
Terms for subject China containing Animals | all forms | exact matches only
active-duty animal现役动物
agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries农林牧渔业
animal and plant disease free zone无规定动植物疫病区
animal and plant disease zone动植物疫病区
animal and plant quarantine department动植物检疫机关
animal-borne pathogenic microorganism动物源性致病微生物
animal diseases动物传染病
animal-drawn cart畜力车
animal epidemic information nationwide全国动物疫情
animal epidemic materials动物病料
animal epidemic of Class I一类动物疫病
animal epidemic prevention动物防疫
animal epidemic prevention and control动物疫病预防与控制
animal epidemic situation动物疫情
animal epidemics动物疫病
animal farm动物饲养场
animal health supervision institution动物卫生监督机构
animal husbandry畜牧
animal husbandry on the grasslands草原畜牧业
animal in active service现役动物
animal marketing动物经营
animal of the same kind which pass quarantine同类检疫合格动物
animal or plant epidemic动植物疫情
animal or plant epidemic areas动植物疫区
animal or plant products动植物产品
animal pathological material动物病料
animal product动物产品
animal raising farm动物饲养场
animal slaughtering动物屠宰
animals and plants动植物
animals' raw hide动物的生皮
carcass of animals动物尸体
cause a serious animal or plant epidemic引起重大动植物疫情
certificate of conformity to the conditions for animal epidemic prevention动物防疫条件合格证
Class A and Class B infectious diseases of animals一类、二类动物传染病
concerning animal and plant quarantine有关动植物检疫的
conditions of drinking water for human beings and animals人畜饮水条件
cruelly injure or slaughter farm animals残害耕畜
department of farming and animal husbandry农牧业部门
diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases动物诊疗
domesticated animal饲养的动物
early warnings against animal epidemics动物疫情预#
endangered wild animal濒危野生动物
entry and exit animal and plant quarantine进出境动植物检疫工作
extermination of the animal epidemics扑灭动物疫病
fry and fingerling of aquatic animal水产苗种
handle in respect of animal epidemics处理疫情
in-contact animals同群动物
infected animal products染疫动物产品
infectious diseases common to human beings and animals人畜共患传染病
keeper of the animal动物饲养人
land for purposes other than animal husbandry非畜牧业生产用地
let an animal scare another person放任动物恐吓他人
live animals活动物
marketing of animals经营动物
national plan for animal epidemic monitoring国家动物疫病监测计划
network for animal epidemic monitoring动物疫情监测网络
port animal and plant quarantine office口岸动植物检疫机关
protect fry and fingerlings of aquatic animals保护鱼苗种
purchasers of domestic animals收购牲畜
quarantine of animals动物检疫
random animal epidemic disease zone无规定疫病区
region free from specified animal epidemics无规定动物疫病区
release information about an animal epidemic发布动物疫情
report of animal epidemic situation动物疫情报告
result in a serious animal epidemic引起重大动物疫情
scientific research in animal epidemic prevention动物防疫科学研究
serious animal or plant epidemic重大动植物疫情
spawning aquatic animal怀卵亲体
specific kinds of animal epidemics动物疫病病种
spread of an animal epidemic动物疫病扩散
supervision and inspection for prevention of animal epidemics动物防疫监督
supervisor of animal epidemic prevention动物防疫监督工作人员
systems for animal epidemic prevention动物防疫体系
the Emergency Measures for Handling Major Animal Epidemics《重大动物疫情应急条例》
trading in animals经营动物
transit animal过境的动物
wild animals and plants野生动植物