
Terms containing A" stock | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.a bearish effect on the stock market一种使股票下跌的影响
econ.a bearish stock market operator期望股票下跌的股票市场经纪人
econ.a glamour stock抢手股票
econ.a glamour stock热门股票
econ.a non-assessable capital stock不加缴股份
econ.a non-assessable capital stock不作估价的股份
econ.a non-compensatory stock option plan非补偿性认股选择权方案
econ.a non-par value stock无面值股票
econ.a non-qualified stock option无资格按资本收益课税的股票购买权
econ.a non-registered stock不记名股票
econ.a non-stock agent不掌握存货的代理人
econ.a non-stock company无股份公司
econ.a non-stock company非股份公司
econ.a non-voting stock无投票选举权的股份
econ.a non-voting stock无表决权股
econ.a non-voting stock无投票权股票
econ.a prospectus for issuing stock发行股票说明书
econ.a reacquired stock重购股票
securit.A stock人民币普通股
busin.A stockA级股票
commer.A stock甲类股票
interntl.trade."A" stock优先股
textileA stockA类股票
textileA stock甲级股票
busin.A stockA股
securit.A stockA股股票
econ.a stock account存货账
econ.a stock account证券账
econ.a stock account股本账
econ.a stock agreement repurchase股票回购协议
econ.a stock warrant认股权证
mech.eng.A Swiss type machine designed to run 1-inch bar stock can run smaller stock than this, but nothing larger为加工 1 英寸棒料而设计的精密型车床可加工更小的棒料,但宜小不宜大
econ.a vetoing stock否决权股
econ.a volatile stock变幻无常股票
econ.a watered stock空气股
econ.a watered stock掺水股本
econ.a watered stock虚股
econ.a watering stock掺水股票
econ.a yo-yo stock大起大落股票
proj.manag.All the ban did was delay by a few 'weeks what turned into one of the biggest stock market crashes in history卖空禁令所做的、就是把历史上最大规模股市崩盘之一的时间推后了几周
econ.Because of insufficient stock we can offer you only a quarter of your requirement由于存货不够,我方只能供给你方所需要数量的 1/4
securit.cancel a stock for dealing in stock market禁止在股市上交易
securit.cancel a stock for dealing in stock market摘牌
proj.manag.Citi will begin a conversion of preferred shares into common stock held by the US government and other shareholders this week本周、花旗将启动把美国政府及其他股东所持优先股转换为普通股的计划
textileclass A common stockA类普通股
textileclass A common stock甲类普通股
busin.class A common stockA 类普通股
securit.Class A common stockA类普通股
busin.class A stockA 类股
securit.Class A stockA类股票
China, lawconstitution of a stock exchange证券交易所章程
org.name., securit.Daily Closing A Shares Composite Component Index of Shanghai Stock Exchange上海证券交易所每日收市成分A股指数
org.name., securit.Daily Closing A Shares Composite Component Index of Shenzhen Stock Exchange深圳证券交易所每日收市成分A股指数
securit.daily closing A stock composite index每日收盘 A 股综合指数
gen.have a large stock of information见多识广
gen.have a large stock of information见闻丰富
gen.have a large stock of information学问〔学识〕渊博
gen.have a rich stock of information有很丰富的资料
econ.He wants to control a majority of the stock of the company他想控制该公司的大多数股票
securit.holding a position for chance of profitable stock deal持仓待机炒作
gen.keep a large stock of information见多识广
gen.keep a large stock of information见闻丰富
gen.keep a large stock of information学问〔学识〕渊博
econ.lay in a stock of goods进货
econ.lay in a stock of goods贮存货物
tech.lay in a stock of merchandise进货
securit.making a market in stock股票"做市"
securit.marking the closing price of a stock操纵股票收盘价格
securit.marry a stock长期持有股票
proj.manag.Mr. Buffett's $5bn infusion comes in the form of a private placement of perpetual preferred stock, the company said高盛表示、巴菲特50亿美元的注资将以配售永久优先股的形式进行
tech.number of carriages in a train stock车底编成辆数
fisherynumber of individuals of a stock某种群或股群中的数量
fisherynumber of individuals of a stock某年龄组中的数量
fisherynumber of individuals of a stock某世代中的个体数量
tech.position for repairing a rolling stock修车台位
China, lawpractitioner of a stock exchange证券公司的从业人员
securit.resumption of a stock transaction复牌被停牌的股票恢复交易
busin.sales of a stock of goods存货出售
agric.stock a pond蓄养
agric.stock a pond放养
securit.stock A/C of consignor委托人股东账号
securit.stock broker's clerk wearing a red vest at floor红马甲股票交易所场内穿红背心的交易员
securit.stock market in a retreat股市回落
securit.subsidiary company of a corporation listed on the stock market上市公司的子公司
econ.The active stock is said to go up, I am willing to hazard a try该热门股据传会上涨,我愿冒险一试
econ.The company publishes a weekly magazine on the stock market该公司出版一种股票市场的周刊
mech.eng.The headstock and chuck hold one end of a piece of the bar stock主轴箱和卡盘固定住一根棒料的一端
commer.The two banks were affiliated by a common ownership of stock这两家银行因共有股权而联系密切
econ.There is a lot of activity on the Stock Exchange now现在证券交易所有大量的业务活动
econ.They are seeking a quotation on the stock exchange他们正在找一份股票交易所的行情表
econ.They have enough stock for a couple of weeks他们库存够一两个星期
econ.This item goes out of stock at the moment but will come back into stock in a month这种货现无存货,一个月后有货
securit.transaction resumed of a stock after suspension复牌被停牌的股票恢复交易
securit.transaction resumed of a stock after suspension恢复交易
securit.trigger a stock market collapse引发股市崩盘
securit.trigger a stock market collapse引发股市暴跌
commer.We have only a limited stock in hand我们手中存货不多