
Terms for subject Finances containing AN | all forms | exact matches only
accounting as an information system会计作为一种信息处理系统
achieve sustainable development at an early date早日实现可持续发展
address an immediate problem解决迫在眉睫的问题
adjust an account清理帐目
adjust an account整理帐目
amount of an annuity due到期年金值
amount of an annuity due到期年金终值
amount of an ordinary annuity普通年金值
amount of an ordinary annuity普通年金的终值
appointment of an adjuster委任理算人
ask an account请求付帐
balance an account平衡帐目
balance an account轧平帐户
balance of an account帐户余额
build an international reserve currency system with stable value, rule-based issuance and manageable supply建立币值稳定、供应有序、总量可调的国际储备货币体系
cancel an order撤单
charge to an account记帐
clear an account清帐
clear off an account付清帐
close an account结束帐户
close an account停止信用交易清帐后,停止赊购
close an account结帐
cool an overheated economy针对过热经济的降温
create an effective firewall建立一道有效的防火墙
create an enabling institutional environment创造良好制度环境
create an environment to encourage innovation营造鼓励创新的环境
create an international and eventually fully convertible currency推动货币国际化,并最终实现完全自由兑换
defaulter of an obligation违约不偿还债务者
develop an open economy发展开放型经济
establish an open and free global trading system建立开放自由的全球贸易体制
execute an estate让渡财产
foster an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development营造有利于全球经济健康发展的制度环境
future value of an annuity定期供款之未来值
grow in an exponential way呈指数式增长
handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing通过平等对话处理摩擦和分歧
hedge against an increase in inflation对冲通胀率的上升
in an easy position头寸宽裕
keep financing from all sources at an appropriate level保持合理的社会融资规模
liability for nonperformance of an obligation不履行债务义务引起的责任
liability for non-performance of an obligation不履行债务引起的责任
liability to an outsider对外负债
lose control of an overheating economy失去对过热经济的控制
make an entry of把帐记入…
make out an account开帐
open an account开立帐户
open an account开户
overcharge an account溢开帐户
overcharge an account多开帐款
pay an indemnity给予赔偿
pay an instalment分期付款
person in possession of an instrument持票人
Ping An Bank平安银行 (中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司控股的跨区域经营的股份制商业银行,总部设在深圳,2012年1月收购深圳发展银行后组建了新的平安银行正式对外营业,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第97位,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第283位)
Ping An Insurance Group平安保险集团 (以保险为核心的综合性金融服务集团,香港联合交易所和上海证券交易所的上市公司,成立于1988年,总部位于深圳,2013年7月8日斥资 2.6 亿英镑买下位于英国伦敦金融城中心的地标性建筑一一劳埃德保险公司大厦,其企业规模(按占据相同权重的"销售额、利润、资产和市值"4项指标综合衡量)在2013年《福布斯》全球企业2000强榜单中名列第83位,其营业收人在2013年《财富》世界500强排行榜中名列第181位)
place an order下单
play an important and constructive role发挥重要的建设性作用
play an important role发挥重要作用
post an entry过入帐目
preparation of an installment distribution plan分期付款计划表之编制
present value of an annuity年金现值
present value of an annuity due即付年金现值
present value of an annuity of 1 dollar一美元年金现值
present value of an ordinary annuity普通年金的现值
prevent a double dip resulting from an end to the alone inventory cycle防范库存周期结束所引发的双底衰退
prevent an economic hard landing防止经济硬着陆
prevent formation of an asset bubble预防资产泡沫的形成
properly handle frictions and differences through dialogue on an equal footing通过平等对话妥善处理摩擦和分歧
purchase of an interest by payment to one or more old partners付款于旧合伙人一人或多人的买入伙
purchase of an interest distinguished from investment买入伙权与投资的区别
reach an agreement on the debt ceiling就债务上限达成协议
render an account结帐
render an account报帐
rent of an annuity租金
reserve an entry冲帐
reverse an entry冲销
reverse an entry冲帐
run an account at the bank在银行欠帐
sale at an exchange在交易所销售
salt an account虚报帐目
secure an obligation保证付债义务
state an account算帐
state an account开帐单
support an open global economy支持开放的全球经济
take advantage of enormous demand to sell at an inflated price利用巨大需求抬高发行价
take out an insurance投保
taker of an option期权的接受人
term of an insurance policy保险契约有效期
to close an account结束帐户
to make out an account开帐
to open an account开立帐户
to reserve an entry冲帐
to settle an account结帐
to strike off write off an entry抹去帐项
transform the renminbi into an international reserve currency将人民币打造成国际储备货币
trigger an offshore renminbi credit boom引发海外人民币贷款的激增
up to an aggregate amount of总金额大写
utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner综合运用价格和数量工具
wipe out an account抹帐
without an offer无发价
writing an option卖出期权
Xi'an City Commercial Bank西安市商业银行