
Terms containing shape | all forms | exact matches only
construct.arched truss with crescent-shape unitsдъгова ферма от сърповидни елементи
construct.assumed channel shapeпривидно речно корито
construct.bow-shape welded butt jointдъгообразно заваръчно съединение
comp., MSclosed shapeзатворена форма (A shape that is surrounded by a continuous outline, such as a rectangle or circle)
comp., MSConvert to ShapeКонвертиране във фигура (A feature that enables Tablet PC users to convert an ink drawing to a standard OfficeArt shape, which can be formatted with colors and effects exactly as if it were inserted using "Insert Shape.")
construct.crescent shapeсърповидност
construct.deformed shapeпериодичен профил
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionразпознаване по геометрията на ушите
dat.proc., life.sc.ear shape recognitionразпознаване на формата на ухото
forestr.factor of shapeвидово число
construct.foundation bed shape factorкоефициент за формата на долната равнина на фундамент
construct.in good shapeв добро състояние (алешаBG)
comp., MSshape adaptationадаптация на образа (The process of training the recognizer to associate a specific shape with a given character. This "personalizes" a recognizer in that it learns to map a very specific shape to a character, rather than a whole set of shapes from various writers)
comp., MSShape ClientКлиент на образите (The recognizer specific part of the shape trainer. Typically every recognizer claiming to support shape personalization must supply a Shape Client DLL. All the Microsoft Latin recognizers will all use the same Shape Client)
comp., MSshape dataданни за фигура (The collection of custom properties for a shape)
comp., MSshape-level validationпроверка на ниво фигура (The act of checking a visual workflow to ensure that the shapes and connections are valid)
comp., MSShape ManagerДиспечер на образите (The recognizer independent part of the shape trainer. It provides simple services to the Shape Client (EXE))
econ.shape-memory alloyсплав която запазва формата си
construct.shape stability analysisизчисляване на устойчивост на формата
comp., MSshape trainerучител за образи (A feature that helps improve the recognition of a user's handwriting by a process in which the user provides samples for shapes that are associated with given characters, in order to teach the recognizer which shapes should be recognized as which character)
construct.structural shapeпрофилно изделие
construct.structural shapeфасонно изделие
build.mat.torch shapeформа на факел
environ.wastes from shaping including forging, welding, pressing, drawing, turning, cutting and filingoтпадъци от формоване, физична и механична повърхностна обработка на метали и пластмаси
construct.welded shapeзаварен профил