基本免税额
basic export tonnages基本出口吨数
basic exports主要出口产品
basic facilities基础设施
basic factor基本要素
basic factor cost基本要素成本
basic factor cost equation基本要素成本方程
basic feature基本特征
basic fee基本费
basic figure基价数
basic figure基数
basic food ration基本食品定量
basic freight rate基本运费
basic freight rate per ton for sailing航运基价
basic functions of business enterprises商业企业基本职能
basic functions of central bank中央银行基本职能
basic functions of industrial enterprises工业企业基本职能
basic functions of management管理基本职能
basic grade of goods货物基本等级
basic group formed by direct translating基群一次调制
basic group formed by twice translating基群二次调制
basic groups of commodities商品基本类别
basic groups of manufactured products工业产品基本类别
basic groups of products产品基本类别
basic household基本住户
basic human needs人类基本需求
basic human right基本人权
basic industrial enterprises基础工业企业
basic industrial materials基本工业材料
basic input-output accounting equation基本投入—产出核算方程
basic input-output control基本投入—产出控制
basic input-output table基本投入—产岀表
basic inputs基本投入额
basic inquiry基本调查
basic intermediate variable基本中间变数
basic inventory基本库存
basic inventory基本存量
basic inventory valuation基本存量计价法
basic-level products初级产品
basic-level unit基层单位
basic linear regression model基本线性回归模式
basic load基本载重
basic load operation基本负荷运行
basic management基础管理学
basic management method基本管理方法
basic marketing基础市场学
basic means of consumption基本消费资料
basic means of production基本生产资料
basic metal钢铁基本金属业
basic motion study基本动作研究
basic motion time基本动作时间
basic needs生活必需品
basic needs philosophy基本需要哲学
basic nonproductive funds基本非生产基金
basic object基本目标
basic object in the operation of corporation公司经营基本目标
basic object in the operation of enterprise企业经营基本目标
basic of assessment摊税依据
basic of assessment课税基础
basic of assessment征税基础
basic of price价格依据
basic of valuation定价基础
basic open-hearth碱性平炉
basic operation time基本营业时间
basic operational weight基本运行重量
basic optimal solution基本最优解
basic oxygen converter碱性氧气转炉
basic oxygen furnace碱性吹氧转炉
basic part基件
basic part基础件
basic parts list基件清单
basic pay基薪
basic peril基本危险
basic perils基本险
basic physiological needs基本生理需要
basic piece rate基本计件工资率
basic point美国证券利息基础点
basic point pricing基点定价
basic point pricing system基点定价制
basic policy主要政策
basic postulate基本原则
basic postulate of accounting会计基本原则
basic price基础价格
basic price equation基本价格方程
basic principle of accounting会计基本原理
basic principle of audit审计基本原理
basic principle of banking behavior银行活动基本原则
basic principle of budget预算基本原则
basic principle of budget accounting预算会计基本原则
basic principle of business交易基本原则
basic principle of commerce商业基本原理
basic principle of commercial enterprise management商业企业管理基本原则
basic principle of cost accounting成本会计基本原理
basic principle of economic accounting经济核算基本原则
basic principle of enterprise accounting企业会计基本原则
basic principle of enterprise finance企业财务基本原理
basic principle of enterprise management企业管理基本原理
basic principle of financial management财务管理基本原理
basic principle of management管理学基本原理
basic principle of marketing营销学基本原理
basic principle of statistics统计学基本原理
basic process of production基本生产过程
basic product主要产品
basic product type基型产品
basic production基本生产
basic production assets基本生产资产
basic production cost基本生产成本
basic production data基本生产数据
basic production plan基本生产计划
basic production process基本生产过程
basic production workshop基型生产车间
basic productive cost基本生产成本
basic productive funds基本生产基金
basic productive sectors基本生产部门
basic program基本程序
basic provisions主要条款
basic provisions基本条款
basic purchasing technology know-how基本购买技术诀窍
basic quality standard基本质量标准
basic rate标准费率
basic rate基率
basic rate基本费率
basic recouping coefficient of fixed assets depreciation固定资产基本折旧回收系数
basic representation基本示意
basic representation基本表示
basic representation统计基本表示
basic research and development基础研究与发展
basic resources基础资源
basic right基本权利
basic rights and duties基本权利和义务
basic risk基本险
basic route基干路由
basic rule基本原则
basic rule基本准则
basic salary底薪
basic salary基薪
basic salary基薪底薪
basic sampling unit基本抽样单位
basic scientific education科普教育
basic service基本服务
basic service rate基本服务费
basic service rate additional额外基本服务费
basic specification主要技术规格
basic standard model基本标准模式
basic standard motion基本标准动作
basic standard of quality基本质量标准
basic statistical unit基本统计单位
basic statistics基础统计学
basic surface统计基础面
basic system of economy基本经济体制
basic tariff基本关税表
basic taxes主税
basic telecommunication access method基本远程通信存取方法
basic time of motion基本动作时间
basic time of operation基本作业时间
basic time of work基本工作时间
basic underlying variables基础变量
basic urban population城市基本人口
basic user基本用户
basic user-network interface基本用户/网络接口
basic value基值
basic value基本价值
basic variable统计基本变量
basic wage rate基本工资
basic wage of workers and staff职工基本工资
basic wages and salaries基本工薪
basic work基础工作
basic work data基本工作数据
basic work data system基本工作数据制
basic work of business management企业管理基础工作
basic work of company finance公司财务基础工作
basic working days基本工作日
basic worksheet基础计算表
basic workshop基本车间
basic year基期年度
basic year基年
Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code Basic初学者通用符号指令码
cadre at the basic level基层干部
current basic variable现时基本变量
degenerate basic feasible solution退化基本可行解
employee basic need雇员基本需求
employee basic needs职工基本要求
factor of provision of labour with basic assets用基本资产来规定劳动力数量的系数
fixed basic number固定基数
fund for basic productive facilities生产性基础设施基金
income basic收益法
initial basic variable初始基本变量
leaving basic variable离基变量
management of basic-level supply and marketing cooperatives基层供销社管理
management's basic resources管理基本资源
nondegeneracy basic feasible solution非退化基本可行解
overhead apportionment method: basic conversion cost ratio基本加工成本比例分配法
overhead apportionment method: basic expenses ratio基本费用比例分配法
purchase the basic means of production购买基本生产资料
Quality Control Basic Course质量管理基础讲座
social-economic basic program社会—经济基础计划