
Terms for subject Automobiles containing Aᵗ | all forms | exact matches only
advance angle at start点火系统起动提前角
aisle width at seat cushions座垫间通道宽度
angle at the beginning开始角度
angle at the beginning of knock window开始爆燃时的点火提前角
angle at the end结束角度
angle at the start开始角度
8AT8 档自动变速器
at a point任意点
at both ends前后端
at both ends车辆两端
at call招手停车指公共汽车、出租车等
at call随叫随到
at full load处于满负荷
at full load满载时
at full throttle节气门全开
at-grade intersection道路平面交叉
at-grade intersection平面交叉口
at-grade intersection同一水平面相交交叉
at high speed以高
at no extra cost无额外费用
at operating temperature在工作运行温度处,附近
AT position/clutch switch自动变速器档位/离合器开关
AT position-driveD 位
AT position-drive自动变速器行驶档位
AT position-park/neutral自动变速器驻车/空档档位
at service temperature在工作运行温度
at your end在你处
bead diameter at rim seat胎圈着合直径
breaking at weld沿焊缝断裂
bus stops call at ratio定站停靠率
cargo length at floor厢式货车地板处货厢长度
cargo width at floor地板处货厢宽度
cargo width at wheel arch厢式货车货厢轮拱处装货宽度
catalytic converter at operating temperature催化转化嘉在工作温度
catalytic converter at service temperature催化转化嘉在工作温度
concavity at central section中凹度
control at breakaway收节气门后控制
convexity at central section中凸度
correction of the angle at the beginning of injection燃油喷射喷油开始角修
correction of the angle at the end of injection燃油喷射喷油结束角修
correction of the angle at the start of injection燃油喷射开始喷油角的修
cruise at high speed车辆高速巡航
cruise at low speed车辆低速巡航
cushion at collision撞击缓冲器
deflection at test load试验负荷下变形量
deflection at ultimate load极限负荷下变形量
delay at stop公交车滞站
delay time at stop公交车滞站时间
delivery at breakawaycut-off speed调速器/喷油泵断油转速时的供油量
delivery at door送货上门
delivery at governed speed调速器/喷油泵限制转速时的供油量
diameter at rim bead seat胎圈着合直径
drive at constant speed匀速行驶
drive at constant speed车辆以恒速驾
drive at high speed以高速驾
drive at low speed以低速驾
drive at walking speed车辆以步行速度驾
driveability at idle怠速运转性能
driving at night夜间行车
elongation at breakrupture断裂伸度延伸率
energy at breakrupture断裂能
engine at front前置发动机
engine at operating temperature处于运转工作温度的发动机
engine at service temperature处于运转工作温度的发动机
engine percent torque at Idle, point12, 3, 4, 5参数识别缩写怠速点12, 3, 4, 5时发动机百分比扭矩
engine power at rated torque output发动机额定转矩输出功率
engine speed at maximum outputpower最大功率时的发动机转速
engine speed at maximum torque最大转矩时的发动机转速
extended compressor at idle怠速时延时启动压缩机
fatigue test at operational stresses在工作条件下疲劳试验
fatigue test at working stress levels在工作条件下疲劳试验
force at break裂力
force at rupture裂力
free at factory出厂价
free at mill出厂价
fuel consumption at equivelocity等燃耗
fuel delivery curve at constant speed喷油泵负荷特性
fuel delivery curve at fixed rack喷油泵速度特性
fuel supply at full load燃油系统全负荷供油
fuel supply at idle speed燃油系统怠速供油
fuel supply at WOT燃油系统节气门全开供油
gas at low heating value稀可燃混合气
gas at low heating value低热值煤气
gear tooth with circular-arc profile at normal section法面圆弧齿
gear tooth with circular-arc profile at transverse section端面圆弧齿
height at test load试验负荷下的高度
height at ultimate load极限高度
ignition angle at full load全负荷点火角
ignition angle at idle怠速点火角
ignition angle at part load部分负荷点火角
ignition angle at start初始起动点火角
ignition angle at WOT全负荷点火角
ignition -iming at idle怠速点火正时
ignition-timing at full load全负荷点火正时
ignition-timing at part load部分负荷点火正时
kingpin offset at the ground主销偏置距转向节主销轴线与路面之交点至车轮与路面接触中心的距离
kingpin offset at the wheel center转向节主销轴线与车轮中心之间的水平距离
load at break断裂破坏负荷
load at failure破坏载荷
load at rupture破坏载荷
load at solid position弹簧压并负荷
mechanism for stopping cutter at the upper position automatically插齿刀自动上停机构
mileage at repair送检修时行驶的英里数
nail at tractor钉器
noise at the operator's position驾驶人操作位置处噪声
O₂02 sensor stays at center氧传感器停留在中间指氧传感器信号电压在闭环控制时在0.45±0.11V 范围内停留超过30 秒
operate at full throttle【动】在节气门全开下工作
O2S stays at center氧传感器电压一直位于 0.45V
output at the wheel rim车辆轮周输出功率
parts omitted at factory工厂遗漏零件
position at start赛车/比赛开始位置
power output at crankshaft发动机曲轴动力输出输出功率
power output at transmission output发动机曲轴动力输出输出功率
pressure at nozzle end喷油器嘴端压力
pressure at pump end喷油泵泵端压力
radius at groove root齿根四角半径
radius at the groove crest齿顶圆角半径
radius at tooth root齿根圆角半径
radius at tooth tip齿顶四角半径
rear opening width at floor乘用车地板处后门框宽度
run at full throttle节气门全开运转
run at idling speed怠速运转
run at walking speed以步行速度行驶
smoke at full load全负荷烟度
smoke measurement at free acceleration柴油机自由加速烟度测量法
smoke measurement at full load柴油机全负荷烟度测量法
speed at maximum torque最大转矩转速
speed at partial power部分功率转速
spindle diameter at front bearing机床主轴前轴径
sport AT手动/自动两用变速器
sport AT跑车自动变速器
spring capacity at ground弹簧到正常最大承载位置时的汽车总质包括簧载和非簧载重量
spring capacity at pad弹簧到正常全承载位置时的汽车总簧载质
strength at pulsating load脉冲变动载荷时的强度
strength at repeated alternations交变循环载荷疲劳强度
stress at solid position弹簧压并应力
survey at station驻站调查
survey at stop驻站调查
test at the rig台架试验
test of control at breakaway停止供油后控制试验
torque at peak HP发动机最大功率马力扭矩
torque at stall speed自动变速器失速时扭矩
valve at side侧置气门
valves inclined at an angle气门布置角
valves inclined at an angle发动机气门倾斜角
velocity vector at center of mass质心'速度矢量
vertex distance at small end锥齿轮分度锥锥顶至小端齿顶的轴向距离
voltage battery at valve防抱死制动系统阀上有蓄电池电压
width at tooth root齿根厚
width at tooth space root齿槽底宽
width at tooth tip齿顶宽