
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing Advanced | all forms | exact matches only
advanced data management system高级数据管理装置
advanced fiber reinforced composite高级纤维增强复合材料
advanced integrated power system综合先进动力系统
advanced manufacturing technology center高级制造技术中心
advanced marine vehicle先进水上运载工具
advanced model先进模型
advanced norm提高定额
Advanced Ocean Engineering Laboratory高级的海洋工程实验室
advanced ocean engineering laboratory高级海洋工程实验室
advanced options预先选项
advanced procurement plan预先采购计划
advanced radar processing system雷达数据高级处理系统
advanced radar processing system先进雷达数据处理系统
advanced refractory alloy高级耐火合金
advanced rental payment预付租金
advanced rental payment of ship船舶的预付租金
advanced repair technology先进修理工艺
advanced search事先搜索
advanced starting valve预开启动阀
advanced technical equipment先进技术的设备
advanced technology development先进技术发展
advanced treatise高级论文
advanced treatment先进处理
advanced utility先行应用
advanced waste treatment先进的废水处理
advanced welding technology先进焊接工艺
import advanced equipment进口先进设备
import advanced production-technology进口先进生产技术
import advanced scientific and technological achievements引进先进科技成果
import advanced technical equipment引进先进技术设备
introduction of advanced annealing technology引进先进退火技术
introduction of advanced communication technology引进先进通信技术
introduction of advanced heat-treatment technology引进先进热处理技术
introduction of advanced numerically-controlled technology引进先进数控技术
introduction of advanced tempering technology引进先进回火技术
introduction of advanced welding technology引进先进焊接技术
introduction of shipbuilding advanced technology引进造船先进技术
transfer of advanced antifreezing technique先进防冻技术转让
transfer of advanced antipollution technique先进防污技术转让
transfer of advanced moistureproof technique先进防潮技术转让
transfer of advanced operation先进操作技术转让
transfer of advanced shrinkproof technique先进防缩技术转让
transfer of advanced technology先进工艺转让