
Terms containing run | all forms | exact matches only
SubjectEnglishScottish Gaelic
gen.in the long runaig a' cheann thall (Yerkwantai)
gen.in the long runanns an ùine fhada (Yerkwantai)
gen.run aboutruith mun cuairt
gen.run alongruith air adhart
gen.run awayruith air falbh
gen.run backruith air ais
gen.run downruith sìos
gen.run inruith a-steach
gen.run intoruith a-steach
gen.run offruith dheth
gen.run outruith a-mach
gen.run overruith thairis
gen.run shortruith goirid
gen.run throughruith troimhe
gen.run upruith suas