
Terms for subject Finances containing After Tax | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
after tax operating income税后营运收人 (一家公司除税后的总营运收人。计算方法为总营运收人减去税项)
after tax profit margin税后利润率 (一种财务比率,计算方法为税后净利润除以净销售额)
after-tax profits税后盈利/利润/溢利
after-tax profits税后利润纳税后利润
after-tax real rate of return税后实际回报率
after-tax yield税后收益
earnings before interest after tax息前税后收益
net income after income tax扣除所得税后净收益
net income after tax税后净收益指所得税
net operating profit after tax税后净营运利润
pay after tax扣除税后支付
repayment of loans after tax税后还贷