
Terms for subject Securities containing Automatic | all forms | exact matches only
automatic adjustment mechanism自动调整机制
automatic clearing house自动结算银行
automatic cover自动偿还
automatic currency conversion自动货币转换
automatic data processing自动数据处理 (ADP)
automatic dividend reinvestment自动股利滚动投资 (ADR)
automatic dividend reinvestment自动股利再投资
automatic dividend reinvestment plan股利自动再投资计划
automatic exchange rates accumulation system自动化汇率累计系统
automatic execution system自动执行系统
automatic exercise options自动执行期权
automatic fund allocation system自动资金分配制
automatic funds transfer资金自动转移
automatic investment自动投资
automatic investment plan/program自动投资计划
automatic matching自动对接
automatic matching自动配对
automatic matching自动撮合
automatic order execution自动执行交易订单
automatic order execution自动执行交易指令
Automatic Order Matching and Execution System自动对盘及执行系统
Automatic Order Matching and Execution System自动订单撮合与执行系统
automatic price matching system自动价格配对系统
automatic proxy bidder自动代理投标网上应用功能,使投标者能在网上拍卖中自动投标
automatic quotation system自动报价系统
automatic reinvestment滚动式投资
automatic renewal time deposit自动转定期存款
automatic scale orders自动衡量指令
automatic stabilizer自动稳定系统
automatic standard自动调节本位制
automatic stay自动停止
automatic stock investment plan自动股票投资计划
automatic synthesis自动合成
automatic synthesis自动协调
automatic transfer between accounts自动过户
automatic transfer service自动转账服务 (ATS)
automatic transfer service account自动转账账户
automatic transfer service account自动过户账户
automatic transfer switch自动转账账户 (ATS)
automatic transfer system自动转账系统 (ATS)
automatic transfer system自动过户系统 (ATS)
automatic withdrawal自动提取
automatic withdrawal自动支取
non-automatic revolving credit非自动滚动信用证
small order automatic system小额订单自动执行系统
stock watch automatic tracking股票监察自动跟踪系统