
Terms for subject Technology containing AGENT | all forms | exact matches only
acceleration agent促进剂
accessory agent补助剂
acid binding agent酸性黏合剂
acid-proofing agent防酸剂
acoustical coupling agent声耦合剂 (用于材料的超声无损检验)
addition agent加合剂
addition agent掺合料
addition agent加成剂
addition agent触媒剂
adhesion agent增黏剂
adhesion promoting agent防剥落剂
adhesion promoting agent黏附强度增强剂
adhesion promoting agent抗剥落添加剂
adhesion promoting agent黏附剂
adhesive agent粘合剂
adhesive agent胶粘剂
adhesive agent黏着剂
adsorption agent吸附剂
adsorption agent吸收剂
advance agent先遣人员
aerosol release agent气溶胶脱模剂
air pollution agent大气污染因子
alkaline agent强碱剂
alkaline agent碱性剂
alkaline steeping agent碱性浸渍剂
alloying agent合金元素
alloying agent合金剂
alloying agent添加合金元素
alunite expansion agent for concrete明矾石混凝土膨胀剂
aminating agent胺化剂
anionic active agent阴离子型活性剂
anionic surface active agent阴离子表面活化剂
anionic type surface active agent阴离子型聚表面活性剂
anionic wetting agent阴离子润湿剂
anticorrosive agent防镑剂
antifreeze agent阻冻剂
arylating agent芳基化剂
authorised agent正式委托代理人
auxiliary complexing agent辅助络合剂
auxiliary emulsifying agent辅助乳化剂
bacteriostatical agent抑菌剂
bio-cleaning agent生物净化剂
biological agent生物杀伤剂
bodying agent增稠剂
bodying agent基础剂
boiler sludge conditioning agent锅炉泥渣调节剂
breakdown agent水力碎煤的碎煤射流
bridging agent黏结剂
brightening agent增艳剂
broker agent经纪代理人
browning agent褐色试剂
bulking agent衬垫
bulking agent垫板
bulking agent垫片
bulking agent增量剂
carrying agent承载介质
catalyst agent媒介剂
catalyst agent催化剂
cation exchange agent阳离子交换剂
cation surface active agent阳离子型表面活性剂
cation surface active agent阳离子表面活化剂
cationic adhesion agent阳离子黏着剂
cationic surface active agent阳离子界面活性剂
cationic surface active agent阳离子表面活化剂
cationic surface active agent micelle阳离子型表面活性剂胶团
cationic wetting agent阳离子润湿剂
cement agent水泥添加剂
cement dispersing agent水泥分散剂
cement dispersing agent水泥弥散剂
cementing agent黏结介质
cementing agent沥青黏结剂
cementing agent based on coal tar煤沥青基黏结剂
charging ratio of fire-extinguishing agent灭火剂装充率
chartering agent租船代理 (人)
chartering agent租船代理 (商)
chelating agent瞥合剂
chelating agent-loaded resin separation螯合剂负载树脂分离法
chloroprene rubber adhesive agent氯丁胶粘剂
cloud seeding agent云催化剂
coagulant agent混凝剂
coagulating re agent凝雾剂
coagulating re agent聚沉剂
coagulating re agent混凝剂
coagulating re agent凝固剂
coagulating re agent凝结剂
coating agent涂饰剂
coating agent颜料表面包膜剂
cold bonding agent冷黏结剂
common agent通用肋剂
condensating agent缩合剂
conserving agent保存剂
coupling agent成色剂
coupling agent黏结剂
creaming agent成乳油剂
cutting agent切削材料
cutting agent磨料
dampproofing agent混凝土防吸湿外加剂
decontaminated agent净化剂
decontaminating agent去污
decontamination agent放射性去污〔洗消〕剂
decoppering agent除铜剂
deflocculating agent散凝剂
deflocculating agent反凝聚剂
deflocculating agent反絮
deflocculating agent抗絮凝剂
defoaming agent消沫剂
defoaming agent除沫剂
defoaming agent沫剂
deforming agent变形剂
deforming agent除沫剂
degassing agent消泡剂
degreasing agent除油剂
dehumidifying agent减湿剂
dehydrogenated agent脱氢剂
deicing agent化冰剂
deliming agent脱灰剂
demulsibility agent抗乳化剂
density of treating agent处理剂浓度
dependent agents非独立代理人
deposite control agent沉积物控制剂
derivating agent衍生剂
derusting agent除锈剂
desiccating agent吸湿剂
desorption agent脱附剂
deterioration agent对品质有害溶剂
detonation agent爆轰剂
dish washing agent洗碟剂
dispersal agent扩散剂
dispersing agent扩散剂
dispersing agent悬浮剂
dispersing agent液体的颗粒悬浮剂
diverting agent导引剂
dual agent attack双灭火剂灭火
dual-agent system双剂联用灭火系统
due to fiscal agent欠财务代理人款
dull agent消光剂
dust laying agent防尘剂
dust laying agent消尘剂
dust preventive agent防尘剂
dust preventive agent避尘剂
dust protection agent防尘剂
dust protection agent抗尘剂
dyed agent着色剂
dye-retarding agent染色减速剂
effect of bulking agent填充剂效果
eluting agent洗脱剂
employer^ agent雇主代理人
employment agent经营职业介绍所
emulsion blocking agent乳状液封堵剂
emulsion bonding agent乳胶黏结剂
emulsion cementing agent乳胶黏结剂
emulsion cementing agent乳胶胶凝剂
emulsion cleaning agent乳液清洁剂
emulsion stabilizing agent乳胶稳定剂
engine cleaning agent发动机洗涤剂
engine cleansing agent发动机清洗剂
epoxidizing agent环氧化剂
epoxy-based bonding agent环氧基黏结剂
epoxy-based cementing agent环氧基水泥胶凝剂
eroding agent侵蚀原动力
eroding agent冲刷的原动力
erosional agent侵蚀因素
erosional agent侵蚀原动力
exclusive agent独家经销商
expanding agent发泡剂
external release agent外脱模剂
extractive agent提取剂
film strength agent油膜强度添加剂
film-forming agent成膜剂
film-forming fluoroprotein agent成膜氟蛋白泡沫液
film-hardening agent漆膜固化剂
filter loss agent失水量调节剂 (泥浆)
filtrable agent可滤过剂
fining agent净化剂
fixing agent固色剂
flash setting agent快凝剂
flash setting agent促凝剂
flash-setting agent速凝剂
flash-setting agent急凝剂
flatting agent平光剂
flatting agent减光剂
flavoring agent矫臭剂
floatation agent助浮剂
floatation collection agent浮选促集剂
floatation modifying agent浮选调整剂
floatation modifying agent浮选改良剂
floating process agent浮选药剂
flocculating agent絮化剂
flocculating agent絮凝
floor bonding agent楼板黏合剂
floor cementing agent楼板胶结剂
floor cementing agent楼面地板胶结剂
floor protection agent地板防护剂
floor protection agent楼板防护剂
flow agent流动剂
flow conditioning agent流动调节剂
flow control agent流动控制剂
flow control agent流控剂
foaming agent发气剂
form agent成型剂
form release agent脱模剂
form release agent隔离剂
form stripping agent脱模剂
form work agent制模剂
forms agent制模剂
fracturing agent破碎剂
freight agent货运代理人
freight agent转运公司
freight agent运货代理商
freight agent运输行
gas agent气化剂
gas drying agent气体干燥剂
gas sealing agent气密封剂
gas-absorbing agent气体吸收剂
gas-foaming agent发泡剂 (混凝土)
gas-foaming agent加气剂 (混凝土)
gas-forming agent发气剂
gas-forming agent混凝土的加气剂
gas-forming agent发泡剂
gas-forming agent造气剂
gas-generating agent加气剂
gasifying agent气化剂
gathering agent搜集剂
gelatinizing agent胶化剂
gelatinizing agent胶凝剂
general agent总代理行
general purpose cementing agent通用胶凝剂
geomorphologic agent地貌力量
germicidal agent杀菌剂
gloss agent光亮剂
gloss agent光泽剂
gypsum retarding agent石膏缓凝剂
halogenated fire extinguishing agent卤化物灭火剂
harmful agent有害溶剂
harmful agents control控制有害因素
high concentrate dust agent高浓度粉剂
high-early strength agent早强剂
high-expansion foam agent高倍数泡沫液
high-expansion foam extinguishing agent高倍数泡沫灭火剂
highly effective anti-foaming agent高效消泡剂
highly effective levelling agent高效匀染剂
highly effective scouring agent高效炼助剂
high-temperature levelling agent高温匀染剂
high-velocity blasting agent烈性炸药
high-velocity blasting agent高速炸药
house agent房屋经纪人
house agent房屋经理者
hydrogenating agent氢化剂
indoor adhesive agent室内用粘合剂
insurance agent保险代理行
interfacial active agent表面活化剂
interfacial active agent表面活性剂
interfacial active agent界面活化剂
interfacial agent表面活性剂
intermediate agent中间剂
intermediate temperature setting agent中温硬化黏结剂
intumescent agent泡沸剂
joint export agent联合出口代理人
keying agent增黏剂
land agent土地经纪人
land agent地产商
landing agent货物到港代理业务
landing agent运输代理行
latent curing agent潜伏性固化剂
latent curing agent潜固化剂
latent hydraulic binding agent潜伏水硬性胶合剂
latent hydraulic binding agent潜在水硬性胶结剂
light hardening agent光硬化剂
linseed oil priming agent亚麻籽油打底剂
liquefying agent液化剂
Lloyd's agent劳氏保险公司代理人
Lloyd's agent劳埃德保险公司代理人
Lloyd's agent劳氏保险协会代理人
Lloyd's agent劳氏船级社代理人
lubricating agent润滑剂
macerating agent软化剂
managing agent代管人
man-made cementing agent人造胶结剂
manufacturer's agent经销商
manufacturer's export agent厂商外销代理商
masking agent隐匿剂
masonry sealing agent圬工防潮密封剂
masonry work moisture sealing agent砖石工程防潮密封剂
matting agent去光剂
matting agent除光剂
matting agent毛面剂
membrane concrete curing agent混凝土薄膜养护剂
metal chelating agent金属络合剂
metallic chlorinate waterproofing agent金属氯化物防水剂
mixer protection agent搅拌机保护剂
mobility control agent流动度控制剂
modified rosin sizing agent改性松香施胶剂
modifying agent质量改善剂
modifying agent调整剂
modifying agent改性剂
modifying agent改进剂
moistening agent加湿剂
moistening agent增湿剂
moisture-resisting agent防潮剂
mulling agent研糊剂
multiple function water-treating agent多功能水处理剂
multiple use cementing agent多用途胶结剂
multiple use cementing agent多用途黏结剂
multiple use cementing agent多用途水泥结合剂
natural adsorbing agent天然吸附剂
natural agent自然力
natural cementing agent天然胶结剂
natural cementing agent天然黏结剂
natural organic chelating agent天然有机螯合剂
natural resin-based concrete curing agent天然树脂基养护剂
negative ion active agent阴离子型活性剂
neutral synthetic washing agent中性合成洗涤剂
neutral synthetic washing agent中性合成洗涤剂
neutral washing agent中性洗涤剂
official agent正式代理人
opacifying agent不透明剂
opacifying agent乳浊剂
organophosphorus agent有机磷制剂
ostensible agent名义代理人
oxide agent氧化剂
oxide agents and organic over-oxide articles氧化剂和有机过氧化物
oxidizing anti-corrosion agent氧化防腐剂
passenger agent旅客服务处
passenger agent旅行社
pearling agent珠光剂
phosphate pickling agent磷化处理液
phosphating agent磷化剂
phosphating agent磷酸盐化剂
plant resin-based concrete curing agent工厂树脂基混凝土养护剂
plastic cementing agent塑性胶黏剂
plastic cementing agent塑性黏结剂
plastic cold bonding agent塑性冷黏合剂
plasticising agent增塑剂
plasticising agent塑化剂
plasticising frost protection agent增塑防冻剂
plasticising frost protection agent增塑防霜剂
polishing agent磨光剂
polishing agent for monocrystalline silicon单晶硅抛光剂
potassium base agent钾基灭火剂
potassium ferrate water treatment agent高铁酸钾水处理剂
pretreatment agent预处理剂
pretreatment filming agent预膜剂
primary coagulating agent主混凝剂
principal agent主剂
principal-agent relationship当事人与代理人关系
promoting agent促长剂
promoting agent促成物
protection agent抗氧化剂
protection agent防护剂
protection agent保护剂
protective agent保护剂
protective agent防腐剂
protective agent防辐射剂
publicity agent广告员
puffing agent增稠剂
pulp bleaching agent制浆漂白剂
quenching agent猝灭剂
quenching agent骤冷剂
quenching concentration agent猝灭浓剂
radiomimetic agent拟辐射剂
reactive curing agent反应性固化剂
reactive fixing agent反应性固色剂
reducing agent减薄剂
release agent防粘剂
release agent for fair-face concrete光面混凝土脱模剂
rental agent租赁代理人
resinifying agent树脂化剂
resist agent防燃剂
root canal resinifying agent根管塑化剂
salting-out agent盐析剂
sanforizing agent防缩剂
sanitizing agent卫生洗涤剂
sanitizing agent卫生消毒剂
saponification agent皂化剂
scale inhibition and dispersion agent阻垢分散剂
scouring agent擦净剂
scouring agent擦洗剂
scouring agent洗涤剂
sealing agent封闭剂
sealing agent封缝涂料
sealing agent密封剂
sedimentary control agent沉积物控制剂
sedimentation agent沉淀剂
sedimentation agent沉降剂
semi-reinforcing agent半补强剂
semi-reinforcing agent半促进剂
set control agent凝结时间调节剂
set-accelerating agent促凝剂
set-controlling agent调凝剂
set-controlling agent调理剂
set-modifying agent调凝剂
set-modifying agent调理剂
set-retarding agent缓凝剂
ship's agent船舶运输代理入
shuttering agent脱模剂
sighting agent可视指示剂
siliceous reinforcing agent硅补强剂
silicone adhesive agent硅粘合剂
silicone adhesive agent硅酮黏合剂
silicone anti-foaming agent高效有机硅消泡剂
silicone finishing agent多功能有机硅后整理剂
silicone protection agent硅氧烷防护剂
silicone release agent硅油脱模剂
silicone waterproof agent硅氧烷防水剂
silicone waterproofing agent硅氧烷防水剂
simulated agent模拟的化学战剂
sinking agent沉淀剂
site agent驻场员
site agent现场代理人
sizing agent上浆材料
sizing agent浸润剂
slagging agent造渣剂
slashing agent上浆剂
soft agent软化剂
solidified agent固化剂
solubilizing agent增溶剂
solvent refining agent溶剂精制剂
solvent release agent溶剂型脱模剂
sorbed agent吸附剂
sorption agent吸附剂
squeezing agent堵塞剂
station agent值班人
stripping agent脱模剂
stripping agent反萃取剂
strong chemical oxidizing agent强化学氧化剂
strong metal-complexing agent强金属络合剂
strong reducing agent强还原剂
strongest oxidizing agent最强氧化剂
superfatting agent富脂剂
suspending agent助悬浮剂
swelling agent膨松剂
swelling agent泡胀剂
swelling agent膨胀试剂
swelling agent溶胀剂
synthetic bonding agent合成胶粘剂
synthetic cementing agent合成胶凝剂
synthetic concrete curing agent合成混凝土养护剂
synthetic liquid membrane concrete curing agent合成膜式混凝土养护剂
synthetic resin surface waterproofing agent合成树脂表面防水剂
synthetic resin surface water-repelling agent合成树脂表面拒水剂
synthetic surface active agent沽性界面泡沫灭火剂
synthetic tanning agent合成鞣剂
synthetic wetting agent合成湿润剂
tanning agent鞣剂
tar cementing agent柏油水泥黏结料
temporary binding agent临时结合剂
the withholding agent扣缴义务人
thinning agent稀漆剂
thixotropic agent摇溶剂
toluene concentrating agent甲苯浓缩剂
transfer agent转移剂
transmission agent传动系统
transportation agent运输船上运输部门负责军官代理人
tungstate based water treatment agent钨酸盐基水处理
ultraviolet light screening agent光屏蔽剂
ultraviolet screening agent防紫外线剂
universal agent全权代表
universal agent全球代理人
universal agent全能代理人
universal agent总代理商
universal cementing agent通用胶粘剂
universal cementing agent万能胶粘剂
vessel agent船舶代理人
vessel agent船舶代理商
Vinsol agent文沙剂
volatile rust-proofing agent挥发性防锈剂
vulcanizing agent硬化剂
wall cladding cementing agent墙面覆盖层黍结剂
wall tile cementing agent墙面砖胶黏剂
warfare agent军用毒剂
water control agent止水化学处理
water displacement agent水置换剂 (用于防锈剂中)
water molten by de-icing agents解冻剂融冰
water purification agent水净化剂
water purification agent净水剂
water quality testing agent水质测试试剂
water softening agent软水剂
water softening agent水软化剂
water softening agent硬水软化剂
water-binding agent水结合剂
water-carrying agent载水剂
water-flooding agent水驱剂
water-loss control agent泥浆失水量调节剂
water-reducing agent水还原剂
water-reducing agent减水添加
water-repelling agent憎水剂
water-retaining agent保水剂
water-retention agent保水剂
water-retentive agent保水剂
wax agent混凝土蜡养护剂
wax concrete agent蜡混凝土养护剂
wax release agent脱模蜡
wax sequestering agent蜡分离剂
wax-proofing agent防蜡剂
weak complexing agent弱络合剂
weight gaining agent增重剂
weighting agent填充剂
wetting and dispersing agent湿润分散剂
wipe on release agent擦涂脱模剂
workability agent工作性改善剂
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