
Terms for subject Dentistry containing And | all forms | exact matches only
An abscess has formed and destroyed the bone脓肿形成而骨质被破坏
Are your lips and tongue numb?您的嘴唇和舌头麻了吗?
Avoid exercise and don't take a bath on the day of extraction拔牙当天请不要洗澡和运动
Bacteria are the most important cause of tooth decay, gum disease and calculus formation细菌是牙齿龋坏、牙龈疾病和牙石形成的重要原因
Bacteria in the plaque use sugars to fonn acid and the acid dissolves the enamel菌斑中的细菌利用蔗糖形成酸,而酸会腐蚀牙釉质
Brushing the teeth properly, cutting down the sweet food, receiving regular dental check-ups and application of fluoride and fissure sealing are all important to the prevention of tooth decay正确的刷牙,减少甜食的摄入,规律的口腔检査和窝沟封闭对预防龋病都是非常重要的
Close your mouth slowly and tell me which tooth touches first慢慢的闭上嘴,告诉我哪颗牙齿先接触
Control the floss by pinching it with index fingers and thumbs like this通过示指和拇指的牵拉来控制牙线
Curettage is necessary to remove the calculus and diseased tissue from deep pockets刮匙对清除深牙周袋内的牙结石和病变组织是必需的
Dental caries can be prevented with a combination of home care and professional care龋病可以通过家庭和专业的护理来预防
Did it hurt after eating and drin king?吃饭和喝水时痛吗?
Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver and kidney?您有心脏病、肝病和肾病吗?
Do you see how red and inflamed you gums are?您看见又红又肿的牙龈了吗?
Does it come and go?是间断疼痛吗?
Don't forget your glasses and denture别忘了您的眼镜和义齿
Don't touch the extraction socket with a finger or tongue as it may lead to further bleeding and infection请不要用手指和舌头碰拔牙窝,它可能导致创口出血和感染
First, I will ask you about your general health and allergies首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史
Fluoride can increase the hardness of the tooth surface, decrease the acid solubility of the enamel and inhibit the growth of bacteria氟化物能增加牙齿的硬度,降低酸溶解牙釉质的能力和抑制细菌生长
Fluoride is good to tooth remineralization and can help the saliva to repair the demineralized enamel氟化物有利于牙齿的再矿化,帮助唾液修复脱矿的牙釉质
Health insurance does not cover gold and platinum inlay treatment医疗保险不包括金铂合金嵌体治疗
Healthy gums are firm and pink健康的牙龈质地坚韧并且是粉红色的
Here is your receipt and change这是收据和找回的钱
Hold this mirror and look at your teeth拿着镜子看看你的牙齿
How and how long do you brush your teeth?您怎么刷牙,刷多长时间?
How and when did your illness begin?您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候?
I am going to clean a cavity in your tooth and fill it with composite resin我将会把你牙齿上的龋洞清理干净并用树脂充填它们
I am going to dry and paint fluoride solution on your teeth我将吹干你的牙齿并给它们涂些氟化物
I will drill the tooth to remove the decay and enlarge the root canal from now on我用牙钻去除龋坏物并扩大根管
I will make a diagnosis and treatment plan till next appointment到下次复诊时我将做诊疗计划
I will place some fluoride on this sponge and hold it in your mouth for three minutes我将放些氟化物在这个海绵上,你把它含在嘴里约三分钟
If bleeding continues, place a piece of gauze over the extraction site and bite it firmly如果继续出血,请另外咬紧一个棉球
If they are dry for a long time, they may bend and lose their good fit. Instructions after teeth extraction如果义齿干燥很长时间,它们可能变形失去好的适应性。
If you don't have deep pockets and bone recession, your gum will be cured with effective tooth brushing and scaling如果没有深牙周袋和牙槽骨的吸收,通过有效的刷牙和牙周刮治您的牙龈将恢复健康
If you have any problems of bleeding and serious pain, please contact us immediately如果继续出血和严重的疼痛,请立即与我们联系
I'll clean and smooth the root canal我将清理预备根管
I'll fix the crown on your tooth. Prosthetic treatment of dental arch defection and absent我将把冠粘固在你的牙上。
I'll grind the filling down a little, and polish it我将把充填物磨低点然后抛光它
I'll pull your lip and cheek a little我会轻轻地牵拉您的嘴唇和颊部
I'll try in and adjust this individual tray我将给您试戴和调改个别托盘
I'll try the denture in and adjust it to fit your mouth我将给您试戴义齿然后把它调整到适合您的口腔
Implantation is the way of the treatment to make a hole on the jaw bone, to put a metal basement and place a kind of denture on it种植是一种治疗方法:首先在颌骨体上钻一个洞,然后植入金属牙根,最后在牙根上放上一种义齿
Incorrect tooth brushing causes gum recession and tooth abrasion不正确的刷牙方式会导致牙龈退缩和牙体磨耗
It is important to clean and disinfect the root canal in order to save the tooth为了保留这颗牙,根管清洗和消毒是很重要的
It is not a deep cavity, and can be filled easily这个龋洞并不深,很容易被充填
It makes a buzzing noise, sprays a mist of water and breaks up the calculus超声洗牙时会发出嗡嗡声,产生水雾,并震碎牙结石
It will be helpful to insert a metal core into the tooth and make a crown after root canal therapy经过根管治疗的牙齿最好进行桩冠修复保护患牙
Let's look in the mirror and see if you have removed all the red stains from your teeth让我们从镜子里看看是否您牙上的所有红染斑块已被去除
May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation?请告诉我您的住址、电话号码、年龄和职业。
Move the toothbrush back and forth with short, vibrating strokes用短距离、振动的力量前后移动牙刷
Move your jaw to the right and left左右滑动您的下颌
Move your jaw to the right and left请左右错殆
Open your mouth wide and don't move your tongue张大嘴,舌头不要动
oral and maxillofacial surgery口腔颌面外科学
pit and fissure窝沟点隙
Place the toothbrush at the junction of the gums and the teeth like this请像我这样把牙刷放在牙龈与牙齿的联合部位
Plaque can be removed by effective tooth brushing and dental flossing有效的刷牙和使用牙线可以去除菌斑
Please bite firmly on a piece of gauze for twenty minutes until it has stopped bleeding, Then place the used gauze in a plastic bag and tie tightly before disposing it in the rubbish请紧咬棉球二十分钟直到止血。然后把棉球吐到塑料袋中系紧再丢入垃圾袋。
Please breathe deeply and slowly请缓慢深呼吸
Please hold this hand mirror and look in your mouth请拿着镜子看看自己的口腔
Please move the brush downwards on the upper teeth and upwards on the lower teeth刷上颌牙牙刷应向下移动,刷下颌牙牙刷应向上移动
Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you请把卡放在桌子上等着我叫您
Please take off your glasses, take out your denture, and place them here请摘下眼镜,取出义齿,把它们放到这儿
Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and the type of treatment you received请告诉我医院的名字、治疗方法和时间
Please write your name and date of birth on this card请把您的姓名和出生日写在这张卡上
Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside一个手指在口内,另一个在口外
Relax and make yourself comfortable放松自己,使自己感觉舒服
Sealants keep out the bacteria and food that cause tooth decay窝沟封闭剂可以防止细菌和食物进入窝沟腐蚀牙齿
The acid dissolves the enamel and brings on cavities酸溶解牙釉质后形成龋洞
The decay has to be cleaned out by drilling and the tooth has to be filled这些腐败的东西必须用牙钻清理干净,牙齿需要充填
The filling will seal the canal and prevent it from being infected again充填物将封住根管,避免其再次感染
The first stage of gingivitis is characterized by tender, swollen and bleeding gums早期牙龈炎的特征是:压痛、肿胀和牙龈出血
The fluoridated toothpaste helps to strengthen the tooth enamel and prevent cavities氟化牙膏帮助增强牙釉质和预防龋病
The gums and bone are receding around your teeth您牙齿周围的牙龈和牙槽骨正在退缩
The hard and rough stain is dental calculus您牙面上坚硬粗糙的染色就是牙结石 (tartar)
The length of the bristles row on the head of the toothbrush should be as long as the width of the index and middle fingers together牙刷头的长度应是示指和中指宽度之和
The metal plate denture is very expensive. It is not only tough and thin, but also can conduct the temperature of the food金属基托义齿很贵,但它比较结实且厚度较薄,能传导食物的温度
The plastic plate denture is cheap, but it will be thicker than the metal plate denture and you can't feel the temperature of food as well as with the metal one塑料基托义齿相对便宜,但它较金属基托厚,您不能像戴金属基托义齿那样很好的感觉食物的温度
The teeth beside the extracted tooth will move and close the space被拔除两侧的牙会向缺牙处移动并减小间隙
The teeth may become sensitive to hot and cold food for a while洗完牙后牙齿会出现对冷热食物敏感的现象
The toothpaste containing fluoride helps to strengthen the tooth enamel and prevent cavities含氟牙膏帮助加强牙釉质预防龋齿
There are always food, bacteria and calculus in the pockets牙周袋内通常会存留食物残渣、细菌和牙石
There are fixed type and removable type appliance for straightening the teeth有固定矫治器和活动矫治器矫正牙齿
There are three stages for orthodontic treatment, the periods for detail examinations, treatment with braces and maintenance using a retainer正畸治疗包括三个阶段,依次为:仔细检查,粘固锁槽调整,用保持器维持
There are two types of false teeth to replace the lost teeth, one is removable type and the other is fixed type牙列缺损和缺失的修复有两种修复缺失牙的方法,一种是可摘活动义齿,另一种是固定义齿
There is a crevice between your teeth and the old filling旧充填物与牙体之间有缝隙
These grooves can be protected by a hard plastic coating called pit and fissure sealant可以用窝沟封闭剂来保护沟裂
This appliance "a space maintainer" is used to hold teeth in place and will prevent from losing the space可以用缺隙保持器来维持缺失牙的间隙
This is your registration card, Please don't lose it and bring it here whenever you come这是您的挂号证。请不要遗失,每次来时带着它
To make upper and lower full dentures, I'll take impression for study models为了制作全口义齿,我将取模灌制研究模型
To provide a clean and dry working field on the tooth, I'll put this rubber dam on your tooth为了能获得一个清洁干燥的工作环境,我将给您的牙上放上橡皮障
Today I will remove the temporary crown, and set a gold crown今天,我将去掉临时牙冠换上金冠
Today we are going to look at your teeth, and take pictures of them今天我们会看看你的牙齿,并且会给它照相
Use an up and down scraping motion on the sides of each tooth在每个牙的各个面上上下摩擦
Well, let's select the color and shade of the teeth for your denture好,让我们来挑选义齿的颜色
What sort of painkiller and how often did you take?您经常服用哪种镇痛药?服用的频率?
What's your address, telephone number, age and occupation, please?请告诉我您的住址、电话号码、年龄和职业。
You can eat about an hour after extraction but please chew on the other side of extraction and eat soft food, And avoid eating hard, hot and spicy food一小时后您可以用对侧吃些软食,不要吃硬的、热的和辛辣的食物
You can remove the plaque with a tooth brush and dental floss, but you can't remove the calculus您可以用牙刷和牙线清除菌斑,但是清除不了牙结石
You may feel uncomfortable with the braces, because they touch your cheek and lip由于托槽磨嘴唇和颊部,您可能会感觉不舒服