
Terms for subject Finances containing ASSET | all forms | exact matches only
active asset有收益资产
active asset活动资产
admitted asset有价值资产
alternative monetary asset另类货币资产
appraisal of asset资产估价
asset-accountability unit资产经管单位
asset accounting资产会计
asset accounts资产科目
asset accounts资产帐户
asset acquired for non cash assets非现金取得资产
asset acquisition budget资产购置预算
asset allocation fund资产分配基金
asset allocation tool资产配置工具
asset alteration资产改造
asset and liabilities资产与负债
asset and liabilities account资产与负债账户
asset and liabilities management资产与负债管理
asset and liability accounts资产和负债表
asset appraisal资产评价
asset assessment资产评估
asset assessment contingency资产评估意外损失
asset assessment report资产评估报告
asset-backed commercial paper资产担保的商业票据
asset-backed commercial paper conduits资产担保的商业票据管道
asset-backed securities concept资产担保证券概念
asset-backed securities market资产担保证券市场
asset-backed securitization资产证券化 (指将缺乏流动性,但能够产生可预见的、稳定的现金流量的资产归集起来,通过一定的结构安排,对资产中风险与收益要素进行分离与重组,进而转移为在金融市场上可以出售和流通的证券的过程)
asset-based finance资产担保融资
asset-based lending资产抵押贷款
asset betterment and addition资产改良与增建
asset betterment statement资产增益表
asset brought into a business投资资产
asset bubbles资产泡沫
asset classes资产类别
asset classification资产分类
asset composition analysis资产构成分析
asset concentration资产集中
asset contribution factor资产贡献率
asset conversion loan资产转换贷款
asset coverage ratio资产偿付比率
asset depletion资产折耗
asset depreciation period资产折旧年限
asset depreciation range资产折旧范围
asset depreciation range资产折旧幅度
asset depreciation range system资产折旧幅度制度
asset disposal account资产处置账户
asset distribution资产分配
asset distribution statement资产分配表
asset entry value资产记账现值
asset expiration资产耗竭
asset forms资产形态
asset hedge资产保值
asset in kind实物资产
asset income资产收益
asset -income ratio资产收益比率
asset injection资产注人
asset-liabilities management资产负债管理
asset-liabilities ratio资产负债比率
asset-liabilities view资产-负债观念
asset lock-up资产锁定
asset management corporation资产管理公司
asset manager资产管理公司
asset manager资产经理
asset manager资产管理人
asset markets资产市场
asset of special fund专用基金资产
asset-or-nothing binary option资产或无价值二元期权
asset-or-nothing call资产或无价值看涨期权 (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
asset-or-nothing call option资产或无价值看涨期权 (若期权到期时标的资产价格低于执行价格,则该期权一文不值当股票价格高于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
asset-or-nothing option资产或无价值期权
asset-or-nothing put资产或无价值看跌期权 (若期权到期时标的资产价格高于执行价格,则该期权一文不当股票价格低于执行价格时,该期权支付一笔等于资产本身价值的款额)
asset-or-nothing put option资产或无价值看跌期权
asset out of account账外资产
asset out of book账外资产
asset play资产隙
asset pledged as collateral担保资产
asset pledged as security for liabilities负债抵押资产
asset pool quality资产池质量
asset portfolio资产组合
asset price资产价格
asset-price bubbles资产价格泡沫
asset pricing theory资产定价理论
asset protection trusts资产保护信托
asset purchases资产购买
asset quality资产质量
asset ratio资产比率
asset ratios资产比率
asset redeployment资产重新配置
asset reduction资产削减
asset reduction account资产抵项账户
asset reduction account资产减项科目
asset reorganization资产重组
asset reserve资产准备金
asset retirement资产报废
asset retirement budget资产报废预算
asset retirement cost资产报废成本
asset retirement depreciation method资产报废折旧法
asset retirement table资产报废表
asset retrenchment资产收缩
asset revaluation act资产重估法
asset securitization资产证券化
asset segregation资产区隔
asset settlement资产结算
asset side资产方
asset spin-off资产分拆
asset swap资产互换 (一种由现金信用工具和掉期组成的一篮子工具,这种互换将非票面值工具(债券或贷款)的现金流转换为票面值(浮动利率)结构。资产掉期通常将固定利率债券转换为票面值浮动利率债券,但交叉货币资产掉期也十分常见,它们将现金流从一种货币转换为另一种货币)
asset swap资产掉期
asset utilization ratio资产使用比率
asset valuation资产估值
asset valuation资产估价
asset valuation allowance资产计价备抵额
asset value资产价值
asset value per share每股资产价值
asset write-down资产减值
bank asset management银行资产管理
beneficiary asset value受益的资产价值
bond asset management group债券资产管理集团
buyer of asset资产的买方
capital and fixed asset ratio资本与固定资产比率
capital asset pricing资本资产订价
capital asset pricing model资本资产订价模式
carrying value of asset资产账面价值
carrying value of asset group资产组账面价值
cascading declines in asset prices资产价格不断下跌
cash asset ratio现金资产比率
classic asset bubble典型的资产泡沫
concept of distinguishing asset from expense资产与费用区分概念
contra-asset account对销资产账户
contra-asset account资产对销科目
current asset turnover流动资金周转率
debt-asset ratio负债对资产比率
debt-financed asset bubbles债务融资资产泡沫
debt-to-asset ratio负债对资产比率
deferred asset account递延资产账户
deferred-income tax asset递延所得税资产
defined asset限定资产
dormant asset闲置资产
doubtful asset有问题资产
doubtful asset存疑资产
European asset-or-nothing binary option欧式资产或无价值二元期权
European asset-or-nothing call欧式资产或无价值看涨期权
European asset-or-nothing put欧式资产或无价值看跌期权
expected tangible loss of asset资产的预计有形损失
experimental asset markets实验性资产市场
financial asset management companies金融资产管理公司
financial asset pricing theory金融资产定价理论
financial asset securitization金融资产证券化
fixed asset loans固定资产贷款
fixed asset losses in suspense待处理固定资产损失
fixed asset sealed and stored封存固定资产
fixed-asset turnover ratio固定资产周转率
fixed asset under finance lease融资租人固定资产
foreign asset managers外国资产管理公司
forward asset purchase远期资产购置
free asset ratio自由资产比率
fund asset专用基金资产
general asset普通资产
gold asset黄金资产
Goldman Sachs Asset Management高盛资产管理公司
hidden asset隐蔽资产
hidden asset帐外资产
highly liquid asset高流动性资产
impairment of asset资产减值
inadmissible asset不可征税的资产
inflation asset bubbles吹大资产泡沫
inflow of asset资产增加数
intertemporal capital asset pricing model跨期资本资产定价模型
issuer of financial asset金融资产发行方
J.P. Morgan Asset Management摩根大通资产管理公司
lead to asset price bubbles引发资产价格泡沫
legal asset法定资产
liabilities/asset ratio资产负债率
life of a depreciable asset固定资产使用年限
limitation on asset disposition资产处置限制
limited-life asset有限寿命的资产
liquidation of debt by asset以资产清偿债务
long-term asset长期资产
long-term asset turnover长期资产周转率
loss from appraisal of asset资产估价损失
loss from revaluation of fixed asset固定资产重估损失
loss from sales of fixed asset固定资产变价损失
loss on asset impairment资产减值损失
loss on disposal of old asset出售旧资产损失
loss or gain on disposal of fixed asset固定资产清理损益
main asset主要资产
minus asset负资产
multiple asset account多重资产账户
net asset value资产净值 (投资公司用语,常指每股的资本净值。投资公司每月一次或两次计算其资产净值)
net asset worth资产净值
offshore asset protection trusts境外资产保护信托
old asset in trade-in旧资产扣抵
operating asset turnover营业资产周转率
out-of-book asset账外资产
over-estimation of asset资产高估
personal capital asset个人资本性资产
physical asset有形财产
prepaid asset预付资产
prevent formation of an asset bubble预防资产泡沫的形成
priority of claims on asset资产请求权的优先顺序
put on the asset liability side列入资产负债
quick asset可兑换的资产
quick asset速动资产流动资产减存货后,现钱
ratio of fixed liabilities to asset held for security固定负债对担保资产比率
ratio of quick asset to current liabilities速动资产对流动负债比率
real estate asset trust不动产资产信托
recognition of asset group资产组的认定
recovery from a debt-fuelled asset bubble从债务所致的资产泡沫中复苏
reinvestments of principal from asset portfolio资产组合本金的再投资
repackaged asset vehicles重新包装的资产工具
reserve asset ratio储备资产比例
reserve for asset valuation资产评估准备
S & P recommended asset allocation标普推荐资产配置
sales of a financial asset with a repurchase agreement附回购协议的金融资产出售
sales of asset资产销售
segregated asset account独立资产账户
short-lived asset短期资产
short-lived asset短命资产
specific risks of the asset资产特定风险
statement of net quick asset flow现金资产净额流转表
statement of net quick asset flows速动现金资产净额流量表
theory of asset demand资产需求理论
theory of asset preference资产偏好论
theory of asset valuation资产估价论
theory of decreasing asset price资产价格下降论
unadmitted asset不受保资产保险会计
unadmitted asset未被承认的资产
unadmitted asset不得列计之资产
unadmitted asset不受保之资产
unadmitted asset不认其值之资产
unidentifiable intangible asset不可辨认无形资产
unlisted asset帐外资产
upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices通胀和资产价格上行压力
valuation of asset资产评估
value of asset资产价值
volatility of asset returns资产回报率波动性
wasting asset耗竭资产
wasting asset递减资产
wasting asset耗减资产