
Terms containing Across | all forms | exact matches only
expl.A dog ran across the road, cause-ing the driver to stop in time有条狗横过马路、司机只好急刹车
gen.a hole 2m across and 3m deep直径 2 米深 3 米的洞
tech.acoustic curve across boreholes声波透视曲线
tech.acoustic method across borehole声波透视
tech.acoustical curve across boreholes声波透视曲线
tech.acoustical method across borehole声波透视
danc.across a corner行经一个角落
textileacross back〔粤〕背阔
textileacross back袖窿后中点至前中心线的距离
textileacross back背宽
textileacross back shoulder总肩宽
textileacross back shoulders横肩宽
textileacross back shoulders总肩
textileacross back shoulders总肩宽
bridg.constr.across bulkhead横隔板
tech.across bulkhead横向隔墙
textileacross bust point胸点宽
comp., net.across certificate交叉证书
textileacross chest胸围袖窿前中点至前中心线的距离
textileacross chest胸阔
textileacross chest胸围
textileacross chest胸宽
el.across-chip linewidth variation通片线宽变差
hydroel.st.across column跨柱
gen.across comers对角
wind.across corner对角
auto.across corners对角宽度
tech.across corners对角
gen.across the country穿过田野
gen.across country越过田野
gen.across the country一直
gen.across country径直前往
gen.across the country越野
spaceacross coupling交差耦合
plast.across cutting横切
wind.across cutting横向切割
plast.across direction横向
tech.across earth-scraping process跨铲法
oilacross fault横断层
railw.across flats对边宽度对边距离
avia.across flats交叉平面
auto.across flats对边宽度
auto.across flats平面宽度
avia.across flats对边
wind.across-flow错流 (cross-flow)
wind.across-flow交叉流 (cross-flow)
bridg.constr.across flow横向流
wind.across-flow横向流 (cross-flow)
gen.across from在…对面〔过〕
textileacross front上胸
archit.across grain
tech.across grain横木纹
bridg.constr.across grain横纹木材的 (of timber)
tech.across grain横行纤维
chem.across grain木头的横行纤维 (of wood)
tech.across grain横纹
tech.across impact matrix互影响矩阵
tech.across impact matrix交叉影响矩阵
plast.across machine横向机
interntl.trade.across national boundaries跨国贸易
earth.sc.Across North America Tracer Experiment横穿北美示踪剂试验用于气象分析
oilacross pit ch垂直于倾向
dril.across pitch沿地层走向
dril.across pitch垂直于地层倾向
tech.across rule全域规则
gen.across the sea在海外〔国外〕
gen.across the seas在海外〔国外〕
textileacross shoulder肩宽
textileacross shoulders line总肩宽线
textileacross shoulders line总肩宽线
textileacross shoulders line肩宽线
dril.across strike沿地层倾向
oilacross strike垂直于走向
oilacross strike沿倾向
oilacross strike横交走向
dril.across strike垂直于地层走向
gen.across-system analysis关联系统分析
spaceacross talk串音 (多元探测器的一个敏感元产生的无用信号)
polo.across the board赛马等对前三名都下赌注
securit.across the board通盘、全面
gen.across the board全面地
gen.across the board包括一切地
fin.across the board全盘
gen.across the board广播节目表
tech.across the board cut全面削减
corp.gov.across the board decrease全面减少
corp.gov.across the board increase全面增加
tech.across the bow横越船首
gen.across the century在整整这个世纪中
busin.across the counter柜台交易指按正规交易手续买卖
busin.across the counter贸易行栈外面议成交
archit.across the grain横断面
tech.across the grain横过纤维
industr.across the grain横纹地
industr.across the grain与纹理垂直
wood.across the grain横纹
wood.across the grain交叉方向
tech.across the grain与木纹垂直
transp.across the line并行线路
archit.across the line跨接线
tech.across the line starter直接起动器
tech.across the open横过开阔地
busin.across the settlement全面结清
busin.across the settlement全面结账
w.polo.across the top守门员摸球门上沿横移练习
spaceacross-the-band coverage跨整个频段的覆盖能力
oilacross-the-bedding seepage横切层面渗流
busin.across-the-board bonuses without regard to merit滥发奖金
interntl.trade.across-the-board cut全面削减
busin.across-the-board increase全面增加工资
tech.across-the-board increase普遍增加工资
securit.across-the-board increase全盘增加
securit.across-the-board increase普遍增加
busin.across-the-board percentage reduction以百分率计全面降价
fin.across-the-board public spending cuts全面公共减支
tech.across-the-board reduction每项费用均衡缩减
China, polit.across-the-board support广泛支持
textileacross-the-board tariff changes全面调整关税
econ.across-the-board tariff cut全面削减关税
interntl.trade.across-the-board tariff reduction全面降低关税
econ.across-the-board tariff reductions全面降低关税
interntl.trade.across-the-board tariff reductions in the Kennedy Round肯尼迪回合的全面关税降减
econ.across-the-board tax cut全面减税
econ.across-the-board tax-cut全面减税
tech.across-the-line motor直接起动电动机
tech.across-the-line motor直接启动式电动机
tech.across-the-line motor全压起动电动机
el.across-the-line start直接起动
el.across-the-line start全电压起动
el.mach.across-the-line starter直接全压启动器
el.across-the-line starter直接起动器
el.across-the-line starter全电压起动器
el.mach.across-the-line starter全电压启动器
el.mach.across-the-line starting直接启动
mech.eng.across the-line starting直接〔全电压〕启动
el.across-the-line starting全电压起动
tech.across-the-line starting直接起动
agric.across to the grain横纹指木材
tech.across to the grain横过木纹
spaceacross-track error偏离航线距离
oilacross-track misregistration轨迹交叉失调
bridg.constr.across wind横向风
wind.across-wind横风向的 (cross-wind)
wind.across-wind correlation横风向相关
wind.across-wind cross-correlation横风向互相关
wind.across-wind response横风向响应
wind.across-wind test横风向试验
avia.along and across航迹和偏航距离显示
el.mach.ampere-turns across airgap气隙安匝
comp.name.Association for Shipping Across the Taiwan Straits海峡两岸航运交流协会
econ.be across to是… 的责任〔任务〕
expl.blast open a tunnel 10 meters across through the hill在山中炸开一条10m宽隧道
sport, bask.break across横切
el.mach.bridge across跨接
avia.cable protective pipe across a pipeline电缆穿管与管道交叉
avia.cable running across heat pipeline电缆与热力管道交叉敷设
China, polit.cadres and the people across the country全国广大干部群众
tech.carry water across field引水入大田
tech.chain across ship's head链过船头
el.charge across the gap跨间隙充电
met.coating weight across strip带钢横向镀层重量
gen.come across发现
gen.come across偶然碰到
gen.come across遇到
busin.come across付欠款
busin.come across捐款
econ.come across偶遇
econ.come across支付
gen.come across越过
gen.come across
gen.come across义务
gen.come across无意中发现
gen.come across碰到
gen.come across one's mind忽然想起
gen.come across the mind忽然想到
gen.connect a voltmeter across CD在CD两点间并联跨接一个伏特计
el.connect across跨接在…两端
el.connect across并联连接
AI.contrast across region区域对比度
met.cooling uniformity across the slab沿板坯宽度上的冷却均匀性
tech.crushing strength across grain横纹抗压强度
el.crushing strength across the grain垂直纹理抗压强度
tech.crushing strength across the grain粒间横压强度
textilecut across开剪
textilecut across疵布开匹
cloth., qual.cont.cut across开匹
athlet.cut across绕近路
gen.cut across对直通过
tech.cut across两航交叉航驶
gen.cut across穿过…造成短路
gen.cut across抄近路穿过
waterski.cut across a wave切浪
dril.cut across grain穿颗粒侵染
tech.cut across the bar切滩
tech.cutting across of routes进路交叉
spacedepletion evenly across all launchers均匀消耗总则
gen.diffuse across M into通过M扩散到 N (N)
gen.direct M across使 M 横穿过 N (N)
bridg.constr.direction across bridge横桥方向
tech.discriminatory across-rates差别套汇率
archit.distance across横穿距离
tech.distance across横穿距 (离)
met.distance between slots across bolt跨螺栓水缝距 (结晶器的)
tech.distribution across the boundary layer边界层内法向分布
gen.draw a red herring across the path引人歧途
gen.draw a red herring across the path把话题扯到别处
mount.dray-across-the river climbing牵引渡河法攀越
footb.drive the ball hard across大力横传球
footb.drive the ball hard across横传硬球
gen.Easter customs vary across the Christian world, and include sunrise services, exclaiming the Paschal greeting, clipping the church and decorating Easter eggs, a symbol of the empty tomb复活节的庆祝方式在全世界的基督教中不尽相同,包括晨拜、复活节问候、教堂仪式,以及装扮象征着空坟墓的彩蛋
China, polit.encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits鼓励和推动两岸人员往来
fin.engage in across-the-board negotiations进行跨领域的谈判
bridg.constr.entire across width整个横向宽度
gen.fall across遇到
gen.fall across碰见
textilefeed across regulator横向送料调节器
textilefeed across regulator横向送料调节杆
tenn.feed from across the net隔网供球
gymn.felge across弧形上
fin.financial storm sweeping across the globe席卷全球的金融风暴
tech.flash across掠过
tech.flash across一闪而过
avia.flow across cylinders外掠管道流
avia.flow across tube banks外掠管束流
gen.fly across飞越
sport, bask.forward across前锋横切
gen.from across从…那边
baseb.get across得分
gen.get across使被理解接受
gen.get across把…讲清楚
gen.get across使横,穿
gen.get the story across toM 使 M 了解事情的经过
gen.go across渡 〔越〕过
commer.go through customs in order to pass across the border办理海关手续以入境
expl.Groups of deer bound across this brook every day on their way of southward migration每天成群结队的鹿在向南迁徙的途中跳过这条小溪
sport, bask.guard across play后卫交叉掩护进攻战术
sport, bask.guard across play后卫交叉掩护战术
textilehalf across back半背宽
met.heat transfer model across flux film渣膜传热模型
gen.hold M square across使 M 与 N 垂直 (N)
gen.Hollywood is like an octopus with tentacles extending across the globe好莱坞文化仿佛章鱼的触须,延伸至世界的每一个角落
gymn.hop across切杠
gen.impress a voltage across电压等加到…两端
fin.improve the outlook across the board would改善全球政治经济前景
proj.manag.interactions across multiple target markets多目标市场间的相互作用
met.jump frequency of atom across a liquid-solid interface原子跃过液-固相界面的频率
el.mach.leakage across tooth tips齿顶漏磁
danc.LF forward and across in PP and CBMP左脚前进交叉于反身动作及侧行位置中
securit.lower across the board全盘走低
securit.lower across the board全线走低
telecom.memory across access存储器交叉存取
gen.Mr. Yang's house is across the bank杨先生的房子就在银行对面
expl.Only this recent fragment model has won general acceptance across the blasting industry唯有近来建立的这个破碎模型才在爆破行业内广为人们接受
tech.opening across width of jaws瓠式破碎机进料口宽度
gen.our factory is across the river我们厂在河对岸
tech.parallel section across river横跨河流的平行断面
transp.pass across横穿
dril.pen sweep across记录笔摆动范围
China, polit.people's congresses at the county and township levels across the country全国县、乡两级人大
el.post-reactive ion etch across-chip linewidth variation反应离子蚀刻后通片线宽变差
railw.power frequency withstanding voltage across isolating distance隔离断口间工频耐压
railw.power frequency withstanding voltage across open contact相间工频耐压
food.ind.pressure differential across the membrane跨膜压差
earth.sc.pressure drop across bit钻头压力降
tech.pressure drop across the core沿岩芯方向压力降
badm.push a shot just across the net网前推托
busin.put a deal across做成一笔交易
tech.put a fence across the middle of the fields地中间隔上一条栅栏
gen.put across有效地表达
gen.put across渡过
gen.put across做〔搞〕成
tech.put across渡过 (河、湾等)
gen.put across成功
gen.put across使…接受
gen.put across宣传解释
gen.put across欺骗
gen.put across横放
UN, account.real-time connectivity across the Organization本组织全部实现实时联通性
China, polit.reflect the common interests and aspirations of people across the globe反映各国人民的共同利益与愿望
desert.remark code of average sediment concentration at across section断面平均含沙量注解码
danc.RF forward and across in PP and CBMP右脚前进交叉于反身动作及侧行位置中
tech.rib across the head顶部横肋
gen.rip across把…撕成两半车、船全速前进
hydroel.st.roadway across the dam过坝道路
tech.roughness across the lay横向粗糙度
gen.run across发现
athlet.run across出界
athlet.run across过线
tenn.run across双打中横截接发球
gen.run across偶然遇到〔发现〕
gen.run across
gen.run across碰到
tenn.run across service双打中发球的同伴横截接发球
sport.run across the line过线
gen.run across the street跑 〔横穿〕过马路
China, lawrush across railway lines抢越铁路
spaceSAR across-track resolution合成孔径雷达垂直航迹分辨率
bridge.scoring across the field网上桥牌比赛用全场计分法
bridge.scoring across the field全场记分法
cloth.She was wearing a silver fox fur across her shoulders她披了一件银狐皮披肩
sport, bask.shift arms across body两臂身前交叉摆动裁判手势之一 "投中无效"
sport, bask.shift arms across body两臂身前交叉摆动裁判手势
gen.shoot across掠过
cloth.shoulder across肩阔
plast.shrinkage across flow与流动方向垂直的收缩
plast.shrinkage across flow横向收缩
tech.shrinkage across machine direction横向皱缩
tech.sluice across river拦河闸
met.spacing between slots across bolt跨螺栓水缝距
construct.split across分裂为二
tech.split across对裂开
wrest.step across侧伸腿
gen.step across横穿
tech.stow across横装
tech.stow across横堆
shipb.stow across横着装
tech.straight across the road与道路中线直交
bridg.constr.strength across the grain横纹强度
tech.survey across直角测器
gen.sweep across冲过
tech.tensile strength across the grain横断面抗拉强度 (木材)
tech.tensile strength across the grain横纹抗拉强度 (木材)
archit.tensile strength across the grain木材横纹抗拉强度
tech.tensile strength across the grain横向抗拉强度 (木材)
met.tension across strip带钢横向张力
econ.the across-the-board cut全面削减
econ.the across-the-board percentage reduction以百分比率计全面降低
gen.The camera panned slowly across to the door镜头慢慢摇向门口
China, polit.the Chinese people of all ethnic groups across the country全国各族人民
gen.the free end projects halfway across the gap自由端伸出来跨越峡谷的一半
gen.the hydroelectric plant stretches across the river水电站横跨在河上
gen.The leggings are way cheaper in the shop across the street对面店里打底裤便宜得多
econ.The manager went back on his promise to increase salaries across the board经理答应过全面加薪,但食言了
expl.The minimum description of rock mass properties that influence blast performance includes the density, strength, stiffness and frequency and nature of discontinuities, together with an understanding of the variability of these parameters across the blasting area影响爆破行为的岩体特性描写的最少、包括非连续面的密度、强度、硬度、频率及自然属性、而且对爆破区域内这些参数的可变性了解的也最少
gen.the room measures 10 meters across这间房间宽十米
gen.the ship is 25m long and 7m across这船25米长,7米宽
gen.the two lines pass across each other at right angles这两条线成直角交叉
tech.tile cut across横砌砖
securit.transfer of assets across jurisdictions跨境资产转移
securit.transfer of assets across jurisdictions跨管辖区资产转移
tech.tunnel through mountains and cut across ridge凿山劈岭
wrest.turn over across the back过背翻
met.uniform heat transfer across slag layer渣层均匀传热 (Mold fluxes for the casting of medium carbon steels are designed to have a high crystallinity index to form uniform heat transfer across slag layer and thus reduce the likelihood of longitudinal cracking in the cast product. 中碳钢连铸用结晶器保护渣的设计目的是使其具有高的结晶指数以便使渣层均匀传热,从而降低连铸坯产生纵裂纹的可能性。)
met.uniformity across strip width带钢宽度方向上的均匀性
auto.variable across leaf spring变截面弓形板弹簧
gen.voltage acrossM M两端间的电压〔电位差〕
math.voltage across the resistor电阻两端的电压
el.voltage across the terminals端子间电压
wind.voltage across the terminals端电压
el.voltage drop across a resistance电阻两端的电压降
plast.volumetric leakage flow across flights跨螺棱体积漏流率〈挤塑〉
tech.wade across a river涉水过河
met.water pressure drop across the panel水冷炉壁水压降 (Parameters which have a strong influence on panel life include cooling water quantity and quality, water flow rate and velocity, inlet water pressure and water pressure drop across the panel, pipe/ panel construction material, and pipe diameter. 严重影响水冷炉壁寿命的技术参数包括冷却水量和冷却水质、水流量和水流速、人口水压和穿越水冷炉壁的水压降、水管/水冷炉壁结构材料以及管径等。)
met.water pressure drop across the panel穿越水冷炉壁的水压降
met.water slot spacing across bolt跨螺栓水缝距
tech.wear across the edge刃口磨损
tech.wear across the gage钻头、钎头直径磨损
tech.wear across the gauge钻头、钎头直径磨损
athlet.whip across快速过栏
textilewidth across chest胸宽
auto.width across flats扳手开口
auto.width across flats螺母/扳手开口宽度
auto.width across flats螺母对边宽度
avia.width across flats对边宽度
textilewidth across shoulder肩宽
avia.wind across风的正侧分量
gen.You can get some at the pharmacy across the street你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药
gen.zip across the horizon一鸣惊人
gen.zip across the horizon平地一声雷