
Terms for subject General containing Agent | all forms | exact matches only
act as an agent代理
agent business consumer代理商/商家/消费者
agent-in-oil method乳化剂在油中法
agent-in-water method乳化剂在水中法
agent of dilution稀释剂
air entraining agent〔混凝土〕加气剂
air entraining agent空气夹带发泡
ammonium nitrate blasting agent硝铵炸药
an inducing agent诱变剂
anstatic agent抗静电剂
anticratering agent防堵孔剂
anti-exposure cracking agent橡胶防候化龟裂剂
antifibrillation agent抗心肌纤颤药
anti-spew agent除胶边剂
anti-spew agent防胶边形成剂
antistatic agent电剂
anti-vomit agents抗吐药
Australian Federation of Travel Agents澳大利亚旅游代办处联合会
Australian Federation of Travel Agents澳大利亚旅行社联合会
authorized agent指定的代理人
backwashing agent反萃〔洗提〕剂
canying agent载运〔波〕介质
canying agent载体
celleycle-nonspecific agents细胞周期非特异性药物
clarificating agent澄清剂
cocuring agent助硫化剂
decontaminating agent, non-corrosive非腐蚀性脱气剂
fixing agent固定〔定影〕剂
Have you used an agent or representative to complete this application?你让他人或者代理机构帮你填写这份申请表格了吗?
If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
layer 2 DHCP relay agent二层动态主机配置协议中继代理
local agent地方代理人
lung injurant agent伤肺剂
quaternizing agent季铵化剂
secret agent特工
secret agent特务
Should I use a travel agent or other advisors to help me apply?我可以找一个旅行社或者其他咨询机构帮我申请吗?
We engaged in range hoods, disinfection cabinets, induction cooker products as agents本公司主要代理抽油烟机、消毒柜、电磁炉等产品