
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing AGENT | all forms | exact matches only
accelerating agent促凝剂
acid bin ding agent酸结合剂
activating agent激活物质
activating agent活化剂
active agent有效剂
active agent活化剂
actual passivating agent有效钝化剂
addition agent for steelmaking炼钢添加剂 (Addition agent for steelmaking refers to any material other than the principal alloying constituents, added to the molten metal to produce or promote desirable properties in the steel. 炼钢添加剂指的是除主要合金组分外,添加到钢水中的、用于形成或促进钢的良好性能的物质。)
agent of fusion助熔剂
agglomerating agent凝结剂
air pollution agent大气污染介质
air pollution agent.大气污染因素
alloying agent合金添加剂
alsithermic reducing agent铝-硅热法还原剂
Al-si-thermic reducing agent铝-硅热法还原剂
amount of fluxing agent熔剂量
anionic surface-active agent阴离子表面活性剂
anticorrosive agent防腐剂
anti-foaming agent防沫剂
antifoaming agent防泡沫剂
antipitting agent麻面防止剂
antipitting agent点蚀防止剂
antiplastering agent反粘结剂
antiplastering agent阻粘剂
antispattering agent防溅剂
antispattering agent抗溅剂
antistick agent脱模剂
antistick agent防粘剂
antisticking agent脱模剂
antisticking agent防粘剂
attacking agent腐蚀剂
attacking agent侵蚀剂
auxiliary agent辅助添加剂
back washing agent洗提剂
back washing agent反萃剂
binding agent粘结剂
blowing agent吹炼剂 (氧、空气等)
brazing agent铜焊剂
brazing agent硬钎焊剂
brightening agent增亮剂
buffer agent缓冲剂
carbonaceous reducing agent碳质还原剂
carburizing agent碳化剂
carburizing agent增碳剂
catalytic agent触媒剂
catalytic agent催化剂
causticizing agent化剂
cementation agent渗碳剂
cementing agent粘结剂
chelating agent螯合剂
chemical agent化学试剂
chemical polishing agent化学抛光剂
chloridizing agent氯化剂
chlorinating agent氯化剂
chlorination agent氯化剂
cleaning agent清洗剂
cleansing agent洁净剂
cleansing agent清洗剂
coagulant agent凝结剂
coagulating agent凝聚剂
collecting agent捕集剂
complex deoxidizing agent复合脱氧剂
complexing agent复合剂
complexing agent络合剂
conditioning agent调整剂
conditioning agent调节剂
conserving agent保护剂
contact agent催化剂
contact agent接触剂
copper-stripping agent脱铜剂
copper-stripping agent除铜剂
corroding agent腐蚀剂
corrosion agent腐蚀介质
corrosive agent腐蚀剂
cracking agent裂化剂
cross-linking agent交联剂
crystallizing agent结晶剂
curative agent精炼添加剂
curing agent养护剂
curing agent硫化剂
curing agent熟化剂
debismuthizing agent除铋剂
decarburizing agent脱碳剂
dechlorination agent脱氯剂
decolorizing agent去色剂
decolorizing agent除色剂
decolorizing agent脱色剂
decontaminating agent净化剂
decontaminating agent去污剂
deflocculating agent粘土悬浮剂
deflocculating agent反絮凝剂
defoamer agent消沫剂
defoamer agent除沫剂
defoaming agent去泡
degasifying agent脱气剂
degasifying agent除气剂
degassing agent脱气剂
degreasing agent脱脂剂
dehydrogenation agent脱水剂
dehydrolyzing agent脱水剂
deoxidizing agent脱氧剂
dephosphorization agent脱磷剂 (【技】降低钢水中磷含量的各种添加剂的总称。脱磷反应过程中形成的渣称为脱磷渣,习惯上有时也将添加剂和脱磷反应过程中形成的渣统称为脱磷剂或脱磷渣。)
depolarizing agent退极化剂
depolarizing agent去极化剂
depressing agent抑制剂
desiccating agent干燥剂
desiliconization agent脱硅剂 (【技】在铁水预处理工艺中,为实现铁水预脱硅而向铁水中添加的各种添加剂。脱硅剂通常由氧化剂、成渣剂及助熔剂组成。: Desiliconization of hot metal is carried out by using main desiliconization agents such as oxygen, mill scale, sinter fines, and iron/manganese ore fines. 铁水进行脱硅所使用的主要脱硅剂如氧气、轧钢皮、烧结矿粉以及铁锰矿粉等。)
desiliconizing agent脱硅剂
deslagging agent除渣剂
desulphurizing agent除硫剂
desulphurizing agent脱硫剂
dewetting agent去湿剂
disintegrating agent分裂剂
dispersant agent弥散剂
dispersing agent弥散剂
dispersion agent弥散剂
dispersion agent分散剂
electronating agent还原剂
electronating agent增电子剂
eluting agent洗提剂
embrittling agent增脆剂
embrittling agent脆化剂
energising agent促进剂
energising agent催渗剂 (固体渗碳的)
energizing agent促进剂
energizing agent催渗剂 (固体渗碳的)
etching agent浸【侵】蚀剂
etching agent腐蚀剂
etching agent浸蚀剂
excess reducing agent过剩还原剂
exothermic agent in flux保护渣发热剂
exothermic agent in powder保护渣发热剂
exothermic agent of powder保护渣发热剂
extraction agent萃取剂
filling drying agent填充干燥剂
fining agent澄清剂
fire extinguishing agent灭火剂
fixing agent定影剂
floatation agent浮选药剂
flocculating agent凝聚剂
flocculation agent凝聚剂
flocculation agent絮凝剂
fluidizing agent流化剂
fluidizing agent流态化介质
fluorating agent氟化剂
fluorinating agent氟化剂
fluorizating agent氟化剂
fluxing agent焊药
fluxing agent熔〔稀释,软制〕剂
fluxing agent助熔剂
foam producing agent起泡剂
frothing agent起泡剂
fused fluorinating agent熔融氟化剂
fusing agent助熔剂
fusing agent熔剂
fusing agent in powder保护渣助熔剂
gaseous fluxing agent气体稀释剂
gaseous reducing agent气体还原剂
gelatining agent胶化剂
gelatining agent胶凝剂
graphite fibre coupling agent石墨纤维偶合剂
halogenating agent卤化剂
hardening agent淬火冷却介质
hardening agent硬化淬火
heat carrying agent载热介质
heat carrying agent载热体
heat generating agent发热剂
heat removing agent除热冷却
heat transfer agent导热介质
heat transfer agent传热剂
heating agent加热剂
hopper of desiliconizing agent脱硅剂料斗
hydrated binding agent水硬性粘结剂
hydrogenant agent还原剂
hydrogenant agent氢化剂
inhibiting agent阻止抑制,缓凝
inoculating agent变质剂
inoculating agent孕育剂
inorganic agent无机添加剂
inorganic agent无机试剂药剂
inspissating agent浓缩剂
intensifying agent强化剂
intensifying agent增强剂
intermediate agent中间介质
intrusion agent添加剂
intrusion agent浸入剂
killing agent镇静〔脱氧〕剂
killing agent镇静剂
killing agent脱氧剂
leach agent浸出剂
leaning agent贫化剂
liquid ion exchange agent液体离子交换剂
liquid partitioning agent液相分配剂
low-sulphur reducing agent低硫还原剂
masking agent遮蔽剂
metallic reducing agent金属还原剂
metallurgical addition agent冶金添加剂
mild reducing agent弱还原剂
mineralizing agent矿化剂
modifying agent调质剂
modifying agent调节剂
modifying agent变质剂
modifying agent变性剂
needling agent硬化性增强硼合金
needling agent含硼铁合金
neutralization agent中和剂
neutralizing agent中和剂
nonmetallic reducing agent非金属还原剂
non-metallic reduction agent非金属还原剂
nucleation agent形核剂
nucleation agent成核添加剂
organic additive agent有机添加剂
organic agent有机药剂
organic agent有机试剂
organic binding agent有机粘结剂
organic reducing agent有机还原剂
organophosphorus extracting agent有机磷萃取剂
outside reducing agent外界还原剂
oxidation agent氧化剂
packing agent渗碳剂
packing agent固体渗碳剂
parting agent【铸】分型剂
passivating agent钝化剂
pellet without binding agent无粘结剂球团
peptizing agent胶溶剂
pickling agent酸洗剂
plastering agent胶结剂
plastering agent粘结剂
polishing agent抛光剂
pore-forming agent造孔剂
precipitating agent沉淀剂
precipitation agent沉淀剂
protecting agent保护剂
protective agent抗氧化剂
protective agent防护剂
purifying agent净化剂
purifying agent提纯剂
purifying agent纯化剂
quenching agent淬火剂
quenching agent淬火冷却介质
quenching agent淬火剂 【液】
quenching agent冷却剂
recarburizing agent再增碳剂
rectifying agent调整剂
reducing agent脱氧剂
reducing agent还原剂 (【技】还原其他物质而自身被氧化的物质,换言之也就是在氧化还原反应中失去电子的物质。)
reducing agent rate还原剂比
reductive agent还原剂
regulating agent调节剂
regulating agent in powder保护渣调节剂
release agent分型剂
release agent【铸】 脱模剂
release agent分离剂
release agent脱模剂
rimming agent【钢】 助沸剂 (【技】在浇注沸腾钢钢锭时,为增强其沸腾程度而添加的化学物质。)
rimming agent助沸剂
rinsing agent清洗剂
rust protection agent除锈剂
rust protection agent缓蚀剂
rust protection agent防锈剂
rust-preventing agent缓【防】蚀剂
rust-preventing agent防锈剂
salting out agent盐析剂
saponifying agent皂化剂
segregation inhibiting agent偏析抑制剂
sequestering agent多价螯合剂
sintered fluorinating agent烧结氟化剂
slag-conditioning agent调渣剂
slag-conditioning agent for splashing operation溅渣调渣剂
smelting agent of flux保护渣助熔剂
softening agent软化剂
solid fluxing agent固体熔剂
solid reducing agent固体还原剂
spheroidizing agent球化剂
splitting-up agent分离剂
sponging agent起泡剂
sponging agent起沫剂
stabilizing agent稳定剂
steelmaking addition agent炼钢添加剂 (【技】在炼钢过程中,除主要合金成分外,添加在钢水中以形成和促进钢的所需性能的任何物质。这些物质包括脱氧剂、增碳剂、粒度控制剂、改进机加工性能的元素以及能强化主要合金成分固有良好性能的元素等。)
stopping agent阻蚀剂
strengthening agent强化剂
stripping agent解吸剂
stripping agent反萃剂
stripping agent洗提剂
sulphatizing agent硫酸化剂
sulphidizing agent硫化剂
sulphonating agent磺化剂
surface-active agent湿润剂
surface-active agent表面活性剂
synthetic flocculating agent合成絮凝剂
thinning agent冲淡剂
thinning agent稀释剂
third-phase eliminating agent第三相消除剂
tracer agent指示剂
volatile spacing agent挥发性增孔剂
volatile spacing agent挥发增孔剂
washing agent清洗剂
washing agent洗涤剂
water demineralization agent水软化剂
welding agent焊药
wetting agent润湿剂