
Terms containing Subscription | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSanonymous subscriptionsubskrypcja anonimowa (A type of pull subscription for which detailed information about the subscription and the Subscriber is not stored)
fin.capital subscriptionsubskrypcja kapitału
law, fin.capital subscriptionwpłata na poczet kapitału EBC
comp., MSclient subscriptionsubskrypcja kliencka (A subscription to a merge publication that uses the priority value of the Publisher for conflict detection and resolution)
comp., MSdata-driven subscriptionsubskrypcja oparta na danych (A subscription that takes generated output for subscription values (for example, a list of employee e-mail addresses))
comp., MSdestination subscriptionsubskrypcja docelowa (A new subscription that is created as a result of a conversion or a merge)
comp., MSEdge Subscription fileplik Edge Subscription (The XML file that is exported on the Edge Transport server and imported on the Hub Transport server to establish an Edge Subscription)
comp., MSglobal subscriptionsubskrypcja globalna (A subscription to a merge publication with an assigned priority value used for conflict detection and resolution)
comp., MSimmediate updating subscriptionnatychmiastowo aktualizowana subskrypcja (A subscription to a transactional publication for which the user is able to make data modifications at the Subscriber. The data modifications are then immediately propagated to the Publisher using the two-phase commit protocol (2PC))
fin.key for capital subscriptionklucz subskrypcji
fin.key for subscription of the ECB's capitalklucz subskrypcji
fin.key for subscription to the capital of the European Central Bankklucz subskrypcji
fin.key for subscription to the European Central Bank's capitalklucz subskrypcji
comp., MSlocal subscriptionsubskrypcja lokalna (A subscription to a merge publication that uses the priority value of the Publisher for conflict detection and resolution)
comp., MSnotification subscriptionsubskrypcja powiadomienia (A package that contains the notification subscriber, the notification subscriber address, and any additional information, such as when to send specific types of notifications)
comp., MSPOP subscriptionsubskrypcja POP (A subscription that gathers messages from POP3 mailboxes and delivers the messages to a designated Outlook Live mailbox so that the Outlook Live end user can centralize their e-mail accounts and only have to check one mailbox)
law, fin.preemptive subscription rightprawo pierwszeństwa
law, fin.preemptive subscription rightprawo poboru
fin.public subscriptionsubskrypcja publiczna
comp., MSpull subscriptionsubskrypcja wciągana (A subscription created and administered at the Subscriber. The Distribution Agent or Merge Agent for the subscription runs at the Subscriber)
comp., MSpush subscriptionsubskrypcja wypychana (A subscription created and administered at the Publisher)
comp., MSreport subscriptionsubskrypcja raportów (A registration to have a particular report delivered to specific users who have an interest in it)
comp., MSserver subscriptionsubskrypcja serwerowa (A subscription to a merge publication with an assigned priority value used for conflict detection and resolution)
comp., MSsource subscriptionsubskrypcja źródłowa (A subscription that is canceled to create a new subscription as a result of a conversion or merge)
fin.stock subscription warrantwarrant subskrypcyjny
comp., MSsubscription advisordoradca ds. subskrypcji (" A Microsoft partner who is authorized to sell subscriptions for Microsoft Online Services. The subscription advisor may have additional authorization to offer technical support. Internally, a subscription advisor may be referred to as a "reseller," "partner of record", or "breadth partner.")
comp., MSsubscription computerkomputer oferowany na zasadach subskrypcji (The computer offered to a customer by a solution provider where the customer chooses from a range of packaged services, including a computer, genuine Windows software, and broadband Internet services, which are included in one bill. Computer time is purchased for a specified, regular time period (for example, on a monthly or quarterly basis))
comp., MSsubscription databasebaza danych subskrypcji (A database at the Subscriber that receives data and database objects published by a Publisher)
comp., MSsubscription event rulereguła zdarzenia subskrypcji (A rule that processes information for event-driven subscriptions)
comp., MSsubscription fileplik subskrypcji (An audio or video file that you rent from an online store, typically for a monthly fee)
comp., MSsubscription groupgrupa subskrypcji (A classification of subscriptions used for pricing, posting, and otherwise managing subscriptions)
fin.subscription key to the ECB's capitalklucz subskrypcji
fin.subscription modelmodel "użytkownik płaci"
fin.subscription orderzlecenie subskrypcji
law, fin.subscription privilegeprawo poboru
law, fin.subscription privilegeprawo pierwszeństwa
law, fin.subscription rightprawo pierwszeństwa
law, fin.subscription rightprawo poboru
fin.subscription right certificatewarrant subskrypcyjny
comp., MSsubscription scheduled rulereguła planowania subskrypcji (One or more Transact-SQL statements that process information for scheduled subscriptions)
radiosubscription televisiontelewizja abonamentowa
gen.subscription to smthsubskrypcja na coś
law, fin.subscription to the capital of the ECBwpłata na poczet kapitału EBC
comp., MSsubscription transactiontransakcja dotycząca subskrypcji (A transaction that modifies a subscription. There are four types of subscription transactions: regular subscription, non-regular subscription, price change, and reduction days)
fin.subscriptions and participationssubskrypcje i udziały
comp., MStoken subscriptionsubskrypcja przedpłacona (A subscription that can only be paid with a prepaid card)