
Terms for subject Otorhinolaryngology containing Air | all forms | exact matches only
air-bone gap气骨导差
air bone gap气骨隙
air born noise气原声
air born sound气原声
air born sound空气传声
air born sound空气声
air cell[乳突]气房
air chamber真空腔
air chamber气腔
air conduction curve听气导曲线
air conduction hearing aid气导助听器
air conduction hearing loss传导性聋
air conduction hearing loss气导听力损失
air conduction microphone气导传声器
air conduction threshold气导阈
air containing hypotympanum含气下鼓室
air craft deafness航空性聋
air craft disease航空病
air craft disease晕机
air cyst气囊肿
air douche空气灌洗
air esophagram食管气像
air flow rate空气流速
air hunger空气饥
air oesophagogram含气食管像
air oesophagogram食管气像
air pressure signal气压信号
air radiation气发射
air sickness晕机病
air sickness航空晕
air space太空
air space气腔
air swallowing吞气症
air trapping空气滞留
air tube呼吸道
air tumor气囊瘤
air tumor of larynx喉憩室
air tumor of larynx喉气囊瘤
air-water syringe气-水冲洗器
endoscopic air/water valve内镜充气 (水阀)
compressed-air sickness潜水员病
compressed-air sickness潜涵病
compressed-air sprayer压缩空气喷雾器
inspired air吸气
open air earphone速度耳机
open air earphone通气耳机
pure-tone air-conduction threshold testing纯音气导听阈测试
tests air conduction气导测听
tests air conduction气导试验
tubal air cells含气小房