
Terms for subject Commerce containing AGENT | all forms | exact matches only
advices from agents作"消息"解用复数形式
advices from agents来自代理人的报道消息
agent at the port港口代理人
agent carrying stock储货代理人
agent commission代理费用
agent commission代理费
agent de douane关务员
agent en douane关务代理人
agent en douane海关经理人
agent of necessity客观需要时的代理人
an agent of a capitalist资方代理
authorized agent被指定的代理人
bargaining agent议价代理人
broker agent经纪人
business agent营业代理人
buy the goods on the recommendation of an agent因代理人推荐而购买此货
claim agent索赔代理人
claim setting agent赔偿代理人
collection agent托收代理
commercial agent商业代理人
confirming agent保付代理人
consular agent领事代办 (驻非重要城市)
credit agent信用代理人
del credere agent保付货价代理人
delegate authority to an agent授权给代理人
employ an insurance agent for the company为公司雇佣保险代理人
exclusive buying agent独家采购代理人 (与独家销售代理人(exclusive selling agent) 相对)
export agent出口代理人 (与进口代理人 (import agent)相对)
forward agent代运行
forward agent运货代理商
forwarding agent代运行
forwarding agent转运代理公司
forwarding agent's certificate of transport货运承揽人证明书
forwarding agent's notice运输行通知
forwarding agent's receipt代运行收据
freight agent货运代理
freight agent代运行
general procurement agent总采购代理人
IA TA cargo agent国际航空运输协会货运代理人
If the buyer becomes insolvent when the goods are in transit, the seller is entitled to stop the delivery even where the B/L has already been delivered to the buyer or his agent如果买方在货物运输途中变得无法清偿货款,即便提单已交付买方或其代理人,卖方仍有权停止交货
import agent进口代理人 (与出口代理人 (export agent) 相对)
independent agent abroad国外独立代理人
International Federation of Forwarding Agents Association, International Federation of Freight Forwarders Association国际货运承揽商联盟,国际货运承揽商协会
joint export agent联合岀口代理商
landing agent卸货代理人
leave the goods in the care of the carrier or his agent把货物交由承运人或其代理人保管
Lloyd's Agent劳埃德保险公司代理行
Lloyd's Agent劳埃德船级协会代理人
Lloyd's agent劳合社代理人
manufacturer's agent制造商代理人
ocean shipping agent海运代理人
overseas agent国外代理人
paying agent付款代理 (行)
port agent港口运输代理人
port agent港口代理人
principal and agent委托人与代理人
public agent广告员
purchase agent采购代理人
reimbursing agent偿付代理 (行)
sale's agent销售代理人
sales agent售货代理商 (与购货代理商 (buying agent) 相对)
sales agent销售代理人 (与采购代理人 (purchase agent)相对)
selling agent售货代理商 (与购货代理商 (buying agent) 相对)
settling agent保险理赔代理人
shipping agent船务代理人
shipping agent货运代理商
shipping agent运输代理人
shipping and forwarding agent运货与转运行代理人
shipping and forwarding agent装货与运送代理商
sole selling agent独家经销代理人
The agent has incurred liabilities in the course of his duties代理人在履行自身任务中招致负债
The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证
The agent is, in appropriate cases, entitled to a set-off or a lien on the principal's goods or money在适当情况下,代理人对委托人的货物或款项有抵消或留置的权利
The agent is obliged to disclose all material facts to his principal which are likely to influence the latter when deciding whether to accept the customer's orders or not代理人必须向委托人说明有关客户的一切重要实际情况以供他考虑是否接受客户的订单
The agreement provides that the agent shall not undertake to sell similar products for other suppliers in the agreed territory协议规定代理商不得在约定的地区内承担销售其他供货商的类似产品
The contract of agency settles the rights and duties of the two parties, the scope of authority granted to agent and the remuneration due to him代理合同确定了双方的权利与义务,代理人的权限范围和报酬
The principal authorizes the agent to procure contracts with third parties on his behalf委托人授权代理人代表他向第三者招揽订货合同
The seller will commit the goods to the custody of the carrier or his agent卖方将把货物交承运人或其代理人保管
These goods met with a good sale on the strength of the agent's promotion在代理人促销下这些货物畅销于市场
This method of remuneration is intended to operate as an incentive for the agent这种报酬方式是为能对代理人起激励作用
to order of agent of shipper凭托运人的代理人指示
tourist agent旅行社
transfer agent股票转让代理人
universal agent全权全球代理人
We got in touch with the agent immediately after we received his telex接到代理人的电传后我们立即与他联系
We've already appointed the sole agent in this territory我们已指定该地区的独家代理人