
Terms for subject Microsoft containing controls | all forms
access controlуправление на достъпа (A security mechanism that determines which operations a user, group, service, or computer is authorized to perform on a computer or on a particular object, such as a file, printer, registry subkey, or directory service object)
access control entryзапис за контрол на достъпа (An entry in either a securable object's discretionary access control list (DACL) or an object's system access control list (SACL). In a DACL, the entry grants or denies permissions to a user or group. In a SACL, the entry specifies which security events to audit for a particular user or group or controls the Windows Integrity Level for the object)
Access Control Entry Management ViewУправление на контрола на достъпа (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
access control listсписък за контрол на достъпа (In Windows-based systems, a list of access control entries (ACE) that apply to an entire object, a set of the object's properties, or an individual property of an object, and that define the access granted to one or more security principals)
active controlактивна контрола (In an environment capable of displaying multiple on-screen controls, the control that will be affected by current cursor movements, commands, and text entry)
ActiveX controlActiveX контрола (A software control that incorporates ActiveX technology)
admission controlконтрол на допускане (The service used to administratively control network resources on shared network segments)
Audio ControlsУправление на аудиото (An item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for audio calls. Audio Controls include a Call menu for the currently selected person, microphone and speaker controls, Mute, Hang Up, and Transfer buttons)
basic controlобикновена контрола (A control that is rendered as a label-value pair)
bound controlобвързана контрола (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display or modify data from a table, query, or SQL statement)
calculated controlизчислявана контрола (A control used on a form, report, or data access page to display the result of an expression. The result is recalculated each time there is a change in any of the values that the expression is based on)
Callback Control Protocolпротокол за управление на обратното повикване (The Network Control Protocol that negotiates the use of callback over PPP links)
chrome controlхром контрола (An HTML and JavaScript based control that renders the top chrome, which is available to use in apps for SharePoint)
client extension controlуправление на клиентско разширение (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)
client extension controlелемент за управление на клиентско разширение (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)
combo box controlконтрола на разгъващ се списък (A standard Windows control that combines text box and list box functions)
compound controlсъставна контрола (A control and an attached label, such as a text box with an attached label)
content controlконтрола на съдържание (A control designed to contain content such as placeholder or sample text or images that is updated by the user, or pre-defined lists of items from which users can select)
control-breakкомбинация за прекратяване (A key or combination of keys used to tell a computer to halt, or break out of, whatever it is doing. On IBM PCs and compatibles under DOS, pressing the Pause/ Break or Scroll Lock/Break key while holding down the Ctrl key issues the break command (as does Ctrl-C). On Macintosh computers, the key combination that sends a break code is Command-period)
Control call forwarding from CommunicatorПрехвърлянето на обажданията се управлява от Communicator (An item the user can select in the Options dialog box, Phones tab. When the user selects this option, Communicator controls automatic forwarding of incoming calls using the call-forwarding settings the user selects)
Control GalleryГалерия с контроли (A library of controls that support user interface development. Some of these controls function as containers for other controls or content, such as images and media)
control handleбутон за управление (A handle that specifies unique behavior for certain shapes)
Control PanelКонтролен панел (A Windows program that collects and displays for users the system-level features of the computer, including hardware and software setup and configuration. From Control Panel, users can click individual items to configure system-level features and perform related tasks)
Control Panel Homeначален прозорец на контролния панел (The main Control Panel window)
control patternсхема на контрол (A design implementation that describes a discrete piece of functionality for a control. This functionality can include the visual appearance of a control and the actions it can perform)
control pointточка на управление (A handle that can be dragged to change the curve or symmetry of a segment)
control protocol plug-inдобавка за управляващ протокол (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to communicate with clients and other servers through different network protocols)
custom controlпотребителска контрола (A form component, such as a template part or ActiveX control, that isn't included with InfoPath by default. Form designers can add or remove custom controls by using the Controls task pane)
delegate controlконтрола за делегиране (A control on a page or master page that can be replaced with another control or content)
disabled controlдезактивирана контрола (A control that appears dimmed on a form or data access page. A disabled control cannot get the focus and will not respond to mouse clicks)
discretionary access control listсписък за потребителски контрол на достъпа (An access control list that is controlled by the owner of an object and that specifies the access particular users or groups can have to the object)
Display Control Interfaceинтерфейс за управление на дисплея (An interface that offers improved graphics performance as a result of direct video memory access)
dynamic access controlуправление на динамичен достъп (The ability for IT pros to define how users access a system based on dynamic qualities, such as a user's location or role)
enhanced presenter controlsподобрени контроли на представящия (A collection of Lync Meeting host and presenter controls that optimizes for the type of meeting, size of audience, content, and/or video sources available to participants)
Enter remote call control URIвъвеждам URI за отдалечен контрол на разговорите (An option in the Manually Configure Phone Integration dialog box where the user enters his phone number in the required format. To access this dialog box, click the Configure button in the Options dialog box, on the Accounts tab)
Exchange Control Panelконтролен панел на Exchange (A web-based management tool for Microsoft Exchange administrators and enterprise e-mail users)
expand controlконтрола за разгъване (A control that, when clicked, expands or collapses a grouped record to display or hide its detail records)
Frame Zoom Controlконтрола за мащабиране на рамка (A control that contains a slider)
Internet Control Message Protocolпротокол за контролни интернет съобщения (A required maintenance protocol in the TCP/IP suite that reports errors and allows simple connectivity. ICMP is used by the Ping tool to perform TCP/IP troubleshooting)
Link Control Protocolпротокол за контрол на връзката (A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection)
list controlсписъчна контрола (A control on a form, that repeats as needed, into which users can enter text. The control can be formatted as a bulleted, numbered, or plain list)
Lync Online administrator controlsконтроли на администратора на Lync Online (Provide Lync Online administrators with the ability to run Lync Online PowerShell cmdlets and assign role-based access control (RBAC) roles to other administrators in the organization)
Mail ControlУправление на поща (The primary navigation tab for mailflow management features in Outlook Live: Transport rules, called "rules" in Outlook Live service; Supervision policies, including closed campus supervision policy and bad words supervision policy, and anti-bullying supervision policy; IP safelisting; Domain types: hosted or shared)
Math Input ControlКонтрола за математическо въвеждане (A control that provides integration of math handwriting recognition functionality into other applications. This control is for applications that want to include math recognition functionality but do not want to fully implement their own math recognition user interface)
Outside Voice ControlУправление на външни повиквания (The application that connects a mobile device to the enterprise network. Outside Voice Control enables mobile devices that are running the mobile application of Lync Server or Office Communicator Mobile to send and receive calls that come through the enterprise network, in addition to calls that come through the mobile carrier network)
Parental Controlsродителски контрол (A Control Panel icon in Windows Vista that allows parents and guardians to customize key aspects of their children's online and computing experience through the use of features such as game ratings and activity reports)
Phone Controlsуправление на телефона (An Item on the View menu that displays the toolbar of controls for PBX phone calls. Includes a Call menu for the currently selected person, Hold, Hang Up, Announced Transfer, Unnanounced Transfer, and Dial Pad buttons)
remote call controlотдалечено управление на повикванията (The ability to send and receive calls on a desktop phone by using a computer-supported telecommunications application, such as Lync or Communicator)
remote controlотдалечено управление (The process of viewing and interacting with an existing Remote Desktop Protocol session initiated by another user)
remote control softwareсофтуер за управление на отдалечен достъп (Software designed to provide access to a computer from a remote location. These programs are often installed by the computer owner or administrator, and are only a risk if unexpected)
repeating section content controlконтрола на съдържание за повтарящи се раздели (​A content control that enables a user the repeat its contents as many times as the user wants to repeat it)
role-based access control roleроля със съответно управление на достъпа (The user role that is assigned to a user account, which determines the options that are visible to that user and the tasks that the user can perform in the management interface for Exchange Labs)
scrolling text controlконтрола за превъртане на текст (A control or component on a page that displays moving text)
subform controlуправление на подформуляр (A control that displays a subform in a form or a subform or a subreport in a report)
subreport controlуправление на подотчет (A control that displays a subform in a form or a subform or a subreport in a report)
system access control listсписък за контрол на достъпа до системата (An ACL that controls the generation of audit messages for attempts to access a securable object. The ability to get or set an object's SACL is controlled by a privilege typically held only by system administrators)
system control areaсистемна контролна област (An area in the taskbar that shows icons for network connectivity, volume control, clock, and on laptops and Tablet computers, the battery)
tab controlконтрола за раздели (A standard control that resembles a notebook and lets the user navigate different sections of information without leaving the current element on the screen)
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol A set of networking protocols widely used on the Internet that provides communications across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and various operating systems. TCP/IP includes standards for how computers communicate and conventions for connecting networks and routing trafficпротокол за управление на трансфера/Интернет протокол (TCP/IP)
unbound controlнеобвързана контрола (A control that is not connected to a field in an underlying table, query, or SQL statement. An unbound control is often used to display informational text or decorative pictures)
User Account ControlУправление на потребителските акаунти (A security feature that helps prevent unauthorized changes to a computer, by asking user for permission or administrator credentials before performing actions that could potentially affect the computer's operation or that change settings that affect multiple users)
volume control buttonбутон за контрол на звука (A hardware button that increases and decreases the sound volume)