
Terms containing Author | all forms | exact matches only
libr.added entry under joint author合著者附加款目
libr.added entry under personal author个人著者附加款目
libr.additions to author statement著者补充说明
gen.affiliate sth. to its author认定某事为某人所为
gen.affiliate sth. upon its author认定某事为某人所为
econ.an author's certificate发明人证书
busin.anonymous author匿名作者
libr.attributed author疑似著者
libr.attributed author推定著者
libr.attributed author认定作者
libr.author abbreviation著者姓名缩写
libr.author added entry责任者附加款目
libr.author added entry附加作者款项
el.author and key word in alphabetical sequence按字母顺序排列的作者和关键词
ITauthor and key word in context上下文内作者和关键词索引
el.author and key word in context作者与文内关键词
telecom.author and key word in context作者与文内关键词
work.fl.author entry著者款目
work.fl.author heading著者款目
work.fl.author index著者索引
work.fl.author index个人著者索引农业检索
telecom.author language编辑语言
work.fl.author mark著者注释
libr.author^ name as given in old records原题
work.fl.author notation著者注释
libr.author number著者号
tech.author of the invention发明人
agric.author of the scientific name命名者 (auctor)
nautic., tech.author patent发明专利
oilauthor's alteration作者的修改
adv.author's alteration著者校正
oilauthor's alterations作者的修改
gen.author's alternations作者的修正
adv.Author's and Publishers' Lending Right Association〔英〕作者及出版商出租权协会
busin.author's certificate发明人证书
adv.author's change著者校正
oilauthor's correction作者的校正
adv.author's correction著者校正
gen.author's correction作者的修改
tech.author's draft map作者原图
libr.author's name missing失名
libr.author's name missing阙名
libr.author's name not given无名氏
libr.author's name unknown不著撰人姓氏
gen.author's proof作者的修正
interntl.trade.author’s royalties版税
econ.author's royalties版税
busin.author's royalty版税
chess.term.author's solution of chess problems棋式的正解
chess.term.author's solution of chess problems作者解答
corp.gov.author's/editor's contract作者/编辑合同
multimed.author STREAMauthor STREAM 平台
libr.author-title added entry著者一题名附加款目
libr.author-title index著者一题名索引
libr.author-title reference著者一题名参照
ITauthor tool language作者工具语言
telecom.authoring language著作语言多媒体开发应用
multimed.authoring language创作语言
ITauthoring platform创作平台
multimed.authoring program创作程序
multimed.authoring software创作软件
el.authoring software tools多媒体编辑软件工具
ITauthoring system写作[创作]系统
telecom.authoring system创作
telecom.authoring system系统
telecom.authoring system写作系统
multimed.authoring system创作系统
telecom.authoring tool编辑软件]
ITauthoring tool创作工具
telecom.authoring tool多媒体创作工具[著作系统
interntl.trade.best author畅销书作者
libr.Chinese author number汉语著者号
China, lawco-author合作作者
libr.collected work of individual author文集
libr.collected work of individual author别集
libr.collected works of individual author别集
libr.collected works of individual author选集
libr.collected works of individual author文选
libr.collected works of individual author文集
libr.collection author集体编著者
libr.collection author合著者
libr.collective author集体编著者
libr.collective author合著者
libr.core author核心著者
work.fl.corporate author集体著者款目
work.fl.corporate author机关团体名称
libr.corporate author团体著者
work.fl.corporate author集体著者
libr.dubious author著者存疑
China, lawincome from author's remuneration稿酬所得
avia.interactive instructional authoring交互式教学写作
el.interactive instructional authoring system交互式教学写作系统
libr.joint author集体编著者
libr.joint author合著者
libr.literary author Cutter number文学作家卡特号
libr.literary author Cutter number table卡特著者号码表
libr.multi-author works多著者著作
el.multimedia authoring and playing platform for UnixUnix 操作系统多媒体制作与演播平台
el.multimedia authoring language for UnixUnix 操作系统多媒体制作语言
tech.multimedia authoring system多媒体编著系统
tech.multimedia authoring system多媒体写作系统
el.multimedia authoring through intelligent linking and director assistance智能化链接和导演协助下的多媒体制作
el.object authoring目标创作
multimed.optical disc authoring光盘创作
tech.original author原著者
libr.personal author个人著者
work.fl.personal author index Agrindex著者索引
work.fl.personal author index Agrindex个人著者索引农业检索
libr.primary author主要著者
libr.primary author主要责任者
busin.right of author著作权
libr.search by author作者检索
libr.supposed author推定著者
libr.supposed author疑似著者
libr.supposed author认定作者
telecom.technical author技术资料编写者
multimed.technical author技术文档作者
econ.The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权
proj.manag.The author is managing partner of the Shanghai office of Allen & Overy本文作者是安理国际律师事务所 Allen& Overy上海办事处的管理合伙人
gen.the present author作者
multimed.video authoring视频制作
ITvoice-oriented curriculum author languageVOCAL 语言
el.voice-oriented curriculum author language语音化课程编写语言
ITwith the compliments of the author作者敬赠