
Terms for subject Tennis containing Ball | all forms | exact matches only
aggressive loop ball攻击性弧圈球
ball boy球童 (girl)
ball boy拾球员 (girl)
ball boy球童
ball change换球
ball clip球夹
ball control控球技术
ball girl球童
ball in界内球
ball in bounds界内球
ball kid球童
ball on line压线球
ball out界外球
ball out of bounds界外球
ball sense球感
baseline ball底线球
bodyline ball追身球
bodyline ball贴身球
broken ball破球
broken ball
brush at the ball扫击球
brush at the ball滑拍击球
chopped ball削球
chopped ball切球
cord ball擦网好球
deep ball深球
deliver the ball击球
descent of the ball球的坠落
die ball跳得不高不远的急下旋球
dip of ball球的坠落
dip of ball球坠落
extremely low ball极低球
flick at the ball用腕击球
flick at the ball甩腕击球
flight path of a ball球的飞行路线
flight path of ball球的飞行路线
game ball决胜负的一球
game ball决胜球
heavy ball重球
high ball挑高球
hit the ball in the net击球触网
hit the ball on the run奔跑中击球
idle ball慢球
idle ball闲置球
idle ball不用的球
junk ball〈俚〉刁钻发球
lifted ball攻击性弧圈球
line ball触线球
live-ball rally模拟实战对打
lob a spin ball挑旋转高球
long ball底线球
meet the ball迎击
meet the ball迎击球
moon ball在底线对拉时打得很高的挑高球
net ball不过网的球
net ball网前球
net cord ball中场球
netted ball落网球
netted ball触网
netted ball擦网
no ball失球
oncoming ball来球
one ball第一次发球失误后还有1次发球
One ball!裁判用语还有一次!一次发球!
overplay the ball打球用力太猛
overplay the ball抽球用力过猛
overplay the ball打球用力过猛
punch the ball击球
punch the ball击球
shoot out the ball击出界外
sideline ball边线球
spinning ball旋发球
straight ball直线球
surface of ball球面
take the air out of the ball打凌空高球
tennis ball网球运动
tennis ball网球
top the ball打球的上部
toss of the ball at service抛起发球
toss the ball at service抛发球
unreturnable ball无法回击的球