
Terms for subject Ecology containing Animals | all forms | exact matches only
animal charcoal动物煤
animal density动物密度
animal dung as fuel动物粪便作燃料
animal ecology动物生态学
animal germplasm resources畜禽种质资源
animal husbandry畜牧学
animal husbandry牧业
animal husbandry climatic resources牧业气候资源
animal parasites寄生虫
animal resource database动物资源数据库
animal resource science动物资源学
animal resource survey and inventory动物资源调查与编目
animal resources动物资源
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals保护迁徙物种公约又称为波恩公约 (CMS or Bonn Convention)
cross region of agriculture and animal husbandry农牧交错区
ectothermic animal冷血动物
eotic animal流水动物
experimental animal实验动物
facultative anaerobic animal兼性厌气性动物
files of wild animals resources野生动物资源档案
floating animal漂浮动物
forest animal森林动物
fresh water animals淡水动物
grazing animal食草动物
habitat for aquatic animal水生动物栖息地
habitat for terrestrial animal陆生动物栖息地
habitat for wild animal野生动物栖息地
herbivorous animal食草动物
homoiosmotic animal恒渗性动物
homoiosmotic animal等渗性动物
Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animals Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
lethal concentration required to kill 50% of the test animals半数致死浓度
medicinal plant and animal reserve药用生物保护区
monophagous animals单食性动物
monotrophic animals单食性动物
parasitic animal寄生动物
pastoral animal husbandry草牧业
porous animal海绵动物
precious animal珍稀动物
protected wild animals受保护野生动物
size of animal大小分布动物数量