
Terms for subject Commerce containing 100 | all forms
above 100 M/T大于100公吨
advance NZ $100 on his salary预支薪金100新西兰元
an expenditure of US $100,000 on replacement设备更新经费100,000美元
ask for a loan of US $100,000要求借款100,000美元
ask for alteration to 100 M/T要求把重量改为100公吨
bear the weight of 100,000 M/T承载十万公吨
100 boxes100箱
100 cases100 箱
check for US $100一百美元的支票
claim US $100,000 from the underwriter向保险人索赔100,000 美元
cotton 100 bales棉花100 包
debit us with US 100,000 to our A/C把100,000 美元贷记我方来往账户
Enclosed we are sending you our proforma invoice No. 100 in five copies兹寄送我方第100号形式发票一式五份
100 gallons一百加仑
100 grains100格令
mortgage a house to sb. for US $100,000用房子向某人抵押借款100,000美元
obtain an accommodation of US $100,000得到100,000 美元贷款
100 pieces一百件
require a budget of US $100,000要求100,000美元预算
the balance of 100 M/T100 公吨余数
The company made a profit of US $10,000 on a turnover of US$100,000该公司营业额为100,000美元,盈利10,000 美元
The price is hovering between US $100 and US $105 per M/T每公吨价格在100美元与105美元之间变动
They estimated the cashier's defalcation as US $100,000. 000. 他们估计出纳员盗用公款达100,000美元
We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence等待你方取得进口许可证
We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence我方已为你方保留100公吨货物
We herewith enclose our Sales Confirmation No. 100 in duplicate兹附去我方第100号销售确认书一式两份 (in two copies)
Your Order No. 100 will soon be completed你方第100 号订单不久将执行完毕