
Terms for subject Commerce containing 500 | all forms
about 500 M/T大约500公吨
be appraised at £stg. 500,000估价为500,000英镑
buy a car and pay for it by monthly installments of US $500购一辆小汽车,按每月500美元分期支付
circa 500 M/T大约500公吨
Damages are assessed at £ stg. 2,500,000损失费估计为2,500,000 英镑
draw a draft on the buyer for the balance of £ Stg 500开立汇票向买方收取余款500英镑
If your yearly turnover exceeds $500,000, we'll pay you an overriding commission of 1%如果你方年交易额超过500,000美元,我方将付给你方1%超额佣金
remit a check for £ stg. 500汇寄五百英镑支票
The amount came to a total of US $2,500金额总计达2,500美元
The quantity is reduced from 1,000 to 500 M/T数量由1,000公吨减为500公吨