
Terms for subject Commerce containing AS | all forms | exact matches only
according as按…而
accredit it as accepted鉴定其可以接受
accredit Mr. Cook as his commercial assistant委任库克先生为他的商务助理
act as arbitrator担任仲裁员
act as umpire担任公断人
allow a loss as general average损失可按共同海损赔偿
announce the appointment of Mr. White as general manager宣布任命怀特先生为总经理
As a concession to the public outcry, the Government reduced the tax on petrol政府对大众强烈反对作岀让步,降低了汽油税
as agreed根据合同规定
as agreed LU经首席保险人同意
As agreed, we have covered insurance on these goods for 10% over the invoice value against all risks如所约定,我方已将这一批货物按发票金额加成10%投保综合险
as an exception作为例外
as by law enacted如法律所规定
as contracted根据合同规定
as customary按惯例
as explained in our cable of July 21正如我方七月二十一日电报所说明的那样
as fast as can尽快〔速〕交运
as inspected根据验货付款
"as is" sale原样买卖
As our company handles a large variety of chemicals, we can not offer without specific enquiry由于我公司经营的化工产品种类很多,没有具体询盘无法报盘
as per contract根据合同
as per contract stipulations根据合同规定
as per sample以样品为准
as per steamer由轮船运送
As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit我们已从信用证中删去了有关条款
As per your request we've deleted the relevant clause from the letter of credit按照你方要求
As requested, Type A will be replaced by Type B根据要求,B 型将代替 A 型
as seems看货买卖
as shown above如上所述
as shown above如上所示
As soon as fresh supplies are available, we'll contact you right away一旦有新的货物,我们将马上与你方联系
As soon as new supplies arrive, we'll lose no time to communicate with you一俟新货到来,我方即与你方联系
As soon as supplies are available, we'll make you an offer without fail一俟有货可供,我们将一定向你方报盘
As soon as the fresh supply available, we will contact you immediately by telex俟有货可供,我方立即与你方电传联系
As soon as the goods are available, we'll not hesitate to contact you一俟有货可供,我们将毫不迟疑地与贵方联系
As soon as we're in a position to offer, we'll give precedence to your enquiries一俟可以报盘,我方将优先办理你方询盘
As soon as your L/C arrives, we'll make arrangements to ship the first consignment of goods一接到贵方信用证,我方将准备装运第一批货物
as stated按规定
as stated earlier in the agreement正如协议前文中所述
As the goods are moderately priced, people of average means can afford to buy them该货定价适中,一般水平的人可以买得起
as the result of that因此
as the result of that随即
As there is no direct vessel to your port, the goods will have to be transhipped由于无直达船舶去你港,货物必须转运
assets held as collateral抵押资产
be appointed as one of arbitrators被指定为仲裁员之一
be proposed as a candidate for被推荐为…候选人
be qualified as a public surveyor有资格当公共鉴定人
complain of goods not being as represented抱怨货物与样品不符
Containerization is regarded as a mode for more efficient shipment集装箱化被视为更为有效的一种装运方式
contribute the right to use land as part of investment以土地使用权作为投资入股
deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194杂项费用已从总额中扣除
deductions have been made from the total amount for sundry expenses as per our Debit Note No. 194按我方第194号借方通知
E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险
equally share the benefits as well as the risks共担风险
equally share the benefits as well as the risks共享利益
evidence as to the quality of the goods货物品质证据
examine as to substance专利实质审查
except as otherwise provided除非另有规定
except as otherwise stated除非另有声明
fast as can尽快装卸 (亦缩为 f.a.c.)
fast as can as customary按照惯例尽快装卸
final as to quality为品质最终依据
Goods are moving as fast as last month货物周转与上月一样迅速
In case of a fundamental breach the party who suffers it may declare the contract as avoided受害一方可宣布合同无效
In case of a fundamental breach the party who suffers it may declare the contract as avoided如发生重大违约
inventory equivalent to as much as one month consumption相当于一个月消耗量的库存
It can't be quoted as a precedent这不可作为先例加以援引
limit expenses as much as possible尽量节省开支
Many facts emerged as a result of the investigation调查的结果是:许多事实暴露出来了
name sb. as manager任命某人为经理
offer sth. as a guarantee把某物作为抵押品
other terms as per the contract其他条件以合同为准
pay as you earn扣缴所得税
pay as you go扣缴所得税
pay as you see见货即付
plan serves as orders指令性计划
Please amend the L/C as allowing partial shipments and transshipment请将信用证改为允许分运和转运
Please amend your letter of credit so as to allow partial shipments and transhipment请将你方信用证改为允许分运与转运
Please anticipate the shipment as soon as possible请尽早提前装运
Please cable us as soon as interest emerges一俟兴趣岀现请即电告我方
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market以免失去销售机会
Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market请与我方合作并迅速装船
Please establish the relevant L/C covering our S/C No. 552 as soon as possible请尽快开立我方第552号销售确认书项下有关信用证
Please expedite shipment as soon as possible请尽速装船
Please furnish us with further details as early as possible请尽早为我们提供进一步细节
Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed请放心,我们将按商定的条款执行你方定单
Please send us liberal samples as soon as possible请尽快寄送大量样品
premium as arranged保险费按协议计收
quality as per buyer's sample质量以买方样品为准 (与质量以卖方样品为准 (quality as per seller's sample) 相对)
quality to be considered as being about equal to the sample交货品质与样品大致相同
quote as closely as possible尽量接近成本地开价
reckon quality of goods as important认为货物质量重要
sales as per specification凭规格买卖
Some Chinese have always treated IKEA as an extension of their own homes有些中国人已经将宜家作为他们自己家庭的延伸
stocks and bonds as collateral附随的
stocks and bonds as collateral作为债务抵押的股票和债券-副的
The accounts were certified as correct账目经核查无误
The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权
The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定
The cable reads as follows电文如下
The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资
The contract is consequently avoided as from the date when the frustration occurs合同即告作废
The contract is consequently avoided as from the date when the frustration occurs从发生合同落空之日起
The court impounded the documents to use as evidence法院保管这些文件作为证据
The full text reads as follows全文如下
The goods are rated as first-class货物被认为是第一流的
The goods are satisfactory as a whole总体上说来货物是令人满意的
The Industry and Commerce Bureau licensed him as an individual seller工商管理局发给他个体营业执照
The market has so changed as to be favourable to the buyers市场变化对买方有利
The offerer has promptly informed the acceptor that he considers the offer as lapsed他认为该发盘已经失效
The offerer has promptly informed the acceptor that he considers the offer as lapsed发盘立即通知受盘人
The output of the factory has increased by fifty percent as compared with last year与去年比该厂产量增加了百分之五十
The overseas subsidiary enjoys in the country of its incorporation the same status as an indigenous trading corporation海外附属公司与当地贸易公司享有同等地位
The vessel has been posted as missing这条船已宣布失踪
The work of a shipping and receiving department should not considered as added operation. Rather, it should be integrated into the processing function发货收料部门的工作不应被视为附加工序,应归并到生产业务中去
They estimated the cashier's defalcation as US $100,000. 000. 他们估计出纳员盗用公款达100,000美元
This method of remuneration is intended to operate as an incentive for the agent这种报酬方式是为能对代理人起激励作用
value as in original policy价值参照原保险单
valued as in orginal policy保险估价如原保险单所载
We acknowledge the agreement as binding我们承认该协议具有约束力
We will expedite shipment as much as possible我们将尽可能加速装运货物
We'll cable you as soon as the goods are available一俟有货我们即告你方
We've received your check for US $20,000 in payment for the goods ordered as per your letter dated 10th inst兹收到你方20,000美元支票,系支付你方本月十日来函所订购货物的货款
With regard to S/C No. 5012, please ship the goods as soon as possible关于第5012 号销售合同,请尽快装运货物
wood contracts as it dries木材干燥时会收缩
You may take or reject the goods, according as you prefer按你方意愿可接受也可拒收货物