
Terms for subject Securities containing Aᵗ | all forms | exact matches only
acquire intangible assets at a fixed price定价买进无形资产
aggregate at constant price固定价格计算总量
amending agreement at closing收盘时的修改协议
amount at interest生息存款金额 (以赚取利息为目的的本金存款)
as at到……日为止
at a low ebb历史最低
at a low ebb低谷
at a profit获得利润
at a reduced price贱价
at arm's length以正常交易关系进行
at arm's length无关联
at-auction limit order竞拍限价指令
at-auction order竞拍指令
at best按最佳市价成交尽可能以最佳价格购买证券的客户指令
at-best order最佳价格指令
at-best order最佳价格订单
at call短期借款
at call随时可收回的贷款
at call通知放款
at call临时拆借
at constant market price按固定市场价格计算
at current cost按现价
at current cost按时价计算
at current market price按市场现价
at current market price按当时市场价计算
at current price按当时价格计算
at current price按目前价格计算
at discount低于票面价值
at discount按折扣价格
at eleventh hours关键时刻
at factor cost按成本要素计算
at fair price公正定价
at fault出差错
at first hand亲自
at first hand一手
at first hand直接
at limit price按限价
at market price按市场价格
at money-of-the-day price按付款当日价格计算
at once payment即时付款
at one's cost某人出资
at or better限价委托
at or better按约定价或更好价格
at par按票面价值
at premium按溢价证券以高于票面价值的价格出售
at risk冒风险
at-risk rules按风险规则
at sale廉价出售
at sale甩卖
at seller's option卖方期权
at seller's option卖方选择
at sight见票即付
at sole discretion全权处理
at sole discretion独家的自由裁量权
at the bank's risk银行承担风险
at the bell在开盘、收盘时刻
at the bell在铃响时
at the close收盘随市定价市场收盘时以尽可能最优的价格进行交易的客户指令
at the close按最后价格
at the close按收盘价
at the close order按最后订单
at the figure按数额
at the full按全部
at the market按市场价格委托
at the market随市指令客户要求在市场最优价格出现时交易证券的指令
at the money平价期权
at the money平值期权的履约价格与证券的当前市场价相等的认购期权或认沽期权
at the money等于现价
at the money不盈不亏
at the money option平价期权
at the money series平价期权系列
at the opening开盘随市订单
at the opening order按开盘委托
at the opening order按开盘订单
at this end在这端
at usance在常规限期内支付
at your end在贵方
at your risk客户承担风险
at your risk由贵方承担风险
award at stated time择期决标
be disposed at a low valuation低价处置
bill at sight见票付款票据
bill at usance到期分次承兑票据汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后某日付款的汇票
bill payable at a definite time预定日期付款的汇票/账单
bill payable at a determinable future time定期付款的远期汇票/账单
bill payable at a fixed date定期付款汇票/账单
bond issue at discount贴息发行债券
bond issue at premium溢价发行债券
buy at best最优价购买
cash at bank银行现金
cash at hand现有现金
close at your price按贵方价格成交
conversion at par平价折算
conversion at the current price按现价折算
conversion at the market price按市场价格兑换
conversion at the market price按市场价格折算
convert assets into shares at depressed price把资产低价折成股份
deal written at the top of the market市场见顶时进行的交易
debenture convertible at market price按市价折算的债券
debenture convertible at par按面值转换成股票的债券
debenture convertible to stock at market price可按市价转成股票的信用债券
debt at credit债务信贷
debt payable at a future time未到期应还债务
default in redemption of bonds at maturity到期债券违约不偿还本息
default in redemption of bonds at maturity债券到期不偿还本息
delivery at seller's option卖方选择的交割日期、方法等
deposit at call催缴存款
deposit at sight活期存款
deposits at with the central bank在央行存款
direct equity investment at mezzanine stage在中间阶段进行直接股本投资
distribution to citizenry at preferential prices全民优惠价格配股
draft payable at uncertain date非定期付款汇票
electronic funds transfer at point of sale销售点网上转账
electronic funds transfer at point of sale销售点电子转账作业
enforceable at law法律上可强制执行
enough is enough at 18001800 点股指已无法忍受
exchange settlement at fixed time定期结汇
funds at one's own disposal自主支配的资金
funds at one's own disposal自主财力
funds at the disposal of enterprise企业可支配资金
funds at the disposal of enterprise企业自有资金
give me a look at询价询量经纪人询价用语
grow at a respectable pace有引人注目的增长
growth at a price manager价格增长型管理人
hold at the opening开盘时持有
index closed at 3500指数以3500点收盘
instruction to trade at market price市价委托
instruction to trade at market price市价交易通知
instruction to trade at price limit限价委托
instruction to trade at price limit限价交易通知
issue at a discount折扣发行
issue at a discount折价发行
issue at current price按时价发行
issue at current price按现价发行
issue at par按面值发行
issuing at a premium溢价发行
larger sale at a small profit薄利多销
L/C available by draft at sight凭即期汇票支付的信用证
lend at a premium溢价借出股票
lend at a premium借股收费
lend at a premium溢价借贷
lend at a rate借券利率
lend at a rate证券按利息借款
lend money at interest放款取息
lending at flat低息放款
lending at premium溢价借股借证券,收取费用
loss of control at the macroscopic level宏观失控
market at open or close开市和收市指令
market at open or close开盘或收盘市场
meet a bill at maturity支付到期票据
money at call and short notice应召即还的短期贷款
money at call and short notice短期通知放款
note at sight即期票
note at sight见票付款本票
note payable at bank应在银行付款的票据
off at a specific time order定时撤销指令
offer... at a low price低报价
offer... at a low price低价出售
offer... at a low price杀价卖……
open high at gap跳空高开
open position at the end最后持仓
open position at the end of year年末持仓
order at discretion全权委托订单
order at discretion全权委托指令
overnight at call隔日拆借资金
parametric value-at-risk参数风险估值
party at interest利益相关一方
party at interest有利害关系的一方
payable at par按面值应支付
preference at assets优先分配资产权例如,公司清算后,优先股股东可在普通股东之前获得偿还
price at bargain讨价还价
purchase at interim date期中买人
purchase at less than book value低于账面价值买人
purchase at more than book value高于账面价值买人
pursuing private interests at the expense of public interests损公肥私
put investors at risk使投资者承担风险
put out money at interest放债谋利
put out money at interest放债收利
reckon at comparable price按可比价格估算
run at a loss due to poor operation经营性亏损
run at a loss due to poor operation不良经营亏损
sale at market price按市价出售
seeking of private interests at the expense of public interests损公利己
seeking of private interests at the expense of public interests损公肥私
sell at a bargain廉价卖出
sell at a low price低价卖出
sell at a premium溢价卖出
sell at a premium高于票面价格出售
sell at a sacrifice亏本卖出
sell at a sacrifice亏本出售
sell at best以最好价格出售
sell at marked price市价出售
sell at marked price明码售货
sell at the close以收盘价卖出
sell at the opening以开盘价卖出
sell off asset at depressed price低价售出资产
settling at full price全价结算
share at discount折扣股
share at premium溢价股
stock broker's clerk wearing a red vest at floor红马甲股票交易所场内穿红背心的交易员
stock issued at less than book value按低于票面价值发行股票
stock issued at more than book value按高于票面价值发行的股票
stock trading at $ 100 or above股票在百元美元以上的价位上交易
trade at narrow range窄幅涨落交易
trade at narrow range证券在小范围内交易
trading at narrow range在小范围内交易
unwinding positions at distress prices清仓廉价甩卖
unwinding positions at distress prices血本平仓
valuation at cost按成本估值
valuation at cost按其成本计价
valuation at lower of cost or market成本价与市场价孰低计价
value at cost按成本计值
value at risk风险价值
value at risk风险损失价值
value at risk measures风险指标价值
value at risk model风险价值模式
voting results at annual general meetings股东年会投票结果
withholding tax at the source从源头扣缴税