
Terms for subject China containing After | all forms | exact matches only
a legislative bill placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Standing Committee shall be put to vote after deliberations at three meetings of the Standing Committee常委会"三读"法律案
after an accident因意外事故
after consultation among the various delegations经各代表团酝酿协商后
after consultation with协商后
after examination and approval by the Presidium经主席团会议审议通过后
after receiving the application收到申请书之日起
after-school education校外教育
after-school legal counselor校外法律辅导员
after-tax profits税后利润
after the commencement开始后
after the commencement of the towage service起拖后
after the election of its deputy代表选举完成后
be issued after examination审核发放
become reconciled after conciliation调解和好
before or after the establishment成立以前或以后
before the elapse of one year after given a disciplinary warning在受到警告处罚后一年
conclusion drawn after re-inspection复验结论
decision after examination审批决定
decision made after administrative reconsideration行政复议决定
decision made after reexamination复查决定
dissatisfy with the decision made after administrative reconsideration对行政复议决定不服
drive after being drunk醉酒后驾驶
drive after drinking alcohol饮酒后驾驶
employment after one's release释放后就业
fail to fulfill the requirement after rectification整改没有达到要求
funds after settlement of accounts清算后的资金
judgment rendered after the retrial重新审判后的判决
look after oneself自理
look after the interests of different sectors of the community兼顾社会各阶层利益
maintenance of a spouse after divorce扶养
make a decision after deliberation审议决定
opinions after examination审查意见
payable at a fixed period after the date of issue出票后定期付款
person released after serving his or her sentence刑满释放人员
prior to loading onto and after discharging from the ship装船前和卸船后
refuse to stop doing sth. after repeated criticisms屡教不改
remnant after repaying the debt清偿债务后的余款
revise the judgment after ascertaining the facts査清事实后改判
right after the founding of New China新中国成立伊始
show true repentance after committing a crime犯罪后有悔改表现
support in his or her lifetime and attend to his or her interment after death生养死葬
terminate the period for awaiting trial after obtaining a guarantor解除取保候审
unable to look after oneself不能自理
unable to look after oneself in everyday life生活不能自理
upon or after granting permission在决定许可时或者决定许可后
voters who have had their political rights restored after a period of deprivation of political rights has expired被剥夺政治权利期满后恢复政治权利的选民
within five days after docketing the case立案之日起五日内