
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing Aᵗ | all forms | exact matches only
added mass at dam face坝面附加质量
anchor bolt anchored at head端头锚固型锚杆
angle of face at the back of cut-out分水认脊角
average discharge velocity at closure-gap龙口平均流速
bucket pitch at outer diameter外部直径处的节矩
coefficient of earth pressure at rest静止土压力系数
complete at the first attempt一次性完成
concrete temperature at outlet of mixer混凝土出机口温度
construction area at damsite坝址施工区
cross section at crown拱冠断面
current at the fault point故障点电流
current at the short-circuit point短路点电流
cutting head and loading at foot削头压脚
depth and extent of water cushion at the scour pit冲坑水垫深度及范围
design representative at site驻工地设计代表
dewpoint at earth surface地面露点
discharging through a spillway on the powerhouse roof at dam toe坝后厂房顶溢流
earth pressure at rest静止土压力
flood at dam site坝址洪水
Geological map of bed rocks at dam sluice site址基岩地质图包括等高线图 (including contour)
hydropower station at dam-toe坝后式水电站
impedance voltage at rated current阻抗电压
industrial enterprises noise at boundary工业企业厂界噪声
Layout of power supply facilities at site场内供电线路规划布置图
loading at foot压脚
locally-thickened arches at both abutments拱端局部加厚度拱
oil level at standstill停机油位
pass at the first attempt一次性通过
Plan of a single-centered arch at a symmetrical canyon对称峡谷中单圆心拱坝平面图
power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
powerhouse at dam toe坝后式厂房
proceedings at the meeting会议事项
radius at bend弯曲半径
ride at anchor停泊
Seals and connections at contraction joints收缩缝中止水片的连接
singularity at infinity无穷远处奇异点
soil pressure at rest静止土压力
spillway with the flip bucket in front of the powerhouse at dam toe厂前挑流
Two-centered arch dam with variable-thickness arches at a nonsymmetrical canyon不对称峡谷中双圆心变厚度拱坝平面图
water head at weir crest堰顶水头
water-taking at different levels分层取水
width at dam crest坝顶宽度