
Terms for subject Technology containing Animals | all forms | exact matches only
Administration Measures of Nature Reserves for Forest and Wild Animals森林和野生动物型自然保护区管理
amphibious animal两栖动物
ancient animals古动物
animal adhesive动物胶黏剂
animal adhesive动物胶
animal adhesive动物黏合剂
animal and human excreta人畜粪便
animal and human excreta人畜排泄物
animal and plant life动植物
animal balance动物秤
animal black兽骨炭
animal borne disease动物传染的疾病
animal brush动物刷
animal by-products牲畜副产品
animal by-products畜牧副产品
animal carbon preparation动物碳制剂
animal chamber动物舱
animal charcoal动物炭
animal charcoal巴黎骨炭
animal charcoal兽炭
animal checker斗兽棋
animal climatology家畜气候学
animal container动物集装箱
animal disembarkation动物上陆
animal dispersion地动物分散
animal distemper动物色胶
animal drawn traffic兽力车
animal drawn traffic畜力车运输量
animal drawn traffic畜力交通
animal drying oil动物干燥油 (油漆用)
animal dung as fuel动物粪便作燃料
animal dye动物染料
animal excreta disposal动物粪便处置
animal farm畜牧场
animal-fat emulsion动物脂肪乳液
animal feces动物粪便
animal feed yard动物饲养场
animal flower形似动物之花
animal gelatin动物明胶
animal glue and gelatin manufacture动物胶制造
animal glue distemper动物胶水粉涂料
animal glue manufacturing waste胶生产废物
animal hospital动物医院
animal house动物园兽禽舍
animal house牲畜棚
animal husbanding畜牧业
animal husbandry牲畜饲养
animal industry畜牧经营
animal judging家畜鉴定
animal labor畜力
animal matter动物的有机残留物质
animal monitoring动物监测
animal motif动物花纹图案
animal motif兽纹
animal oil骨油
animal ornament动物装饰 (品)
animal painting动物画
animal parchment动物羊皮纸
animal pattern模型动物
animal pattern兽纹
animal pigment动物颜料
animal population assessment动物总数估价
animal power兽功率
animal production畜产品
animal quarters动物棚
animal quarters动物厩
animal quarters动物圈
animal quarter's annex动物厩的附属建筑
animal quarter's annex动物棚的附属建筑
animal quarter's annex动物圈的附属建筑
animal relief动物浮雕
animal remains动物残骸
animal resin动物树脂
animal resource动物资源
animal sample动物样品
animal science畜牧学
animal sculpture动物雕塑
animal-shaped ornament垂兽饰
animal shelter畜厩
animal shelter
animal shelter畜棚
animal shelter畜圈
animal skin兽皮
animal symbolism动物象征主义
animal tar动物焦油
animal unit牲畜单位
animal-unit month牲畜单位月
animal waste动物废料
animal waste disposal动物粪便处理
animal waste disposal动物粪便处置
animal wastes动物粪便
animal world动物世界
animal yield蓄产量
animals shed畜舍
association of plants and animals动植物群落
benthic animal底栖动物
blown animal oil吹制动物油
burrowing animal挖洞动物
carnivorous animal食肉动物
carved wood animal木刻动物
carved wooden animal木刻动物
chief source of water for animals的主要水源
cold blooded animal冷血动物
conservation of rate animal珍稀动物保护
coordination of farming forestry and animal husbandry农林牧结合
dangerous to man and animals对人、牲畜有危险
dead animal processing plant死动物处理场
desert animal沙漠动物
domestic animal trade tax牲畜交易税
draft animal役畜
draught animal力畜
drooping-ridge mounted animal ornament垂兽【建】
eco-animal husbandry生态畜牧业
endangered animal濒于灭绝的动物
endangered animal species濒危动物物种
endothermic animal内热动物
estuarine animal河口动物
euryhaline animal广盐性动物
euryhaline marine animal广盐性海洋动物
euryhygric animal广湿性动物
euryphotic animal广光性动物
eurythermic animal广温动物
excrement of animals牲畜粪便
exothermic animal外热动物
extinct animal灭绝动物
farms producing good poultry and animal strains畜禽良种场
fatal consistency of killing half of the tested animals半数致死浓度
fatal dose of killing half of the tested animals半数致死量
floor for animal shelter畜舍地板
flooring quarry tile for animal shelters用于畜舍的铺地缸砖
freshwater animal淡水动物
frieze with animal reliefs有动物浮雕的壁缘
grazing animal放牧牲畜
gross rate of increase of domestic animals牲畜总增率
harness an animal to a cart套车
hip-mounted animal ornament戗兽【建】
homoiothermic animal定温动物
indicator animals for atmospheric pollution大气污染指示动物
Journal of Animal Science畜牧学报
Ko ware vase with double animal ears哥瓷铁箍兽耳瓶
Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animal Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
lethal concentration required to kill 50% of the test animals致死中浓度
living in the body of another animal生活在其他动物体内
low of wild animals protection野生动物保护法
marine agriculture and animal husbandry海洋农牧业
marine animal injury海洋动物伤害
multicellular aquatic animal多细胞水生动物
number of animals for sale出栏率
pack animal驮畜
painted earthen and lacquer animal彩陶漆动物
painted earthen animal彩陶动物
parasitical animal寄生动物
pasture animal husbandry草原畜牧业
per animal每匹
physiologic ecology of aquatic animal水生动物生理生态学
physiological ecology of aquatic animal水生动物生理生态学
planktonic animal浮游动物
poikilosmotic animal变渗性动物
polyphagous animal多全性动物
polyphagous animal多食性动物
precious animal珍贵动物
presence of animal life in a forest森林动物的存在
primitive land animal原始陆生动物
produce animal products useful to man生产对人类有用的畜产品
protected wild animals受保护的野生动物
purified animal charcoal精制动物炭
quarry for animal shelters动物笼舍用的地砖
raise animal畜牧
raise domestic animals畜养
rare animal稀有动物
remains of animal and plant动植物残骸
saprobic animal污水动物
small animal reservoir小动物饲养场
soil animal土壤动物
soil animal population土居动物群落
sonic marine animal发声海洋动物
spinal animal脊椎动物
stationary animal定层动物
stationary animal定居动物
stenohaline animal狭盐性动物
stenohygric animal狭湿性动物
stenophotic animal狭光性动物
stenothermal animal狭温性动物
stone animal石象生
stray animal离群动物
subtropic animal亚热带动物
subtropical animal亚热带动物
tropic animal热带动物
tropical animal热带动物
turnover of animal herds畜群的周转
use of animal waste牲畜粪便利用
vagile aquatic animals漫游水生动物
warm-blooded animal定温动物
warm-blooded animal pollution温血动物污染
waste material dropped by farm animals牲畜粪便
water for domestic animal use家畜用水
water-breathing animal水呼吸动物
wild animal of national priority protection国家重点保护野生动物
wild animals protection area野生生物保护区
workday per draught animal畜工
xerophilous animal旱生动物