
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing Automatic | all forms | exact matches only
automatic air breaker自动空气断路器
automatic air star-delta starter自动空气式星三角起动器
automatic bus transfer备用电源自动投入
automatic control自动控制
automatic control for unit start-up and shutdown机组启停控制
automatic control of hydrogenerator set水轮发电机组自动控制系统
automatic deexcitation, automatic field-suppression, automatic field-discharge自动灭磁
automatic diagnosis故障自动检测
automatic discharging自动泄水闸门
automatic discharging自动泄水
automatic electronic shutter自动电子快门
automatic element自动化元件
automatic excitation control自动励磁调节
automatic excitation controller自动励磁调节器自动电压调节器 (automatic voltage regulator)
automatic fault recording device故障自动记录装置
automatic fire alarm system火灾自动报警系统
automatic fire extinguishing system自动灭火系统
automatic fire signal自动火灾信号
automatic flap gate自动舌瓣闸门
automatic flap gate自动活瓣闸门
automatic flash board自动启闭闸板
automatic frequency control自动频率控制自动调频
automatic gate自动启闭闸门
automatic gate for channel渠道自动闸门
automatic generation control自动发电控制
automatic governor自动调速器
automatic hydroelectric station自动化水力发电站
automatic hydroelectric station自动化水力发电厂
automatic ideal synchronizing device自动准同步装置
automatic instrumentation自动化元件
automatic iris lens自动光圈镜头
automatic irrigation自动灌溉
automatic modulating control system自动调节系统
automatic nozzle自动喷头
automatic nozzle自动喷嘴
automatic operation自动运行
automatic power regulator自动功率调整器
automatic power station自动化动力站
automatic power station自动化电站
automatic pressure reducing gate自动减压阀门
automatic pressure reducing gate自动减压闸门
automatic quasi-synchronization自动准同步
automatic reclosure自动重合闸
automatic regulation自动控制
automatic regulation apparatus自动调节仪
automatic regulation apparatus自动调节器
automatic regulator自动调压器
automatic reset自动复位
automatic selfsynchronization reclosing自动自同期重合闸
automatic speed controller自动调速器
automatic spillway自动溢洪道
automatic sprinkler自动人工降雨机
automatic sprinkler自动喷灌机
automatic sprinkler闭式喷头
automatic sprinkler system自动喷水灭火系统
automatic stop自停装置
automatic switch自动开关
automatic switching control equipment自动切换装置
automatic switching off自动关断
automatic switching on自动开通
automatic switch-on of standby power supply备用电源自动投入
automatic telephone exchange自动电话交换机
automatic tilting gate自动倾转闸门
automatic tilting gate自动倾侧闸门
automatic turbine run up system水轮机自动起转系统
automatic underfrequency load shedding自动低频减负荷
automatic undervoltage load shedding自动低压减负荷
automatic voltage control自动电压控制自动电压调整;无功功率控制 (reactive power-voltage control)
automatic voltage controller自动电压控制器
automatic voltage regulator自动电压调节器
automatic water-stage recording station自记水位站
automatic wave recorder自记波高仪
automatic weir自动堰
crossbar automatic telephone exchange纵横制自动电话交换机
delayed automatic reclosing延时自动重合闸
dual automatic channel voltage regulator双通道自动电压调节器
followup function between two automatic channels两个自动通道之间的跟踪
high speed automatic reclosing快速自动重合闸
intake with automatic flushing自动冲沙进水口
manual-automatic followup function手动-自动之间的跟踪
measuring instrument and automatic element监测仪表与自动化元件
power system automatic control device电力系统自动装置
private automatic branch exchange自动电话用户小交换机
private automatic exchange专用自动小交换机
readiness for automatic start准备好自动开机
semi-automatic hydroelectric station半自动化水电站
semi-automatic welding半自动焊缝
spare automatic operation备用自投