
Terms containing All the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
commer.A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence要求有关当事人合作
commer.A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence以一切合理的努力去获取所需的许可证
commer.A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence在合同中往往有一默示条件
expl.A long-term lack of water has blasted all the trees around here长期缺水令周围的树木全部凋零
China, polit.a simple majority of all the deputies全体代表的过半数
China, polit.abolish all the privileges various imperialist countries had grabbed from China废除帝国主义列强从中国攫取的各种特权
China, polit.adopted by a vote of more than two-thirds of all the deputies to the Congress以全体代表的三分之二以上的多数通过
China, polit.all acts in violation of the Constitution or other laws一切违反宪法和法律的行为
gen.all along the line全线的
econ.all along the line到处
gen.all along the line各方面
econ.all along the line在每一点上
econ.all along the line在全线
gen.all along the line在整个过程中
gen.all bearings should be rejected that have any of the following damage marks凡是有任何下列伤痕的轴承都不能要〔都应退回〕
gen.metaphor all corners of the country江湖
econ.All debts of the said subsidiaries were repaid by their parent company所说的这些子公司的全部债务都由其母公司代为偿清了
China, polit.all departments under the State Council国务院各部门
expl.All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采一直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化
econ.All equipment is to be assembled in their entirety by the company before shipment装运前,公司应将所有的设备装配完全
sport.All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全
commer.All has borne out the buyer's claim. bear切证实了买方的说法
gen.all has gone well with the plans一切都按计划进行
gen.all in the day's work一般的
gen.all in the day's work正常的
gen.all in the day's work合常理的
gen.all in the day's work平凡的事
tech.all in the wind太靠风
sport.All national associations shall send to the IAAF Secretariat the official entry forms所有国家的全国性协会必须将正式报名表寄给国际田联秘书处
China, lawall of or part of the company's shares全部或者部分股份
China, lawall or part of the right to debt债权全部或者部分
busin.all other terms as the charter party其他条件按租约办理
gen.all over bar the shouting胜负已定
gen.all over bar the shouting大功告成
gen.all over but the shouting胜负已定
gen.all over but the shouting大功告成
gen.all over the body一身
gen.all over the country全国各地
gen.all over the place到处
gen.all over the world全世界
gen.all over the world遍天下
gen.all over the world世界各处
gen.all over the world天下
econ.all parties to the contract合同各方
China, polit.all power of the state国家的一切权力
China, polit.all power of the state belongs to the people一切权力属于人民
commer.all questions germane to the contract与合约有密切关系的一切问题
China, lawall rights in relation to the lease of land与土地契约有关的一切权利
econ.all round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit机组包干的联产承包
China, lawall sectors of the society全社会
China, lawall sectors of the society participating in社会广泛参与
tech.all stages of the investigation所有阶段勘察
gen.all tell the same story大家异口同声
econ.all the amount总额
gen.all the best一帆风顺祝酒或送行时用语
gen.all the best一切顺利
gen.all the better
gen.all the better更合适
gen.all the better
gen.all the better更加
gen.all the better
gen.All the bills are subject to 15% service charge, sir先生,所有账单都需要另加15%的服务费
sport., med.all the body massage全身按摩
gen.all the colors of the rainbow五颜六色
gen.all the colours of the rainbow五颜六色
gen.all the cry最新式样
gen.all the cry大流行
gen.all the data has been checked twice全部数据已校核过两遍现在完成时,被动态
China, polit.all the economic sectors of the various forms of ownership各种所有制经济
expl.All the family members depend only on the meager salary earned by the father for a living家人仅靠父亲挣来的微薄的工资过活
busin.all the fashion最流行的
China, lawall the losses全部损失
China, lawall the materials pertaining to the case与案件有关的所有材料
gen.all the mode非常流行
gen.all the more更加
gen.all the more格外
gen.all the more越发
gen.all the more反而更加
gen.all the more
gen.all the more so更加如此
gen.all the night through通宵
gen.all the night through整夜
China, polit.all the organizations processing the suggestions of deputies各承办代表建议单位
econ.All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议
busin.all the rest residue and remainder接受所有一切剩余
gen.all the same并无差别
gen.all the same然而
gen.all the same虽然如此
gen.all the same完全一样
gen.all the same还是
gen.all the same虽然尽管如此仍然
gen.all the same依然
econ.all the same to买卖双方都一样 (the buyer and the seller)
econ.all the shipping afloat船行的船只总数
commer.all the shipping afloat航行中的船只 (总数)
tech.all the shipping afloat在航船总数
econ.All the spare parts are warranted保证供应所有备件
gen.all the the whole world knows人人都知道
gen.all the time那时一直
gen.all the time老是
gen.all the time自始至终
gen.all the time全部时间
gen.all the time始终
gen.all the time一直
gen.all the time一向
econ.all the vogue最流行
econ.all the vogue到处受欢迎
gen.all the vogue最新流行品
gen.all the way一直
gen.all the way一路上
gen.all the way远远
econ.all the way从头至尾
econ.all the way从远道
gen.all the way特地
gen.all the way自始至终
gen.all the way全部
gen.all the way从头到尾
bowl.all the way一路全中
gen.all the way一路
gen.all the way along一直
gen.all the way along始终
gen.all the while始终
gen.all the while一直
gen.all the while那时一直
gen.all the world举世
gen.all the world全世界
gen.all the world knows人人都知道
gen.all the world over在全世界
gen.all the world over世界各处
gen.all the world over世界各地
sport.All the world's best shot-putters competed together at this Olympic Games世界上所有最优秀的铅球运动员都参加了这届奥运会的比赛
gen.all the year一年到头 (round)
gen.all the year over整年地
gen.all the year round整年
tech.all the year round全年
tech.all the year round终年
gen.all the year round一年到头
gen.all through the day一整天
gen.all to the good很〔非常〕有利
gen.all we need do is increase the charge我们只需要增加电荷
gen.all you need do is press a switch, and the motor starts只要按一下开关,发动机就开动了
China, lawAll-China Federation of the Red Cross Society中国红十字会总会
busin.allocate the money for all spending实报实销
econ.all-round contracts with the household包干到户
tech.all-round improvement in the eco-environment生态环境综合治理
econ.all-round improvement in the economy经济全面好转
tech.all-round the clock昼夜不停的
tech.all-round the horizon水平四周
anim.husb.all-the-year-round housing全年舍饲
tech.all-the-year-round housing全年住宅供给
agric., busin.all-the-year-round mutualaid team常年互助组
China, lawappoint or remove judges of the court at all levels任免各级法院法官
commer.appraise all the applicants评审所有的申请人
gen.Are the public toilets being used all?公共卫生间里人满了吗?
gen.Armani Underwear and Armani Jeans are all about a youthful attitude making you the perfect choice for the collection意大利阿玛尼女装内衣和阿玛尼牛仔充满青春活力,是你穿着上的完美选择
China, lawarticles of association of the All-China Lawyers Association全国律师协会章程
commer.As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
sport.As all the competitors tying failed, the bar is lowered to 1.92m for another jump-off由于所有成绩相等的运动员均未能跳过此高度、横杆降至 1.92 米、进行第二次试跳、以决定名次
expl.As concerns this TV play, all the plots are crazy至于这个电视剧、所有情节都荒唐
busin.As long as the quality is good, it is all right if the price is a bit higher只要质优,价格贵些也是可以的
commer.be all the fashion非常流行
busin.be all the rage风靡一时
gen.be all the same to对…来说无所谓
gen.be all the same toM 对 M 完全一样〔无关紧要〕
gen.be all the same to对…完全一样
gen.be all the world toM 对 M 是无价之宝
gen.be all the world toM 对 M 是最关重要的事
China, polit.be of great significance for standing committees of people's congresses at all levels in the lawful exercise of their oversight functions and powers对于各级人大常委会依法行使监督职权具有重大的意义
China, polit.a draft be subject to adoption by a simple majority of all the deputies法律草案由全体代表的过半数通过
gen.be sure that all the valves are open要保证全部阀门都是开着的
busin.bear all cost and risks of the goods负担货物的一切费用及风险
China, lawbear all of the expense of the compensation承担全部赔偿费用
gen.bolt all the flour彻底根究
gen.bolt all the flour仔细调查
econ.Both parties agree to meet all the terms of the contract punctually双方同意如期履行本合同的所有条款
econ.Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal参与该项建议评审的双方不得透露此建议的一切信息及文件
econ.Businesses in our city must comply with all the rules of the government我市的商店必须遵守政府的一切条例
China, polit.carry the great trust of the people of all our ethnic groups代表肩负全国各族人民的重托
gen.Christmas carol Silent Night has topped the list of Britain's "most recorded Christmas song of all time"圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首
busin.clear out all the holding卖完全部存货
tech.clear out all the holding全面清仓
tech.clear out all the holding出清全部存货
econ.Clients always ask us to see to it that all the goods are well packed客户总是提醒我们注意,所有货物都应妥善包装
tech.coil all rope with the sun顺盘绳法
mil., air.def.command all the way全程制导
China, polit.communicate: to the National People's Congress NPC Standing Committee suggestions, criticisms and comments on all aspects of its work向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见
China, lawcourts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at all levels香港特别行政区各级法院
econ.Customers, deterred by the price all withdrew顾客全都被这种价格吓跑了
sport.dash all of the opponent's gold medal hopes使对手无望夺冠
tech.days of precipitation all over the year全年降水天数
gen.Did the van slow down at all?当时那辆客货车有没有减速?
gen.Do I need to print all the pages of the DS-160?我需要将DS-160表格的所有内容都打印出来吗?
gen.do the rules cover all possible cases?这些规则是否适用于所有各种可能的情况?
busin.Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?
busin.draining the pond to get all the fish竭泽而渔
gen.Egyptian peridot, Afghanistan lapis, Iran turquoise, American jet are all in the spotlight埃及橄榄石、阿富汗青金石、伊朗松石和美国煤精都十分引人注目
gen.Excuse me. That is all the baggage抱歉,这是全部的行李
gen.expose all the tricks of the enemy揭露敌人的一切阴谋诡计
amer.first, last, and all the time绝对
amer.first, last, and all the time始终一贯
sport.Flexibility is very important in all activities involving quick changes in positions of the body在身体需要快速变换姿势的一切活动中、 灵活性是非常重要的
gen.for all the world从各方面来看
gen.for all the world无论如何
gen.for all the world一点儿不差
gen.for all the world
gen.for all the world用于否定句无论如何
gen.for all the world完全
econ.For the benefit of the consignor, the consignee shall have all the goods insured为保障委托人的利益,受托人应将货物全部投保
econ.For the safety of persons and property, the contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations now in effect为了人员和财产的安全承包商必须遵守一切现行的法律、法令和规章制度
China, polit.foster the common ideal of Chinese socialism among all groups in society在全社会树立中国特色社会主义的共同理想
China, lawfulfill all the obligations under the state plan全面完成国家计划
commer.Further to our letter of the 3rd inst., we have pleasure to inform you that we have sent you all the samples requested继我方本月三日函件,我方进一步特此通知贵方我方已向贵方寄送所有要求的样品
expl.Furthermore, field measurements of detonation gases are subject to variability in all the factors mentioned before, and at best could provide a certain range of results此外、对爆生气体的实地测量受上述所有因素变化无常的影响、所以测量结果是一组范围值
expl.Furthermore, nonideal detonation involves incomplete reactions, non-equilibrium and complex reactive flow and expansion within and beyond the reaction zone. All these conditions are entirely excluded from ideal code calculations而且、非理想爆轰包括反应不完全、不平衡以及反应区内、外的复杂反应流和膨胀。假设中的理想爆轰则完全没有这些因素
gen.go for all the mables孤注一掷
gen.go for all the mables竭尽全力
gen.go for all the mables全力以赴
tech.grouting all the depth once全深一次注浆
mil., air.def.guidance all the way全程制导
gen.have all one's goods in the front window华而不实
gen.have all one's goods in the front window做表面文章
gen.have the approval of all concerned得到各有关方面的一致赞同
commer.He booked all the orders from his customers他登记了客户的所有订单
sport.He cleared all the hurdles easily他轻松地跨越了所有的栏架
econ.He has purchased from the firm all the goods in transit他已向该商号购买了所有在运输途中的货物
econ.He recovered all the overdue money by suit他通过起诉,收回了逾期未付的全部款项
expl.His coming here has blown all the operation他的到来泄漏了整个行动计划
China, polit.hold full discussion of all the details and constantly improve the draft law充分讨论、仔细推敲、不断完善草案
gen.hold the flag higher so that all may see让大家都能看到
gen.hold the flag higher so that all may see把旗子举得高一些
mil., air.def.home-on-jam all-the-way全程干扰寻的
mil., air.def.homing all the way全程寻的
avia.homing all the way全航路归航
avia.homing all the way killer全程自动引导导弹
busin.honour all contracts signed, guarantee the quality, minimal profit, honour our words重合同、保质量、薄利、守信义
gen.I looked at all of the spanners on the rack, but none of them would do我看过架子上所有各个扳子,但没有一把合适
gen.I presented all the documents I was told to bring, but my application was turned down anyway. What else should I bring?我带齐了要求的所有文件,但还是被拒签了。那我还要带什么呢?
gen.I was very disappointed with the central heating in my room. It was freezing all night我房间的供暖系统太让我失望了,我整晚都很冷
econ.If any of its provisions contravenes the laws of our country, such provisions should by all means removed or revised如果有任何条款触犯我国的法律,这些条款务必除去或加以修订
econ.If the manufacturer cannot satisfy all the requirements in our orders proffer-ed to him, we may make up the difference from other sources如果制造商不能满足我公司向他提出的订单中所有要求,我方可从其他来源来弥补不足部分
econ.If we gave you refusal for three days, you must buy all the goods offered by us如果我方给你方为期三天的先买权,你方必须购买我们所报的全部货物
house.If you plug in all these appliances at once, you'll fuse all the lights如果你把所有电器同时接上电,保险丝就会烧断,所有的电灯将熄灭
gen.I’m really positive that this bookcase has all the features you have always wanted我确信这个书柜有各种你所要的特征
gen.In most restaurants, after 8 p. m. or so, all the coffee is decaf because no one wants to clean two different coffeepots在大多数餐馆,大概8点之后,所有的咖啡都是脱咖啡因的咖啡,因为没有人愿意洗两种不同的咖啡壶
commer.In spite of all their assurances, they didn't make the delivery in time尽管他们作了一切保证,但未及时交货
gen.in the shop there were several men, who were all busy at their work车间里有几个人,他们都在忙着
China, lawin the two-thirds majority of all the members以全体议员三分之二多数
econ.include all risks of crafts to and from the vessel包括装船和起岸的驳运风险
busin.including all risks of crafts to and from the vessel包括装船驳运及起岸驳运一切险
China, polit.increase contact and communication between deputies to the National People's Congress NPC and deputies to local people's congresses at all levels加强全国人大代表与地方各级人大代表的联系和沟通
econ.Invoices contain all the details of a deal发票包含一笔交易的全部详情
econ.It here-by covenants that the buyer guarantees the payment of all bills and accounts for commodities兹订立契约,买方保证付清商品的所有发票的账款
gen.it is certain that all the valves are open确实全部阀门都是开着的
gen.it makes all the difference非常重要 (in the world)
gen.it makes all the difference事关紧要 (in the world)
gen.It seems there are some loose bolts on one of the wings. It happens all the time. No need to worry一个机翼上的几个螺母松了。这样的事常发生,不必担心
gen.it's all in the day's run应看作正常〔普通〕的事
gen.It's so tempting to order everything on the menu. It all looks so appetizing!菜单上的菜很吸引人,看起来都很有食欲
commer.It's stipulated that the seller shall obtain the license and bear all costs按照规定,卖方应领取许可证并负担所有费用
gen.John, I provided all the materials required, but they refused my application约翰,我准备好了所有需要的材料,但还是被拒了
China, lawjointly owned by all the owners属于业主共有
China, lawjudges of the courts at all levels各级法院法官
expl.L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程
expl.Leave the battery on charge all night给电池充一夜电
sport.level the score at ten all十比十平
China, lawmajority of all the members全体组成人员的过半数
commer.make a check of all the items in the list核对表中所有项目
commer.make a scrutiny into all the shipping documents仔细检查所有装运单据
China, polit.make China more open to the outside world in all respects全面提高对外开放水平
China, polit.make reform and opening up the driving force behind all our work以改革开放为动力推进各项工作
China, polit.materialize in an all-round way the scientific concept of on development全面落实科学发展观
China, polit.materialize in an all-round way the scientific concept of development全面落实科学发展观
China, polit.meet all the requirements for economic and financial work set out at the Fifth Session of the Tenth NPC按照十届全国人大五次会议对经济财政工作提出的各项要求
cloth.Middleton opted for the slimming effect of all-black米德尔顿选择了有瘦身效果的全黑色
China, lawmortgage all the property一并抵押
gen.Nearly all the children in the study had bleeding in the brain and retinal hemorrhages研究中,几乎所有的孩子都有脑出血或者视网膜出血的现象
gen.not all the data are to be checked并非全部数据都要校核
China, lawnot less than a two-thirds majority of all the members不少于全体议员三分之二多数
econ.Not only all present debts and liabilities but all future advances shall be secured by the security interest hereof此处的物权担保既担保一切现有债务和责任,又担保一切今后的垫款
China, lawnotify all the insurers通知各保险人
China, polit.obtain a wide range of opinions from all sectors of society, especially from the general public广泛征求社会各方面意见、尤其是基层群众的意见
sport.Of all the long-distance runners in our group he runs the fastest在我们小组所有长跑运动员中、他跑得最快
gen.of all the pumps this one is the newest这一台最新
gen.of all the pumps this one is the newest所有这些泵当中
gen.Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片
sport.On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position在下达"各就位"或"预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势
gen.Only 2 euros more, you'll get large coke and fries instead of medium. And today we are offering free toys in all the meal boxes只要多加2欧元,就能把中等的可乐和薯条换成大的。而且今天所有的套餐都有免费的玩具赠送
commer.open to the outside world in an all-round way全方位对外开放
securit.over half of all the shareholders超过全体股东半数
econ.over-all balance of the national economy国民经济的综合平衡
econ.Partnerships must write out the full names of all partners in their bids for any projects合伙公司在对任何项目的投标书中必须列出全体合伙人的全名
econ.Party A hereby agrees to accept the total sum of $300 000 in full settlement of all claims甲方特此同意接受总额为30万美元的金额,以清理全部赔款
econ.Party A promises to inform Party B of all communications in connection with the contract甲方承诺将与合同有关的一切信息通知乙方
econ.Party A remised to Party B all the right, claim and property甲方将所有权利、 债权和财产全部出让给乙方
econ.Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利
econ.Party A shall be responsible for the proper behavior of all his employees甲方应对其职工的正当行为负责
econ.Party A shall buy and sell, with the approval of Party B, all goods and merchandise经乙方的认可,甲方将采购和销售全部货物及商品
econ.Party B shall yield up unto Party A all the machinery, tools and other articles owned by Party B by the end of this year在本年底,乙方须将本方拥有的一切机械设备、工具和其他物品让与甲方
securit.pass all entries through the book全部交易列人账册
securit.payment in full of the subscription money for all shares全额交足购股款项
gen.people all over the world全世界人民
China, polit.persist in proceeding from the realities in all aspects坚持一切从实际出发
econ.Please do not hesitate to let us know the matter, and we will certainly go all lengths to assist you in solving it请转告有什么问题,我们一定全力协助你方解决
econ.Please put all the documents in a folder请将文件收入文件夹中
gen.please show the drawings to all of us请把图纸给我们大家看看
China, polit.proceed from the realities in all aspects一切从实际出发
China, polit.promote all aspects of government administration by the rule of law全面推进依法行政
China, polit.promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展
China, polit.promote the coordinated development of all regions促进区域协调发展
gen.Proteins, vitamins and amino acids may all play a part in the health benefits of eating fish蛋白质、维生素和氨基酸在吃鱼对健康的好处中发挥一部分作用
sport.put all one's weight onto the opponent全力压向对方
sport.Quickening his pace, he soon left all the others behind.他加快速度、一会儿就把其他的动动员都甩在后面了
avia.radar homing all the way全程雷达导引寻的
gen.range all the way from M to其范围从 M 起一直到 N 为止 (N)
securit.ranking the top 30 of all A shares评出所有 A 股前30名
econ.receive broadcasts all over the world收听世界各国的广播
China, polit.reflect the collective wisdom of the NPC deputies, members of the Standing Committee, the deputies to local people's congresses at all levels, experts and scholars凝聚了全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、地方各级人大和专家学者的集体智慧
China, polit.resolutely deal with all breaches of the law or disciplinary regulations坚决查处违纪违法案件
China, polit.resolutely punish in accordance with the law all types of actions that violate laws and regulations坚决依法惩处各种违法违规行为
tech.reviewing the performances of all workers人事考核
China, lawroads commonly owned by all the owners业主共有的道路
sport.Runner No. 8 should not exert all his strength to run too fast at the beginning of the race8 号运动员不应该竭尽全力在比赛开始时跑得太快
China, polit.safeguard the unity of all nationalities of the country维护全国各民族团结
econ.She lost all her money when the bank failed当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱
busin.snap up all the remaining stock急于买进全部剩余股票
ecol.solve the problem once and for all一次性解决问题
gen.start the test all over again from the beginning把这试验整个儿地重新从头开始
sport.stay in the game all the way自始至终参加比赛未被中途淘汰
sport.stay in the game all the way未遭淘汰
gen.Store up more bottles of aspirin and other common over-the-counter drugs that we all tend to use from time to time throughout the year多备几瓶阿司匹林和其他成药,这样就够我们用一年的了。 (小贴士: Drug 和 medicine 都是药的意思,但我们说 take the medicine, 不说 take the drug。drug 一词,特别是当用作复数形式即 drugs 时,可以当“毒品”讲,而 medicine 则没有这个含义。“药店”不是 drugstore, 而应该是 pharmacy。)
China, polit.strive to meet the objectives of all tasks努力实现各项目标任务 (of)
China, polit.strive to meet the objectives of all tasks of the current NPC努力实现本届全国人大的各项目标任务
econ.Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm在该商号的全部转包合同中都插入了这样一些材料
gen.such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken所有的窗户都震破了
gen.such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken那次爆炸力很大
gen.Sweden Government has an all-the-people-play education program. The request can enable each Swede to enjoy the theatrical performance welfare瑞典政府有一个全民戏剧教育计划,能让每一个瑞典人都享受到观看戏剧演出的福利
tech.system in which all the wall carry loading全部承重墙系统
busin.system of reviewing the performances of all workers人事考核制度
China, polit.take into consideration all the facts结合实际
securit.take into consideration in the interests of all concerned统筹兼顾
tech.tax write-off for all the expenditures纳税时各项费用的冲销
gen.That newscaster is a showboat. She wants to be on camera all the time那新闻播报员是一个爱现的人,她随时想上镜头
gen.that will make it all the worse那反而会把它搞得更糟
commer.The agent is obliged to disclose all material facts to his principal which are likely to influence the latter when deciding whether to accept the customer's orders or not代理人必须向委托人说明有关客户的一切重要实际情况以供他考虑是否接受客户的订单
econ.The aggregate of all payments to the seller will not exceed a maximum sum of £50.000对买方的所有付款总计不得超过五万英镑的最高额
gen.the all and the one整体
gen.the all and the one全部
gen.the all the corners of the earth世界各地
econ.the all-around automation全盘自动化
econ.the all-bank loans全国各银行贷款总和
econ.the all-capital earnings rate全资本收益率
econ.the all-in insurance全灾害保险
econ.the all-in insurance保全险
econ.the all-in price各费在内的价格
econ.the all-round contract system with the mechanized group as the basic unit机组包干的联产承包
China, polit.the all-round development全面发展
econ.the all-round estimate通盘估计
sport.The angle of banking in all lanes should be the same所有分道的倾斜角应相同
econ.The arbitrator should decide all claims concerning the disputes between the two parties and the decision should not be a condition precedent to arbitration仲裁者应就双方的争议解决一切申诉,且这种决定不应成为仲裁的先决条件
gen.The bacon is all frizzled up!腌肉都煎#了
sport.The basic athletic skills are common to all other sports田径竞赛的基本技术对其他运动具有普遍意义 (注释:1. athletics 田径运动 Br. E.(英国英语)track and field 田径运动 Am. E.(美国英语) 2. athletics 是田径运动的总称,可用作单数也可用作复数。)
sport.The basic athletic skills are common to all sports.田径运动的基本技术对其他运动项目均具有普遍意义 (注释:1. track and field 是复合名词,它是田径运动的总称,使用动词时,通常用单数。2. track and field 田径运动, Am. E.(美国英语)athletics 田径运动,Br. E.(英国英语))
sport.The best long-distance runners are all excellent judges of pace最优秀的长跑运动员都能够准确地判断步速
econ.The bid documentation should be submitted together with all the facts, data and materials应将一切实际情况、数据及资料随同投标文件一起提交
expl.The board of directors is charged with investigating all the alleged breaches of the rules董事会奉命调查所有破坏规章制度的问题
gen.The bright moonlight stowed the Taj Mahal in all its glory明亮的月光让泰姬陵无比壮观
gen.The buildings in this school are all in smoke grey这个学校的建筑都是烟灰色的
econ.The buyer shall redeem all taxes due upon the goods买方应偿付这批货物应付的税款
econ.The captain of the merchant vessel should prepare against all risks which are likely to happen during voyage商船船长应该防备航程中极有可能发生的一切风险
econ.The case was broken and all its contents were damaged箱子破裂,内装货物都损坏了
econ.The catalogue gives all the details of the product range of our company目录册详尽地介绍了我公司产品的范围与门类
gen.the cause has eluded all research原因总是研究不出来
China, polit.the Chinese people of all ethnic groups across the country全国各族人民
China, polit.the Chinese people of all nationalities中国各族人民
econ.The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效
econ.The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天
econ.The company has decided to delay payment of all invoices公司已决定推迟兑付所有的发票
econ.The company has sold all its tangible assets to another company with the consent of the shareholders这家公司在征得股东们的同意下,把全部有形资产出售给另一家公司
econ.The company has sufficient funds to pay for all the money due to the bank该公司有足够的资金来付清欠银行的全部款项
econ.The company is planning to increase fringe benefits for all of its employees公司正准备增加全体员工的福利待遇
econ.The company shall bear all costs and expenses incident to the sale and delivery该公司应负担属于销售和发货的一切成本和费用
econ.The competition is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud这一竞争就各个方面来说都是公平合理的,毫无营私舞弊或欺诈行为
econ.The contractor agrees to abide by all laws, rules and codes of ethics in that country承包商同意遵守该国的法律、规则以及道德准则
econ.The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用
econ.The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing承包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表
econ.The contractor should be familiar with all conditions on the site which relate to the performance of the works承包商应该熟悉现场上一切与施工有关的情况
econ.The court ordered the seizure of all the uncustomed cars法院下令没收所有走私的小汽车
econ.The director will require all companies to conduct their business only in the ordinary course董事长要求各公司仅按常规开展业务
expl.The electric fan was blowing straightly towards him all night风扇整夜对着他吹
econ.The electrical appliance store has a delivery service to all parts of the city这家电器商店提供范围遍及全市的送货上门服务
econ.The enclosed catalogue will give you all the latest models of sporting goods现随函附上目录,详细介绍最新式样的运动用品
econ.The factory is taking all responsible steps to ensure the expansion of production facilities该工厂正在采取一切负责的措施,以保证扩充生产设施
econ.The factory sells all its products only to distributors not to retailers工厂将所有产品只卖给批发商而不卖给零售商
sport.The former pole-vault champion shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart上届的撑竿跳冠军和我们分享了动人的故事,故事的主角是一个瘦小但却热爱足球的小伙子
econ.The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门
commer.The goods are all ready for shipment货已备妥待装
commer.The goods are covered against all risks and war risk货物受保综合险与兵险
commer.The goods are to be insured against all risks and war risk货物须投保综合险与战争险
sport.The IAAF identified a need for all these athletics events to be coordinated国际田联认为有必要协调许多单独举行的田径比赛项目
econ.The insurance arrangements are done by you, but they look forward to the articles covered against all risks保险事宜由你方办理,但他们希望这些物品保综合险
China, polit.the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of Peopled Congresses at all levels各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法
China, polit.the Law on Oversight of the Standing Committees of People's Congresses at all levels各级人民代表大会常务委员会监督法
gen.the lights were all full on电灯全亮着
gen.The machine is used for testing the napping and balling-up of all kinds of fabrics to evaluate the product quality and process这种机器用于检验各种机织物的起毛起球状况,以鉴别产品质量和工艺效果
econ.The manager should record all the comments on merchandise in his company经理应记录对公司内商品的一切评论
econ.The managing director attends to the transaction of all important business of the company himself and doesn't leave it to anyone else总经理亲自处理公司的一切重要事务,不把这事交托给其他任何人
econ.The marks on all packages were legible所有包裹上的标志都清楚无误
gen.the material has some properties all its own这种材料有它一些特有的性质
econ.The merchandise is expensive because all materials are obtained from sources broad这种商品价格昂贵,因为所有材料来源于国外
gen.The new style in cowboy shirt did not take on, despite all attempts to popularize it尽管尽力推广牛仔衫的新式样,但其销量依然不佳
econ.the once-and-for-all change一次性变化
China, polit.the Organic Law of Local Peopled Congresses and Local People's Governments at all levels地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法
China, polit.the Organic Law of Local People's Congresses and Local People's Governments at all levels地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法
econ.The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约
gen.the output has reached the all time top产量达到历史上最高水平
econ.The owner shall render all assistance available to enable the contractor to fulfil the agreement业主应提供一切可能的帮助使承包人完成合同
econ.The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司
econ.The payment terms shall in all eases be determined by the sales company在任何情况下,付款条件应由销售公司来决定
China, polit.the people of all our ethnic groups全国各族人民
China, polit.the people's congresses at all levels各级人民代表大会
econ.The plan shall be published by a unanimous consent of all directors全体董事一致同意公布该计划
econ.The planned economy is a system where the government plans all business activity计划经济是政府对一切商业活动实行计划管理的体系
econ.The premium for risks except all risks and war risks should be born by us投保综合险及战争险以外的其他险别的费用当然由我方承担
house.The products investigated include electric teapots, ion perms, electric kettles, multi yogurt machines, hair dryers, electric cookers, etc.,which are all commonly used home electrical products被检测的产品包括电子泡茶壶、离子烫发器、电热开水壶、多功能酸奶机、电吹风、电炉具等,这些都是常用的电器产品
econ.The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同
econ.The prosecution will bear all the costs relating to the case原告将承担与此案有关的所有费用
commer.The remittance covers all commissions due to you up to date汇款包括至今应付你方的一切佣金在内
commer.The remittance is in payment of all commissions due to you up to date这笔汇款是支付迄今为止欠你方的佣金
commer.The remittance will clear off all commissions due汇款将清偿所欠全部佣金
econ.The result of survey has resolved all doubts调査结果消除了所有疑虑
gen.The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
econ.The secretary is custodian of all kinds of records and of the seal in the office秘书是办公室各种记录和印章的保管人
econ.The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议
commer.The seller took the opportunity to clear out all their holdings卖主借此机会岀清全部存货
gen.The shirt is all right. I like the style, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have that in other colors?这件衬衫还不错,我很喜欢这个款式,但是颜色我不太喜欢,还有别的颜色吗?
econ.The shop owner paid all assessments duties and taxes店主付了各种摊派捐税、关税和税款
econ.The shopowner owns all permits, licenses and franchises necessary for operation of its business该店主拥有一切经营其业务所需的许可证、执照和特许权
China, polit.the Standing Committees of people's congresses at all levels各级人大常委会
econ.The technicians shall devote all of their time and attention to the experimental work技术人员应集中其全部时间与精力致力实验工作
econ.The terms of payment and the date of delivery has the precedence over all others conditions支付条件和发货日期重于所有其他条件
gen.the testimony consisted with all known facts证据与全部已知事实相符
gen.The travel agency in the hotel takes all kinds of booking宾馆旅行社代办各种预订票
econ.The two companies, under all lawful executory contracts, shall fulfil the terms and conditions双方公司应履行一切合法生效的合同下的条款和条件
gen.the use of logarithms involves converting numbers into other numbers that are all related to a standard base使用对数就是把数变成另一种都同某标准基数发生关系的数
econ.The verdict of the arbitration court is in all respects impartial and without collision or fraud仲裁庭的裁决就各方面而言都是公正的,无串通舞弊或欺诈
gen.The water tap drips all night long. I can hardly sleep水龙头一整夜滴水,我几乎无法入睡
econ.The works manufactured all types of electric products for their local clients该工厂制造向本地客户提供的各种电气产品
econ.They accounted for all their expenses to the manager他们向经理汇报他们的一切支出
econ.They agreed to maintain as confidential all the market information disclosed to them他们同意对所有透露给他们的市场信息加以保密
econ.They bore all expenses for removal and reopening of the shop他们承担了商店拆迁和重新开业的一切费用
econ.They cannot stand the perpetual noise all around他们不能忍受周围的经久不息的噪声
econ.They have kept the agreement secret from all their rivals他们对此协议保密,不让所有对手知道
econ.They trust that we will make all necessary arrangements advance the delivery他们相信我方会作一切必要安排,提前交货
econ.They will then undertake all formalities on our behalf, in accordance with the usual conditions他们将按通常条件为我们代办一切手续
commer.This big bank has correspondents in all the large cities in the world这家大银行与世界各大城市都有商务关系
expl.This king's failing health concerns all the cabinet国王身体欠安、内阁成员忧心忡忡
gen.This may have followed on from the pagan fertility festivals that were held all over Europe as the winter came to an end, when traditionally lovers would exchange hand written notes情人节可能来自于欧洲的异教徒兴盛节,这个节日在冬天结束之际举行,通常情人之间会在这个节日互换手写信物
econ.To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考
econ.To submit all contracts to the legal department is our usual policy把所有的合约呈交法律部门是我们的一贯做法
tech.total all the expenditures计算全部支出
China, lawtotal of the terms for all the crimes总和刑期
tech.transport income all the railway全路运输进款
econ.Under this agreement, all of rights, privileges, powers and immunities shall belong to the creditors' committee按照本协议,一切权利、特权、权力和豁免权属于债权人委员会
commer.Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担
tech.wall rising through all the stories所有楼层高的墙
econ.We agreed to abide by all provisions regulating the engagement of such workers我方同意遵守一切有关管理这类工人的雇用事宜的条款
gen.We all had a good time on the Siesta Beach我们在午休海滩上玩得很开心
econ.We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project我方拥有接管此项目工程的一切权利
busin.We can supply cable insulators of all types and sizes. Our products are much admired in the world market我方能供应各种电缆绝缘件。我们的产品在国际市场很受欢迎
commer.We had hard work getting all the goods shipped in time我方作艰苦工作才使货物及时装岀
gen.We had to pay customs £200 on all the wine we took back from France因为这是从法国带回来的酒,我们需要向海关缴纳200英镑关税
gen.We have all the latest apparatus, such as bicycles, bar & dumb bells and so on我们有最新的运动器械,例如自行车、杠铃、哑铃等
gen.we have checked all the data twice我们已把全部数据校核过两遍了现在完成时,主动态
busin.We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧
shipb.We have reached an agreement on all the terms.我们对全部条款已达成一致意见
econ.We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论
econ.We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任
econ.We shall approve standards of quality for all the goods we produce and handle我们将批准我方所生产和经营的所有货物的质量标准
econ.We shall exert every effort to obviate all the difficulties我们必须尽最大努力排除种种困难
econ.We shall prepare in conjunction with the manufacturers all the products needed我方将与厂商一起准备好所需产品
econ.We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点
econ.We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病
gen.We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russians Winter Palace气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象
gen.We were all impressed with the magnificence of Russia's Winter Palace气势雄伟的俄罗斯冬宫给我们留下了深刻的印象
econ.We will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time我们会作出一切必要安排按时交货
gen.What happens to all the leftover food?那剩饭剩菜怎么处理呢?
expl.When a family member falls ill, all the others show considerate concern当家中有人生病、家人都显示出关怀体贴
gen.When air quality is rated very unhealthy, the agency says everyone should discontinue all vigorous outdoor activities regardless of duration当空气质量被评定为极不健康时,该机构建议人们终止一切剧烈的户外活动,不论时间长短
gen.When all moisture has evaporated, the fibers develop a tight-knit, papyrus-like surface that can be bleached or stained with fruit and vegetable dyes当水分完全脱干后,纤维形成了细密的纸草样的"面料",可以用水果或蔬菜叶漂白或者染色
sport.When all or the first portion of a relay race is being run in lanes, a competitor may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane, by using self-adhesive tape当接力的全程或第一棒为分道跑时、运动员可在自己的分道内用胶布做一个标记
commer.wind up all the orders placed清理所有的订货
busin.wind up all the orders placed清理所有订单
gen.with all the precautions sometimes the drill does become hot尽管采取了种种预防措施,钻头有时仍然变热
agric., tech.With the technology of single-chip microcomputers, we have designed an electromotor protective device with all function利用单片微机技术,我们设计了功能齐全的电机保护装置
gen.Yeah. It's really convenient. All the theaters and shopping malls are within walking distance. Well, I gotta go. I'll get in touch with you soon是的,城里很方便。所有的电影院和购物中心都很近。我回头再和你聊吧
econ.You are entitled to change or entirely cancel the classification of the contract if you have the signature of all the people involved如你有所有有关人员的签名,你有权改变或取消合同的密级
econ.You can enjoy the exclusive privilege of exporting all products of the well-known manufacturing company你公司可拥有独家出口这家著名制造公司产品的特权
econ.You can replace all the defective parts at our expense你方可调换所有不合格部件,费用由我方负担
econ.You shall pay all the expenses not reimbursable at acturials贵方应如数支付一切不可收回的费用
busin.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements我方需在交货日期前30天收到信用证,这样我们才好安排
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