
Terms containing Adult | all forms | exact matches only
China, lawadult adopted child成年养子女
dermat.adult adrenogenital syndrome成人肾上腺生殖器综合征
tech.adult age成熟期
UN, AIDS.Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group成人艾滋病临床试验小组
econ.adult album alternative三 A 音乐
econ.adult album alternative成人集锦另类音乐
tech.adult barnacle藤壶成虫
anim.husb.adult bee
agric.adult bee成年蜂
anim.husb.adult bee disease成蜂病
agric.adult bee disease成年蜂病
fish.farm.adult biomass产卵群体生物量
anim.husb.adult body weight成鸡体重
tech.adult bookstore成人书店
anim.husb.adult bovine serum成年牛血清
anim.husb.adult cannibalism成体食幼
anim.husb.adult cannibalism成虫同类相残
dermat.adult celiac disease非热带性口炎性腹泻
dermat.adult celiac disease成人乳糜泻
textileadult clothing成人服装
agric.adult cow housing成年牛舍饲
econ.adult day care成人日托服务
tech.adult death rate成人死亡率
anim.husb.adult development成虫发育
textileadult diaper成人尿布
anim.husb.adult ecdysis成虫蜕皮
anim.husb.adult eclosion成虫羽化
environ.adult education Any instruction or training, informal or formal, which is geared to persons of mature age, regardless of previous education, and typically offered by university extension programs, employers, correspondence courses or community groups成人教育 (任何适合成年人的正式或非正式的指导或训练,不考虑其过去的教育。通常由大学推广项目、雇主、函授课程或社团组织提供。)
UN, health.adult education成人教育
lab.law.adult education成人补习教育
agric.adult education成年人教育
anim.husb.adult emergence rhythm成虫羽化节律
demogr.adult-equivalent population成年当量人口
China, lawadult family member成年家属
auto.adult fare公共交通成人票价
textileadult fashion成人风格服饰
textileadult fashion成人服式
anim.husb.adult female hog成年母猪
anim.husb.adult female hog which has been bred配过种的成年母猪
anim.husb.adult female sheep成年母绵羊
hydroel.st.adult fish成鱼
horticult.adult form成长型
landsc.adult form成虫态
landsc.adult form壮年型
landsc.adult form成年型
ecol.adult form成体型
horticult.adult form成熟型
anim.husb.adult generation成年世代
genet.adult hemoglobin成年血红蛋白
busin.adult higher education成人高等教育
acrid.adult hopper成蝗
anim.husb.adult host成虫宿主
textileadult incontinence product成人失禁制品
agric.adult instar成虫龄
med.adult kwashiorkor成人加西卡病
med.adult kwashiorkor成人蛋白质缺乏病
comp.adult language成熟语言
agric.adult leaf成长叶 (folium adultum)
genet.adult lethal成体致死
genet.adult lethal gene成体致死基因
genet.adult lethal mutant成体致死突变型
genet.adult lethal mutation成体致死突变
ed.adult literacy成人读写能力
sociol.adult literacy rate成人识字率
anim.husb.adult livability成鸡成活率
textileadult look成人风貌
nurs.adult measles成人麻疹
nurs.adult mental health中年期心理卫生
med.adult morbidity成人发病率
med.adult mortality成人死亡率
tech.adult nucleus成年核
auto.adult occupant成人乘客
auto.adult occupant成年乘员
agric.adult organism成年生物 (organismus adultus)
dermat.adult papular acrodermatitis成人丘疹性肢端皮炎
auto.adult passenger成人乘客
horticult.adult period壮年期果树
repr.biol.adult period壮年期
anim.husb.adult period年期
horticult.adult period成株期
agric.adult phase成年阶段指果树开花年龄
agric.adult phase成年期
tech.adult phase成年阶段
sport.adult physical fitness test成年人体质测试
agric.adult plant成熟植株 (planta adulta)
agric.adult plant成株
agric.adult plant resistance成株抗病性
agric.adult-plant stage成株阶段
agric.adult-plant stage成株期
anim.husb.adult polycystic kidney成年型多囊肾见于猪和猫
tech.adult population成年人口
tech.adult population成年群体
ecol.adult population成年种群
busin.adult population type成年人口型
nurs.adult primary tuberculous infection成人原发结核感染
dermat.adult progeria沃纳综合征
dermat.adult progeria成人早老症
genet.adult progeria成年型早老症
psychol.adult psychology成人心理学
tech.adult ratio成人比率
libr.adult reader service成人读者服务
surg.adult respiratory distress syndrome成人型呼吸窘迫综合征
life.sc.adult respiratory distress syndrome成人呼吸窘迫综合征
textileadult's size成人尺寸
textileadult's size成人尺码
agric.adult seedling age成苗[龄] (指成苗的天数)
textileadult sheep成年绵羊
textileadult shoes成年鞋
textileadult shoes成人鞋
textileadult size成人尺码
textileadult size成人尺寸
fish.farm.adult specimen成体标本
fisheryadult stage成年期
desert.adult stage成虫期 (昆)
agric.adult stage成虫期
desert.adult stage厚成期
repr.biol.adult stage成体期
repr.biol.adult stage成熟体阶段
desert.adult stage成熟期
fisheryadult stage性成熟阶段
agric.adult state成株状态
agric.adult state成熟状态
life.sc.adult stem cell成体干细胞
repr.biol.adult stock成年家畜
archit.adult suite家庭套房客房 (成人和儿童卧室分开,有独立的卫生设备)
tech.adult suite套房
tech.adult theater成人戏院
tech.adult ticket成人票
agric.adult tree成年树
desert.adult tree成熟树
surg.adult umbilical hernia成人型脐疝
China, lawadult volunteer成年志愿者
repr.biol.adult weight成年体重
econ.adult weight成年牲畜的重量
anim.husb.adult weight成年
forestr.adult wood成年材
agric.adult wood成熟材
tech.adult wood成年林
org.name.African Adult Education Association非洲成人教育协会
org.name.African Association for Literacy and Adult Education非洲扫盲及成人教育协会
busin.average number of suits of clothes per adult male平均每个成年男子服装套数
auto.child/adult safety seat儿童/成人安全座椅
dermat.chronic adult Gaucher syndrome慢性成人戈谢综合征
China, lawhigher learning for adult成人高等学校
fin.insurance for adult成人保险
org.name.International Congress of University Adult Education国际大学成人教育会议
org.name.International Council for Adult Education国际成人教育理事会
anim.husb.male adult雄蛾
gen.male adult
anim.husb.male adult雄虫
gen.male adult
acrid.mature adult成虫
acrid.mature adult黄色成虫
tech.mature adult成熟个体
sport., med.minimum daily adult requirement成人每日最低需要量
textilenew adult新成年人指 20 岁左右的男性
social.prime-age adult壮年人
surg.pyloric hypertrophy in adult成人幽门肥大
tech.seeding and adult苗株和成株
pharm.ST. Joseph Adult Chewable Aspirin约瑟夫成人用阿司匹林咀嚼片 (阿司匹林 (aspirin) 片剂商品名;解热镇痛药)
China, lawsystem of adult education成人教育制度
manag.the adult ego states成年型的自我状态+
textiletrousers for adult成人裤
pharm.Twinrix Adult成人双福立适 (灭活甲型肝炎和重组乙型肝炎疫苗 (hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated and hepatitis B surface antigen, recombinant) 注射剂商品名;生物制品)
econ.Usually a full fare ticket is for a journey by an adult, while a half fare ticket is for a child通常全价票是成人旅行用的,而半价票只卖给儿童
pharm.Vitalipid N Adult维他利匹特 成人 (维生素A、维生素D2、维生素E及维生素K所制注射液商品名;维生素类药)
nurs.Wechsler adult intelligence scale韦伯成人智力量表
acrid.yellow adult黄色成虫
acrid.yellow adult成虫
textileyoung adult青年指22〜25岁的人
libr.young adult library青少年图书馆
libr.young adult literature青少年读物
anim.husb.young and adult boars公猪
textileyouth full adult年轻成人