
Terms containing A glass | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.A glassA玻璃
tech.A glass高碱玻璃
econ.a glass case玻璃橱
tech.A glass fibre高碱玻璃纤维
gen.a glass of water一杯水
gen.A glass of whisky soon muddled her―杯威士忌酒立刻就使她醉了
proj.manag.A scanner with a large glass surface: the scan head moves under the glass surface to record data表面为一大块玻璃的扫描仪:扫描头通过在玻璃面下移动来记录数据
gen.empty a glass at one gulp一口气喝完一杯
gen.Experts say that a glass of red wine occasionally will do one's health a world of good专家说偶尔喝杯红酒对人身体有好处
gen.I notice that a piece of glass on the top of the table is broken. Do you know how it happened?我发现桌上一块玻璃碎了,您知道是怎么回事吗?
gen.I'll just have a glass of Scotch就来一杯苏格兰威士忌吧
gen.In a cocktail shaker, mix the vodka and liqueur with ice and strain into a cocktail glass在鸡尾酒调制器中,把伏特加酒和白酒加冰搅拌,倒入鸡尾酒杯
gen.make a glass rod electrified使玻璃棒带电
chem.put a glass on擦亮
house.Shall we make a glass of orange and apple juice with our newly purchased juice extractor?我们用新买的果汁机打一杯橙子和苹果的混合果汁怎么样?
gen.Take one pill with a glass of water用水服,服用一片
dentist.Take this antibiotic with a glass of water thirty minutes after every meal, three times a day, for three days饭后三十分钟用水服用抗生素,每天三次,连续服用三天
shipb.There is a great demand for glass fiber reinforced plastic yacht in the United States.美国对玻璃钢游艇的需求很大。
dentist.When you are not wearing your denture, be sure to keep them in a glass of water, so they will not become too dry当您不戴义齿时,请把它放到水里,防止义齿变干
gen.Would you care for a glass of sherry with your soup?在喝汤的时候是否要一杯雪利酒?