
Terms for subject Agriculture containing ASH | all forms | exact matches only
ash-coloured灰白色的 (cinereus)
ash constituent灰分组成
ash element灰分成分
ash-free dry matter无灰分干物质
ash-free organic matter无灰分有机物
ash leaf maple梣叶槭
ash manure肥料草木灰
ash manure灰肥
ash manuring施用草木灰
ash manuring施用灰肥
ash method灰化法
ash score灰分指数
ash soil灰[分]土
ash solution for soaking seeds浸种用草木灰液
ash weight灰分重
black volcanic ash soil黑色火山灰土壤
bone ash磷酸三钙
coal ash炭灰
coconut shell ash椰壳灰
coefficient of ash content to water硬软系数
crude ash粗灰分
furnace ash炉灰
ground ash白蜡树根蘖
leached wood ash浸析木灰
light ash grey淡灰色的 (cineracens)
lignite ash褐炭灰
mineral ash矿质灰分
mountain ash欧洲花楸
organic ash有机灰分
peat ash泥炭灰
plant ash植物灰分
residual ash残留灰分
seaweed ash海草灰
sludge ash软泥灰
soda ash[钠]碱灰
soda ash纯碱
straw ash稿灰
straw ash草灰
tobacco ash烟草灰分
unleached wood ash未淋溶木灰
vegetative ash草木灰