
Terms for subject Microsoft containing simple | all forms | exact matches only
Simple Authentication and Security Layerwarstwa zabezpieczeń i prostego uwierzytelnienia (An open framework, described in Request for Comments (RFC) 2222, for adding authentication support to connection-based protocols)
simple clientklient prosty (A type of cache client that does not have a routing table and thus does not need network connectivity to all cache hosts in the cache cluster. Because data traveling to simple clients from the cluster may need to travel across multiple cache hosts, simple clients may not perform as fast as a routing clients)
simple featureelement prosty (A feature with all geometric attributes described piecewise by straight-line or planar interpolation between sets of points as defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium)
Simple Filter tabkarta Prosty filtr (A tab, found on the Action menu, in the Filter Report selection, that enables the user to select or filter records with the wanted values)
simple indicatorwskaźnik prosty (The title of a dialog that enables users to set up a simple indicator by setting the name, description, value, goal, status icon, etc)
simple keyframeprosta ramka kluczowa (In an animation timeline, a type of keyframe that indicates a single property change at a point in time)
Simple Markup viewwidok prostej adiustacji (A view for tracked changes that clearly identifies where changes and comments are in a document, and gives you easy access to them, without detracting from the readability)
simple networksieć prosta (A type of operations network in which one operation is started and completed before the next operation begins)
simple PIDLprosty wskaźnik PIDL (A PIDL that is parsed without disk verification)
simple recovery modelmodel odzyskiwania prostego (A database recovery mode that minimally logs all transactions sufficiently to ensure database consistency after a system crash or after restoring a data backup. The database is recoverable only up to the time of its most recent data backup, and restoring individual pages is unsupported)
simple styleprosty styl (A style that is used for Expression Blend controls that contain simplified templates based upon the set of Windows Presentation Foundation system controls)
Simple TCP/IP Servicesusługi Simple TCP/IP (Four TCP/IP services: Character Generator, Daytime Discard, Echo, and Quote of the Day)
simple timeczas pojedynczej sekcji (The duration of a single section of forward progress for a given node)
simple typetyp prosty (An element that can only contain text and appears as in an XML document, or any attribute of an element. Attributes are considered simple types because they contain only text)
simple volumewolumin prosty (A dynamic volume made up of disk space from a single dynamic disk. A simple volume can consist of a single region on a disk or multiple regions of the same disk that are linked together)