
Terms for subject Athletics containing AT | all forms | exact matches only
chief judge at post-competition control赛后控制中心裁判
chief judge at pre-competition control赛前控制中心裁判
events at all distances全部径赛项目
flat at rapid speed快速平地跑
judges' stand at the finish终点裁判台
official at athletic meeting运动会裁判员
run at a given pace用规定速度跑
run at a given pace按规定速度跑
run at a pre-established pace按预计速度跑
run at ease不费力跑
run at ease放松跑
run at full effort用全力跑
run at full effort全力跑
run at ⁷⁄₈ speed用 ⁷⁄₈ 速度跑
run at top speed用最快速度跑
run at top speed最快速度跑
single arm action at takeoff起跳的单臂动作
speed at takeoff起跳速度
stamp at the take-off蹬地起跳
stamp at the takeoff起跳用力踏地
stamp at the take-off起跳后蹬
stamp at the take-off起跳踏地
stumble at a hurdle攻栏不果断
take shots at a height试跳
tape official at the finish终点司线员
throw into a wind at the back顺风投掷
thrust at blocks蹬起跑器
thrust at blocks蹬起跑架
tie for positions at finish终点位置成绩相等
tie for positions at the finish同时到达终点