
Terms for subject General containing Another | all forms | exact matches only
A set for appetizers and another for the main course一组刀叉用来吃开胃菜,另一组刀叉则是吃主餐用的
another and yet another接二连三
another and yet another一个又一个
another day改天
another day他日
another Richmond in the field意想不到的敌人
another such valve一个 任何一个,再(另)一个这样的阀门
another thing另一回事
Applicants are limited to the number of times they can reschedule their appointments. Please plan accordingly so that you are not required to pay another visa application fee申请人允许重新预约的次数有限,请妥善安排面谈时间以避免额外缴纳签证申请费用
Are there any regulations and rules for foreigners to obey if they obtain residency in another country?当夕卜国人在所在国取得居留权后,有什么要遵守的规章制度吗?
at one time or another总有一个时候
at one time or another在这一或那一时间
be in another's shoes处于别人的地位 (位置,处境)
But that is another story但那是另一回事
But that is another story但那是另外一个问题
Could you recommend another hotel that won't be full up?您能帮助我找一家没有客满的酒店吗?
dance to another tune改弦易辙
for another thing其次
for another thing二则
for another thing另一方面
for another thing加一点是
for one thing..., for another...首先…,再者〔其次〕…
for one thing... for another thing二则…
for one thing... for another thing一则…
for one thing... for another thing其二…
for one thing... for another thing其一…
friction is the rubbing of one thing against another摩擦是一物和另一物相擦
give M another turn of the screw对M施加压力
give it another screw再把它拧一下
graft one variety in another一品种接到另一品种
graft one variety into another一品种接到另一品种
graft one variety on another一品种接到另一品种
graft one variety upon another一品种接到另一品种
He is speaking on another phone他正在接听别的电话
How about another drink?再来一杯怎么样?
I booked the non-smoking room, but there is smell of cigarette in the room. There is no hot water in the bathroom. The computer is malfunctioning, and I can't get access to the Internet, so I request to change for another room我订的是无烟房间,房间内有烟味,浴室没有热水,电脑有故障,而且上不了网,所以我要求调换房间
I' m sorry. I was on another line just now对不起,我刚才正在接另一个电话
I want to ask about the right of residency a foreigner has in another country. Could you give me some information about it?我想咨询关于外国入境者的居留权问题,您能给我讲讲这方面的知识吗?
If a foreigner wants to obtain long-term residency in another country, he or she has to apply for it first and then wait for permission假如外国公民想获得长期居留权,就必须先申请,然后再等候批准
If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
in another five years再过五年
in relation to one another彼此〔相互〕之间
incident with one another相互关联
it is another story now现在情况不同了
it is just 15m from one pole to another从一杆到另一杆距离正好15m
it's quite another thing那完全是另外一回事
lean one way or another朝各个方向倾斜
lean one way or another左右倾斜
look upon with another eye对…孢有不同看法
look with another eye upon对…孢有不同看法
nest one on top of another把一个套〔码〕在另一个的顶上
No, the sheets will be OK for another night不用了,床单还可以再用一晚
Oh, dear. Then could you recommend another hotel?天啊!那你能推荐另一家饭店吗?
one after another纷纷
one after another先后
one after another轮流
one after another连续不断地
one after another一个一个地
one after another相继
one after another逐一
one after another陆续
one after another一个接着一个
one after another依次
one after another陆续
one another相互
one another相互
one another互相
one on top of another一个叠一个
one on top of another一层压一层
one... or another某种
one... or another各种各样的
one... or another这个或那个
one ...or another这样那样的
one ...or another各种各样的
one ...or another某种
one ...or another这个或那个
one time with another前后一共
one time with another前后合起来
in one way or another无论如何
one way or another用种种方法
in one way or another朝各个方向
in one way or another不管怎样
in one way or another用种种方法
put another complexion on改变…的局面
put it another way换句话说
put the case in another way换句话说
put the case in another way换个提法
quite another另外一回事
quite another完全不同的
Sorry, the cash register system is out of order. Please follow me to another checkout很抱歉,收银机系统出现故障,我带您去另外一个收银台买单
stand in another's shoes处于别人的地位 (位置,处境)
start another hare改变话题
start another hare另起话题
still another又〔另〕一个
succeed one another一个接一个出现〔发生〕
switch the discussion to another topic换一个讨论题目
take one thing with another考虑各种情况
taken one... with another大概
taken one with another总的看来
taken one... with another平均计算
taken one with another大概
taken one... with another大体看来
taken one with another大体上
taken one with another大体〔总的〕看来
taking one thing with another平均计算
taking one thing with another大概
taking one with another大体上
taking one thing with another总的看来
taking one with another大概
taking one with another大体〔总的〕看来
talking one... with another平均计算
talking one... with another大概
talking one... with another大体看来
that's another pair of shoes那完全是另外一个问题
that's quite another story那完全是另外一回事
this is only another way of saying that...换句话说
this is only another way of saying that...换个说法就是
to put it another way换句话说
try another cast再试一试
try another tack改变方针
understand one another互相了解〔谅解〕
weigh one plan against another权衡不同计划的优劣
What a pity! We have another party that day太可惜了,我们那天也有个聚会
with respect to one another彼此之间相对
Would you like to make a reservation at another time?您是否换个时间订餐位呢?
yet another又一个
yet another除第二个外还有另一个
yet another kind of telescope has been designed还有另一种指第三种望远镜已设计成功
You should turn right at the next stop light and go about another two miles until you see a McDonald's你应该在下个红绿灯处右转,再走大约两英里,直到看见一家麦当劳