
Terms for subject Technology containing All the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
all in the wind太靠风
all stages of the investigation所有阶段勘察
all the shipping afloat在航船总数
all the year round全年
all the year round终年
All welds are subject to leak test to ensure the washer is watertight所有的焊接需进行泄漏测试,以确保清洗机没有任何漏水
all-round improvement in the eco-environment生态环境综合治理
all-round the clock昼夜不停的
all-round the horizon水平四周
all-the-year-round housing全年住宅供给
clear out all the holding全面清仓
clear out all the holding出清全部存货
coil all rope with the sun顺盘绳法
days of precipitation all over the year全年降水天数
grouting all the depth once全深一次注浆
reviewing the performances of all workers人事考核
system in which all the wall carry loading全部承重墙系统
tax write-off for all the expenditures纳税时各项费用的冲销
total all the expenditures计算全部支出
transport income all the railway全路运输进款
wall rising through all the stories所有楼层高的墙