
Terms for subject Commerce containing 2 | all forms
at US $2.50 per gross每罗2.5美元
claim HKD 2,000 for inferiority of quality因质量低劣而索赔2,000 香港元
claim £ stg. 2,000 for short shipment因短装而索赔2,000英镑
Damages are assessed at £ stg. 2,500,000损失费估计为2,500,000 英镑
estimate 2% for ullage损耗估计百分之二
For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%对所有这些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金
overage of US $2,0002,000 美元的超额
Please make reference to Term 2. of the agreement请参阅协议第二条
raise a claim against the insurance company for £ stg. 2,000 for damage in transportation因运输受损向保险公司索赔2,000英镑
reasonable2ness test合理性检查
Repacking would entail an expenditure of £ stg. 2,000重新包装将需2,000英镑
Thai baht 2,0002,000 铢
The agreement stipulates for 2% overriding commission to be paid if the yearly turnover exceeds US $10,000.协议规定如果年贸易额超过10,000美元,须加付佣金百分之二
The amount came to a total of US $2,500金额总计达2,500美元
The amount is CNY 2,000 in the aggregate总金额为2,000人民币
The bidding started at US $2,000 and rose up to US $5,000喊价从2,000美元开始抬高到5,000美元
The losses are computed at £ stg. 2,000损失估计为2,000英镑
The risk is coverable at a premium of 2%此保险费为2%
The tax-collector came down on the company for US 2,000收税员向该公司索款2,000 美元
The weight figures out at 2,000M/T计算出的事量为2,000公吨
There were about 2,000 entries in the exhibition展览会中约有2,000件展品
trim off 2% from the price减价 2%
We note from your letter of the 2nd inst. that you are interested in our native produce我们从你方本月二日来信中获悉你方对我方的土产品感兴趣
We're in receipt of your letter of the 2nd inst., contents of which have had our due perusal你方本月二日函收到,内容已详阅