
Terms for subject Business containing Angle Angle | all forms
angle check valve直角型单向阀
angle clip短角铁
angle news报道偏见新闻
angle of application应用观点
angle of band侧倾角
angle of band倾斜角
angle of declination横倾角
angle of defilade遮蔽角
angle of divergence发射角
angle of parallelism平行角
angle of valve角形阀
angle splice bar角尾板
appraisal of a project from the angle of natural resource项目自然资源评价
blind angle遮避角
blind angle死角
bulb angle圆缘角铁
edge of a dihedral angle二面角的棱
face of dihedral angle二面角的面
field angle场角
gash angle齿缝角
half power angle半功率角
high angle conveyor高角输送机
high angle missile远程导弹
high angle of attack大冲角
high angle path高角轨道
high-angle missile远程导弹
initial side of an angle角的始边