
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing AND | all forms | exact matches only
a hundred and twenty kilometres per hour每小时120公里
a safe and economic design安全经济的设计
administrative and technical offices科室
advance of science and technology科技进步
advantages and disadvantages优缺点
allowable bond strength between plain reinforcement and concrete光钢筋与混凝土之间的容许黏结力
allowable fatigue stress of rivet in shearing and compressing铆钉受剪及承压时的疲劳容许应力
allowable principal tension stress of concrete with stirrups and diagonal reinforcement有箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力
allowable principal tension stress of concrete without stirrup and diagonal bar无箍筋及斜筋时混凝土的容许主拉应力
alternate freezing and thawing交替冻融
alternation of freezing and thawing冻融交替
analysis of labour and material expenses工料分析
angle between inclined shear reinforcement and longitudinal axis of member斜向剪力钢筋与杆件纵轴之间的夹角
Asia and Pacific Nations亚太国家
assembling and erection拼装
back-faces of pier and abutment墩台的背面
balance and distribution of earth masses土石方调配
balance and distribution of earth masses土方调配
balance and distribution of masses of soil and rock cut-fill adjustment土石方调配
basic bearing capacity of alluvial and diluvium clayey soil冲洪积黏性土地基基本承载力
beginning-and-ending points起迄点
bending compression and eccentric compression弯曲受压及偏心受压
bent-shaped pier and abutment排架式墩台
bent-shaped pier and bent-shaped abutment排架式墩台
bolted and welded steel girder栓焊钢梁
bond between concrete and steel混凝土与钢的黏结力
bond between reinforcement and concrete钢筋与混凝土间的黏结力
bond between reinforcement and concrete钢筋与混凝土间的握裹力
bond force between plain reinforcement and concrete光钢筋与混凝土之间的黏结力
boring by churn and grab冲抓钻孔
boring by churn and grab冲击钻孔
box beam without ballast and sleeper无碴无枕箱梁
brake and traction bracing制动撑架
brake and traction bracing制动架
bridge and culvert for seasonal drainage季节性排洪桥涵
bridge and tunnel department桥梁隧道处
bridge carrying both highway and railway公路铁路两用桥
bridge floor without ballast and sleeper无碴无枕桥面
bridge for combined railway and highway traffic公路铁路两用桥
bridge repair and maintenance桥梁维修保养
bridge with stiff tie and flexible-arch刚性系杆柔性拱桥
bridge with stiff-beam and flexible-arch刚性梁柔性拱桥
bridge without ballast and sleeper无碴无枕桥
bridge without ballast and tie无碴无枕桥
bridges and culverts桥涵
broad and shallow river宽浅河流
broad and shallow stream宽浅河流
buckling stress of column under combined axial compression and lateral pressure轴向压力和侧向压力下柱的屈曲应力
buried depths of foundation of pier and abutment墩台基础深度
business and management经营管理
butt and break joint对头错接
butt and butt joint对头连接
butt and butt joint对接头
butt and collar joint套筒接头
butt connection of equal width and equal thickness steel plates等宽等厚钢板对接
centre-lines of pier and abutment墩台中心线
change of scour and deposition冲淤变化
chapters and sections章节
check and accept验收
check and accept of the completed project工程竣工验收
check and approval审阅
check loads of bridge and culvert桥涵验算荷载
China Highway and Transportation Society中国公路运输学会
China Road and Bridge Engineering Company中国公路桥梁工程公司
Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics中国力学学会
civil engineering and building construction土木建筑工程
classification and technical condition of carbon steel cast碳素钢铸件分类及技术条件
classification of bridges and culverts according to span and opening桥涵按跨径分类
clipping and heaving上下浮动
coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and earth under base of foundation桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数
coefficient of friction between bottom of bridge or culvert and foundation soil桥涵底面与基底土之间的摩擦系数
coefficient of friction between top of bridge or culvert and top load桥涵顶面与顶上荷载之间的摩擦系数
coefficient of topography and geography condition地形、地理条件系数
collaboration of steel and concrete钢筋与混凝土协同作用
combination of compression and shear压力与剪力的组合
combination of inplane loads and out-of-plane loads面内荷载与面外荷载的组合
combination of live load, impact, and dead load活载、冲击力及恒载的组合
combination of primary and secondary forces主力与附加力的组合
combine indigenous and foreign method土洋结合
combined action of moment and shear力矩与剪力的组合作用
combined axial and bending stresses组合轴向和弯曲应力
combined bending and shear deflection弯曲与剪切的综合挠度
combined shearing and normal stresses剪切和法向的组合应力
combined system of girder and arch梁与拱组合体系
communications and transport交通运输
components and parts零部件
composite beam of steel and concrete钢-混凝土结合梁
composite steel and concrete beam钢与混凝土组合梁
conducting and regulating structure调治建筑物
conservancy engineering for water and earth水土保持工程
consideration and approval审批
construction and equipment施工机械设备
construction and installation施工安装
construction and installation engineering建筑安装工程
construction and road machine建筑筑路机
countersunk and chipped rivet埋头铆钉
coupled flexural and torsional vibration弯扭耦合振动
crack and fissure裂隙
cross frame and sway bracing断面联结系
crosssection of half-side bridge of mountainous and hilly terrain山岭、重丘区半边桥横断面
crosssection of half-side bridge of plain and rolling terrain平原、微丘区半边桥横截面
culvert inlet and outlet涵洞洞口
cut-and-cover method明挖法
cut-and-cover method基坑法
cut and fill随挖随填
cut and fill subgrade半挖半填路基
cut and replacement method换填土施工法
cut and replacement method换土法
cut and try method试凑法
cut and try method试算法
cycle of freezing and thawing冻融交替
dead loads of bridge and culvert桥涵恒载
deck and floor system桥面系
deck without ballast and tie无碴无枕桥面
deformation of shaft of pier and abutment墩台身的变形
demolition and relocation拆迁
department of bridge and tunnel engineering桥隧处
departure and arrival track到发线
design and construction firm设计与施工公司
design loads of bridge and culvert桥涵设计荷载
design specifications for bridges and culverts of railway铁路桥涵设计规范试行 (tentative)
detailed rules and regulations细则
differential and integral calculus微积分学
displacement and distortion of soil during pile driving打桩引起土的位移和变形
distance between centres of tension stress and compression stress应力中心距
diversion and protection structure导治建筑物
division and chapter篇章
division of bridge and tunnel桥隧处
drainage and dewatering排水与降水
drainage and irrigation排灌
drawing for connection of conic pitching, drainage, and abutment with subgrade锥体、排水及桥台与路基连接图
dykes and dams堤坝
earth pressure acted on two sides of bridge and culvert桥涵两侧土压力
ebb and flow涨落指潮水
economic and technological development zone经济技术开发区
effect of shrinkage and creep of concrete混凝土收缩和徐变的影响
elastic horizontal displacements at top of pier and abutment墩台顶弹性水平位移
energy dissipating and anti-scour facility消能防冲设施
engineering classification of soil and rock土和岩石的工程分类
engineering reliability and quality control工程可靠性与质量控制
engineers and technicians工程技术人员
entrance and exit进出口
entrance and exit出入口
equipment and material器材
equivalent lengths of bridge and tunnel桥隧换算长度
error checking and correction lapping错误复核与改正
evaluation based on statistics and probability of simultaneous occurrence of loads建于荷载同时发生的统计和概率基础之上的求算
examination and approval审批
examination and check审核
examination and verification审核
examine and approve审定
examine and revise审订
examining and approving核准
examining and receiving验收
excavated and cast-in-place pile挖孔桩
excavated and cast-in-site pile挖孔桩
excavation and protection on foundation ditch基坑开挖与支护
expansion and contraction伸缩
expansion and contraction installation of bridge floor桥面伸缩装置
expansion and contraction joint伸缩缝
expenses of three items of science and technology科学技术三项费用
experimental and theoretical studies试验和理论研究
exploration and sampling勘探与取样
external shapes of bridge and culvert桥涵外形
fall and break坠毁
fatigue testing of wires and strands钢丝和钢绞线的疲劳试验
fill-and-cut slope半填半挖斜坡
flow of water in open channels and pipes明渠及管道水流
framed pier and abutment构架式墩台
frame-shaped pier and abutment构架式墩台
free contact radial compression between roller rocker and plate辊轴摇轴与平板自由接触的径向受压
free to contract and expand自由胀缩
freezing and thawing冻结融解
freezing and thawing冻 融
friction between reinforcement and anchor ring edge钢筋与锚圈口的摩擦
friction between reinforcement and tube钢筋与管道间的摩擦
full of bumps and holes凹凸不平
general and specific policies方针政策
general flat and even ground一般平坦空旷地面
General specifications for design on railway bridges and culverts铁路桥涵设计通用规范
geodesy and cartography测绘学
geographic and geologic condition地理地质条件
girder without ballast and sleeper无碴无枕梁
girder beam without ballast and tie无碴无枕梁
girder without ballast and tie无碴无枕梁
groove-and tongue企口
grooved-and-tongued joint榫接头
grooved and tongued joint企口接合
grooved and tongued sheet plie企口板桩
half embankment and half cut半路堤半路堑
half embankment and half cut半堤半堑
half fill and half cut半填半挖
highway and railway bi-purpose bridge公路铁路两用桥
highway and railway bridge公路铁路两用桥
highway and railway double use bridge公路铁路两用桥
highway and railway transit bridge公路铁路两用桥
hillside cut and fill山坡半填半挖
honeycomb and scale蜂窝麻面
horizontal displacement at top level of cap of pier and abutment墩台顶面水平位移
horizontal displacement observation for pier and abutment墩台水平位移观测
horizontal displacement of top of pier and abutment墩台顶面水平位移
horizontal pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load恒载及活载对圆形涵洞管节作用的水平压力
hydrologic and geologic conditions水文地质条件
hydrology of bridge and culvert桥涵水文
hydrostatic pressure and buoyant force静水压力及浮力
identification and classification of subsidability of loess黄土湿陷性的鉴别和分类
import and export duties进出口税
in-and-out splice plate内外搭接板
increasing and decreasing of upper limit上限的升降
industrial and mining enterprises工矿企业
inlet and outlet进出口
inspection and receiving acceptance验收
institute of science and technology information科技情报所
interacting area between concrete and longitudinal reinforcement与纵向钢筋相互作用的混凝土面积
interaction between wheel and rail轮轨相互作用
interaction of soil and structure土与结构的相互作用
International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering国际土力学和基础工程学会
iron and steel钢铁
irrigation and drainage planning灌溉排水规划
jacked-in bridge and culvert顶进桥涵
jacking bridge and culvert顶进桥涵
jacking bridge and culvert for existing track既有铁路线的顶进桥梁
joint mapping with plane-table and level小平板与水准仪联合测绘
joint mapping with plane-table and transit小平板与经纬仪联合测绘
large and medium-sized projects大中型建设项目
lateral earth pressure acted on two sides of bridge and culvert桥涵两侧土压力
lateral earth pressure acted on two sides of bridge and culvert桥涵两侧土压
law of action and reaction作用和反作用定律
laws and regulation法规
laws and regulations法规
lead and oil paint红铅油
lime-cement and broken-brick mixture三和土
limitation separating elastic and rigid foundation区分弹性基础和刚性基础的界限
load and beam cross line荷载与梁相交线或点 (or point)
loading and transporting装运
loads acted on the top of bridge and culvert桥涵顶上荷载
locally removing and constructing局部拆建
locating of pier and abutment桥梁墩台定位
longitude and latitude经纬距
longitude and latitude经纬度
longitudinal and transverse stiffeners纵向和横向加劲件
longitudinal and transverse stiffening ribs纵横加劲肋
lower pendulum, rocker- and bed-plate of bearing支座的上摆、下摆、摇轴和座板
maintenance and management维修管理
maintenance and repair of revetment护坡养护修理
maintenance of track and bridges线路桥梁养护
major, medium and minor bridge with ballasted floor道碴桥面大、中、小桥
massive pier and abutment重型墩台
maximum temperature differential of inside and outside surfaces of box beam due to the effect of sunshine or temperature decreasing日照或降温影响下箱梁内外表面最大温差
member subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses承受轴向压应力和弯曲应力的杆件
member subjected to combined axial force and bending moment承受轴向力和弯矩联合作用的杆
member subjected to torsion and bending扭弯杆件
member with both upper and lower hinged ends上下端均铰结的杆件
method of trial and error试凑法
monetary sum of construction and installation engineering建筑安装工程量
morning and evening tides潮汐
necessary and sufficient condition充分必要条件
noneroding and nonsilting velocity不冲不淤流速
nonlinear theory of plates and shells非线性板壳理论
observe and survey观测
organization and planning of construction施工组织设计
origin and destination起迄点
overturning stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment墩台基底倾覆稳定系数
overturning stability of pier and abutment墩台倾覆稳定
paint system and color涂层和颜色
part-cut and part-fill subgrade半挖半填路基
part-fill and part-cut slope半填半挖斜坡
paved expansion and contraction joint铺面伸缩缝
pavement of inlet and outlet出入口的铺砌
pedestrian and vehicle segregation行人与车辆分流
percussion and grabbing bit冲抓钻头
percussion and grabbing drill冲抓钻
percussion and grabbing method冲抓法
periodic inspection and repair定期维修
pier and abutment桥梁墩台
pier and abutment墩台
pier and abutment for double track bridge复线墩台
pier and abutment of bridge桥梁墩台
pier subjected simultaneously to end moments and transverse loads同时承受端弯矩和横向荷载的桥墩
piers and abutments of railway bridge铁路桥梁墩台
piling by combined of flushing and ramming水冲锤击混合沉桩法
plan and prepare筹划
plan of construction and installation engineering施工安装工程计划
plate and shell structure板壳结构
play between wheel and rail轮轨游间
policy of science and technology科技政策
positions of pier and abutment墩台位置
principal combination of loads of bridge and culvert桥涵荷载主要组合
principle of work and power功能原理
profile and cross-section survey for rivier河流断面测量
programme for the development of science and technology科技规划
protection and treatment of swelling foundation soil膨胀土地基的防治
provisions and explanation条文与说明
purpose and scope of reconnaissance investigation踏勘调查的目的和范围
quality and quantity guaranteed保质保量
quantity of construction and installation engineering建筑安装工程量
quick-setting and expanding cement快凝膨胀水泥
railway and highway combined bridge铁路公路两用桥
ratio between elastic modulus of reinforcement and deformation modulus of concrete钢筋弹性模量与混凝土变形模量之比
ratio of elastic moduli of reinforcement and concrete钢筋弹性模量与混凝土弹性模量之比
ratio of pitch and span拱高跨比
ratio of reinforcement computing strength and concrete prism strength钢筋计算强度与混凝土棱柱体强度之比
ratio of reinforcement elastic modulus and concrete deformation modulus钢筋弹性模量与混凝土变形模量之比
ratio of rise and span拱高跨比
ratio of thickness and width厚宽比
read and evaluate审读
read and revise校阅
receiving and despatching siding到发线
reconnaissance and design institute勘测设计院
reconnaissance and design stage勘测设计阶段
rectangular plate with three edges simply supported and one edge free三边简支、一边自由的矩形边
rectangular plate with three edges simply supported and one edge free under nonuniform compression不均匀压力作用下三边简支,一边自由的矩形板
reeler and unreeler machine for wire卷放钢丝机
regulations for construction and acceptance施工及验收规程
reinforced concrete light type pier and abutment钢筋混凝土轻型墩台
reinforced concrete pier and abutment钢筋混凝土墩台
relation between seismic grade and seismic degree地震烈度与地震震级的关系
relative table of legal measurement units and illegal measurement units法定计量单位与非法定计量单位的关系表
render and set两层抹灰
render-float and set三层抹灰
repeated load with variable amplitude and frequency, variable amplitude repeated load变幅重复荷载
replacement and filling sand换填砂
research and product研制
retired staff and workers退休职工
revise and enlargement增订
revised and enlarged edition增订版
revision factor of width and depth宽度和深度修正系数
rise and fall of temperature温度升降
rise and fall system升降系统
rivers and canals河渠
riveted and welded steel girder铆焊钢梁
road and rail bridge铁路公路两用桥
rules and regulations章则
rules and regulations currently in effect现行规章制度
rules and regulations in force现行规章制度
rules and regulations in operation现行规章制度
safe and economical bridge安全和经济的桥梁
saline rock and soil盐渍岩土
scenic spots and historical sites名胜古迹
science and technology科技
scientific and technical advisory unit科技咨询单位
scientific and technical information科技情报
scientific and technical personnel科技人员
scientific and technological consulting科技咨询
scientific and technological terminology科技术语
scientific and technology exchange科技交流
seas and oceans海洋
seasonal drainage bridge and culvert季节性排洪桥涵
secondary combination of loads of bridge and culvert桥涵荷载附加组合
section of bridge and tunnel engineering桥隧科
sections and chapters篇章
seepy soil filled in conic body, in abutment and on back of abutment锥体内、台内及台后填渗水土
semiflexible and semirigid pier半柔半刚桥墩
shafts of pier and abutment桥墩台身
shafts of pier and abutment of bridge桥墩台身
shear stress of bases of intermediate column and side wall中柱及侧墙的根部剪应力
shipping and rafting deparment航运及筏运部门
shotcrete and bolt lining喷锚衬砌
shrinkage and creep of concrete混凝土的收缩和徐变
sites of pier and abutment墩台位置
skew pier and abutment斜交墩台
sliding stability factor with respect to the base of foundation of pier and abutment墩台基底滑动稳定系数
sliding stability of pier and abutment墩台滑动稳定
slope and slide斜坡和滑坡
soil removal and replacement换土
solid pier and abutment实体墩台
solid spandrel stone arch for medium and minor span实腹式中、小跨度石拱桥
specifications for construction of bridges and culverts of railway铁路桥涵施工技术规范
specifications for construction of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵施工技术规程
specifications for construction technique of railway bridges and culverts铁路桥涵施工技术规范
specifications for design of highway bridges and culverts公路桥涵设计规范
specifications for design of railway bridges and culverts铁路桥涵设计规范试行 (tentative)
Specifications for design on concrete and block masonry structures of railway bridges and culverts铁路桥涵混凝土和砌体设计规范
Specifications for design on subsoil and foundation of railway bridges and culverts铁路桥涵地基和基础设计规范
specifications for survey and design of highway bridge site公路桥位勘测设计规程
specifications for survey and design of railway bridge site铁路桥位勘测设计规范
stability against overturning and sliding倾覆及滑走稳定
stability of bridge and culvert桥涵稳定性
stability of plates and shells板壳稳定性
standard specifications for bridges and culverts of railway铁路桥涵标准规范
standards of flood frequencies of bridge and culvert桥涵洪水频率标准
state of stress and deformation of soil around the pile桩周土的应力状态和变形
State Scientific and Technological Commission国家科学技术委员会
statistic tables and reports表报
steel bar straightener and cutter钢筋调直切断机
steel pier and abutment钢墩台
stiffened plate girder with longitudinal stiffeners and subjected to lateral load具有纵向加劲肋并承受侧向荷载的加劲板梁
stress distribution caused by axial force and bending moment轴向力和弯矩所引起的应力分布
strike and wear due to drifter漂流物产生的撞击和磨损
structures at railway yards and terminals铁路站场建筑物
submerged and moist region浸水和潮湿地区
superelevated and widened curve超高加宽曲线
survey and design institute勘测设计院
survey and design stage勘测设计阶段
survey and drawing测绘
survey and setting of curve曲线测设
survey in reconnaissance and design stage勘测设计阶段测量
surveying and drawing测绘
swelling rock and soil膨胀岩土
switch and crossing道岔
switch and frog道岔
teams and groups班组
technical and economic target技术经济指标
technical and economical survey技术经济勘察
technical and organizational measures技术组织措施
technical conditions of hot rolling round steel used in common carbon steel rivet and bolt普通碳素钢钏螺用热轧圆钢技术条件
technical innovation and technical revolution技术革新与技术革命
temperature differential between stand and reinforcement台座与钢筋之间的温度差
temperature differential between stand and tendon台座与钢筋之间的温度差
temporary stress existed before prestress losing due to creeping and shrinking徐变和收缩引起预应力损失前的暂时应力
tenon-and-mortise joint榫接头
tension and compression fatigue test拉压疲劳试验
thaw-sinkage subgrade and heavy thaw-sinkage subgrade弱融沉、融沉、强融沉土的地基最终沉降量
The 3rd railway survey and design institute铁路第三勘察设计院
The 3rd railway survey and design institute第三铁路勘察设计院
The 3rd reconnaissance and design institute第三勘测设计院
The third survey and design institute第三勘测设计院
to-and-fro motion往返运动
to-and-fro oscillation来回摆动
tongue-and-groove board企口板
tongue-and-groove connection企口接合
tongue and groove form企口模板
tongue-and-groove joint企口接合
tongue-and-groove sheet pile企口板桩
top and bottom lateral bracing上、下平面联结系
track laying and girder erecting machine铺轨架桥机
traffic and transportation交通和运输
transportation and miscellaneous expense for materials材料运杂费
transportation by land and water水陆运输
transporting and erecting stage运送和安装阶段
transverse compressive stress acting on front side and rear side of foundation基础前后侧横向压应力
transverse expansion and contraction gap横向伸缩间隙
trial and error method试凑法
troughs for communication cable and signal cable通信信号电缆槽
trying and error method试凑法
university of science and technology科技大学
unreasonable rules and regulations不合理规章制度
vertical and horizontal pressure acted on culvert due to computing live load计算活载对涵洞的竖向压力和水平压力
vertical compressive stress acting on front edge and rear edge of foundation base基础底面前后边缘竖向压应力
vertical distance between outside top of culvert and ground涵洞外顶面与地面之间的竖直距离
vertical pressure acting on pipe-section of circular culvert due to dead load and live load恒载及活载对圆形涵洞管节作用的竖向压力
very special social and economic importance非常的社会和经济的重要性
volume of earth and stone土石方
water and land traffic水陆交通
water and land transportation水陆运输
water loss and soil erosion水土流失
water-reducing and set-accelerating agent减水促凝剂
wear and tear磨耗
welded and bolt-connected bridge栓焊桥梁
welded and high strength bolt connected steel beam栓焊钢梁
welded and high strength bolt-connected bridge栓焊桥梁
welded and high strength bolt-connected steel bridge栓焊钢桥
welded and high strength bolt-connected steel truss栓焊钢桁梁
welded and high-strength-bolted girder栓焊钢梁
work of earth and stone土石方