
Terms for subject Aviation containing Air Staff | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
air command and staff college空中指令和参谋学院
air force staff空军参谋部
air staff instruction空军参谋部指令
air staff instructions空军参谋部指示
air staff order空军参谋部指令
air staff requirement〔英〕空军参谋部要求
air staff requirement空军参谋部要求
air staff target〔英〕空军参谋部目标
air staff target空军参谋部指标
air staff training programme空军参谋部训练大纲
assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验
assistant chief of air staff inspection空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验
assistant chief of air staff operations空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长
assistant chief of air staff engineering空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程
chief of staff, air force空军参谋长
chief of the air staff空军参谋长
Deputy Chief of Air Staff空军副参谋长 (英国)
deputy chief of the air staff〔英〕空军副总参谋长
deputy senior air staff officer〔英〕空军参谋机构副科长
Deputy Senior Air Staff Officer空军参谋机构副科长
senior air staff officer空军资深参谋长
vice chief of the air staff空军副总参谋长