
Terms for subject Securities containing A" stock | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A stock人民币普通股
A stockA股股票
cancel a stock for dealing in stock market禁止在股市上交易
cancel a stock for dealing in stock market摘牌
Class A common stockA类普通股
Class A stockA类股票
daily closing A stock composite index每日收盘 A 股综合指数
holding a position for chance of profitable stock deal持仓待机炒作
making a market in stock股票"做市"
marking the closing price of a stock操纵股票收盘价格
marry a stock长期持有股票
resumption of a stock transaction复牌被停牌的股票恢复交易
stock A/C of consignor委托人股东账号
stock broker's clerk wearing a red vest at floor红马甲股票交易所场内穿红背心的交易员
stock market in a retreat股市回落
subsidiary company of a corporation listed on the stock market上市公司的子公司
transaction resumed of a stock after suspension复牌被停牌的股票恢复交易
transaction resumed of a stock after suspension恢复交易
trigger a stock market collapse引发股市崩盘
trigger a stock market collapse引发股市暴跌