
Terms for subject Economy containing Active | all forms | exact matches only
a non-active person未参加职业活动的人
active account资产账户
active army of labourers现役劳动大军
active assets有收益的资产
active balance of payment实际的收支顺差
active bonds买卖活跃的债券
active capital有收益的资本
active circulation货币流通量
active circulation通行钞票流通额
active circulation流动额
active circulation通行
Active Corps of Executive经理咨询团
active demand需要甚多
active demand急需
active deterrence积极威慑
active employment policy积极雇用方针
active file常用的存款档案或资料
active income主动收入
active labour force劳动适龄人口
active life职工生活
active life在职生涯
active life职业生活
active market热门股票
active population参加经济活动的人口 (economically active population)
active population经济上自主人口
active population职业人口 (economically active population)
active value流通货币
an active account活动账户
an active and employed sector of society社会中有职业的那一部分人
an active partner普通股东
an active partner任职合伙人
At the finish oil shares became active收盘时,石油股票很活跃
economically active population经济自立人口
fully in active use已提足折旧的在用资产
the active analysis活动分析
the active balance国际收支顺差
The active stock is said to go up, I am willing to hazard a try该热门股据传会上涨,我愿冒险一试
the most many, much 的最高级 active borrower最大的借款者